『Chapter Seventeen || Meeting (some of) the Family!』

Start from the beginning

Fuyumi gasped and ran over to Fumika, "You're his girlfriend? Oh, I've always wanted to meet you!"

"Hehe, nice to meet you, too," Fumika said, awkwardly when Fuyumi pulled her into a hug.

"It's so nice to know that you're actually real!" Fuyumi said, "You know, I never thought Kyoya-san would actually get a girlfriend--not with that attitude of his. He may seem all polite on the outside, but he's a scheming demon on the inside."

"I'm right here, Fuyumi-nee-san," Kyoya grumbled.

"You know, for a while, I actually thought he was gay! And for Tamaki-san," Fuyumi giggled.

"How many times have I told you, I'm not gay!"

"Denial is the first step," his sister whispered to Fumika who couldn't help but giggle.

"What are you doing here, Fuyumi-nee-san?" Kyoya asked, crossing his arms in annoyance.

"What? You mean I can't visit my little brother?" Fuyumi asked in an offended voice. She turned to Fumika, "Kyoya-san is so mean to me, isn't he?"

Kyoya sighed, "Can you not talk about me as if I wasn't in the room?"

"Hmpfh. I was gonna ask if you could help me bring your laundry to your room, but I suppose that won't happen," Fuyumi huffed.

"Why can't you let the help do that?"

"I'll help you, Fuyumi-san," Fumika offered.

Fuyumi squealed and hugged her, "Oh, you are such a dear! Unlike Kyoya-san..."

|| Time Skip ||

"Thank you again for helping me, Fumika-chan," Fuyumi chirped as they walked through the hallways, Fumika carrying the laundry basket.

"It's no problem really," Fumika said, shrugging.

Suddenly, Fuyumi gasped. "Oh dear, I just realized that I forgot to tell Makoto-kun something."

"Go ahead," Fumika said, "I think I can direct myself back to Kyoya's room."

"You're a sweetheart," Fuyumi said, smiling at Fumika before walking away.

Fumika adjusted the basket in her arms and resumed to make her way back to Kyoya's room. A few minutes later, however, Fumika managed to trip over herself and stumble to the ground, the basket going with her. She landed on the edge of the basket, causing it to tip over and spill. Meanwhile, the other side of the basket went up and hit the poor girl's chin.

"Owie.." Fumika whimpered as she laid on the ground, her head in the--now, sideways--basket.

"May I ask what you are doing on the floor?" An unfamiliar voice asked.

"Oh...you know, just lying here, trying to get some sleep--burning in lava," Fumika said, muttering the last part, "You have a really nice floor. Very clean."

"I will let the maids know that," the man said. Suddenly, Fumika felt some hands grab her arms and pull her up and out of the basket.

"You didn't have to help me," Fumika said, "I could've gotten up myself." Now that her head was out of the basket, she could see that the voice belonged to a man. He was tall with spiky hair, and she had to admit, he was fairly attractive.

"That wouldn't be very gentleman-like of me to leave a woman lying on the ground with her head stuck in a basket." the man said.

"Well, my head wasn't exactly stuck in the basket," Fumika thought to herself as she bent down to collect Kyoya's clothes and put them back in the basket. "I was simply just questioning the life choices that made me become the pathetically clumsy person I am."

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