"Of course, I wanna kill him, Joe! I wanna do hell of a lot more than just kill him, I want him to suffer for everything that he's done. And he's going to." Barry says and I was shocked at those words.

"Come on, Bar. Think about what you're saying." Joe tells him.

"I have to be willing to do whatever it takes. I'm sorry, but I'm racing him, whether you want me to or not."

"And I can't talk you out of it?"

"Not this time." Barry responds and I feel a tear roll down my cheek.

"Then I'm sorry, too."

I come out from behind the wall, and throw the dart at him, hitting him in the back. He gasps as he looks to see the dart, and turns to see me. "I'm sorry, Barry. But it's for your own good." I say shakily as tears roll down my cheeks. Barry stares at me in disbelief, then falls to the ground, passing out. I walk over to Joe as he looks at me in concern. "This isn't the Barry I know and love. He's too consumed in rage to know what he's about to do." I say and Joe puts a hand on my shoulder comfortingly. "I know, Tori." he says soothingly as I stared at my unconscious boyfriend. I then open the Pipeline and open one of the cells. I take out the dart from Barry's back, levitate him, and place him inside, then close the cell. "He's in the cell. You guys can come down, now." I say in the intercom, and soon, everyone was with Joe and I. Iris stood by me, seeing that it hurt to see Barry this way, and she embraces me. After a few minutes, Barry comes to and looks around the cell in confusion. He then sees all of us standing in front of the cell and looks at us in disbelief. "What are you doing?" he asks us all as he stands up. "Why did you put me in here?" he asks us.

"Because you're too angry right now. You can't race him like that. Without a plan... You'll lose." Joe tells him.

"Keeping me in here is gonna get everyone killed. I'm the only one that can stop him, you know that." Barry says shakily, and it hurts to see him like this.

"You race Zoom on his terms, you'll lose." Harry tells him.

"This is not your decision to make!" Barry yells as he thumps the glass, making me jump.

"It is, this time." Joe says and I look down as I rub my arm. "We all made it together."

I look up to see Barry turn to look back at us in disbelief as tears rolled down my cheeks. "What? All of you?" he asks as he looks at me, then at Cisco. "Bro, I went back and forth. I was, like, a good 60-40 at first--" Cisco explains, but Harry tells him to shut up. "Yeah, yeah, we all made the decision." Cisco says as he scratches the back of his neck as Barry turns his back towards us. "Allen. Allen. This is for your own good." Harry tells him and Barry turns to look at us again as Harry walks over to the contol panel. "Don't do this. Guys, come on." Barry says and he looks at me in the eyes. "Tori, babe?" he calls me, but I just shake my head as tears flowed down my cheeks. "Cisco, come on, man." he calls Cisco, but he turns around and everyone walks out, but I stay with Iris and Joe. "You have to let me... You have to let me stop him! You have to let me--" the door closes before he could yell again. Joe turns to Iris and I as we looked at him, "Did we make the right call, here?" he asks. "Yeah, we did." I say shakily as I wipe a few tears from my face, and we walk out of the Pipeline.


The three of us walk into the Cortex, seeing everyone look at us. "You ok, Joe?" Caitlin asks him and he nods. "Yeah, that was just a little harder than I anticipated." Joe responds as he walks over to the cart. "Yeah, locking up Barry, that was the easy part." Harry says and I furrow my brows at him. "No, it really wasn't." I say as I cross my arms and Iris puts a hand on my shoulder. "I know it was hard for you, Tori. I'm sorry. But using our plan to take down Zoom without Barry, that's gonna be the hard part." Harry says and I nod. "But it's gonna be a lot easier once we know where he is, Ramon." Harry tells Cisco. "Chill man, I'm working on it." Cisco says to him. "Work harder." Harry tells him and I just roll my eyes as I help them set up the weapons. "Got it. He's at the industrial park on Leawood. Give me that." Cisco says as he holds up his hand for Jesse to high five, which she does give him. "That is some serious nerd love right there." Iris says and I nod in agreement as I close the case. Harry tells Caitlin that we all understand if she didn't want to do this, but she wanted to take down Zoom, and I smiled at her. "So, let's go over the plan again." Joe says and I nod as I turn to face everyone. "Ok. Caitlin will distract Jay so that you and Harry can hit him with the boot. Cisco's gonna open the breach and we're gonna put him through it with Tori's telekinesis if necessary." Iris says and we all nod. "I'll disarm the Magnetar." Harry says as he straps on his backpack.

"Destroy the Magnetar," Cisco says.

"Save the multi-verse." they say together.

"One more thing, we need to agree. We all made this decision togeter, so, if anything goes wrong, we stick with it." Joe says.

"Let's load up."

As I was about to change into my suit, I look at Barry sitting in the corner of his cell. I sigh, then change into my suit. We all head into the garage, and head out to the industrial park to take Zoom down, once and for all.


When we arrive at the industrial park, I hid behind a control box and look around. "Ok. In position." I hear Harry say through the coms. "Same here." I say as I keep a look out. "Copy that. We got you." Jesse says to us. "Ok, Snow, you ready?" Harry asks her. "As ready as I can be." she says and I take a deep breath as I try to collect my thoughts. "Cisco? Cisco, you good?" Joe asks him through the coms. "Define "good." Cisco says and I smirk as I shake my head. "Cisco, you're gonna be great." I tell him and I hear his sigh deeply. "Snow, when you're ready." Harry tells him and I sigh, and look back at the industrial park. "Ok." she says nervously and I hear Iris tell her that she's got this. Suddenly, Caitlin's hologram appears from nowhere and we watch as the plan goes down. "Jay?" she calls out as she walks in and stands in front of the building. "Jay!" she calls out again as I watch intently. Soon, Zoom speeds out and stands a few feet in front of Caitlin. I clench my hands into fists as I watched, "How did you find me?" he asks her in a harsh tone. "Dr. McGee said the Magnetar was stolen from her labs. I knew that it had to be you, so, I tracked you here." she says to him. "I tracked you here, Jay, no one else knows." she lies to him.

"I told you, if you left me--"

"That if I betrayed you, you'd show me no mercy. I know. But I just wanna explain why I did that. Please, Jay." she says.

"Talk." he says.

"Good job, girl. Now draw him towards you." I hear Iris tell her.

"I made a mistake. I am so sorry that I abandonded you. But you have to understand, what you said to me, that there was a dark side of me, that I was... I was more like Killer Frost than I knew. I didn't wanna accept that." she says to him as she walks closer to him. "I tried to lock the darkness inside of me. But you knew that that was already a part of me now. And you're the only one who did." he walks closer to her. "And now, I'm ready to accept who I really am."

"Cisco get ready." Joe says.

"I am so sorry that I hurt you. But now, I want to be the one that only you know. Please, Jay, let me try."

"One more step." I hear Joe say.

I watch as he looked at her, trying to see if he believed her every word. "I knew you'd eventually come around, Caitlin." Zoom says as he exhales, and it seemed like he bought it. "But it's too late." he says and tries to stab her with his vibrating hand, but the hologram pixalates and disappears. He looks around in confusion, and turns around trying to look for us, but Joe shoots the boot at Zoom's neck. "Now! Ramon!" Harry yells and Cisco opens the breach. Harry shoots Zoom as we waited for Joe to shoot the tranqs. "Tranq him!" Harry yells as he runs out of his spot. "The gun is jammed!" Joe yells and I widen my eyes as I take out two of my tranq darts from my belt. I throw the darts at him, and Joe runs up to him, stabbing him with two other darts. "Tori, do it!" I hear Harry yell and I push Jay back with my telekinesis, but it takes Joe along with him. "Joe!" I yell in worry and I hear Iris yell in worry also. This was my fault. I pushed Joe in, and who knows what Zoom will do to him now.

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