Jessica: Fuck off

I put my phone on mute and tucked it away inside my purse, so I won't have to bother reading his reply.


I walked into the kitchen to find my parents busily rushing about, ordering the workers around in a hurry.

"What's going on?" I asked, confused by this madness.

"It's the Larksons. Their entire family is coming over for dinner," replied my mother hastily, blonde hair flapping behind her as she fast walked. "They're moving back into their old home in Massachusetts, so we'll be seeing them around more often now."

"Are Hannah and Dan coming?" I asked.

"Yes," the petite blonde woman quickly responded to my question before turning around and giving more orders.


"Jessica!" Exclaimed Hannah as she pulled me into a deep hug. Her warmth engulfed me as she squeezed my petite body, filling my nostrils with a punch of her perfume. Whatever it was, she sure smelled expensive.

"Hannah" I responded, out of breath. "I missed you." I inhaled her scent once more with a deep breath, before pulling away.

"You've grown up so much! How have you been?" She asked me excitedly, with brown hair softly bouncing against her back as we walked through the entrance to my house.

"Well," I replied. "A lot has happened."

She looked at me. "Oh... Right... I heard about the Caroline thing?"

"Yes..." I rolled my eyes dramatically. "My mom must have gossiped." She laughed.

"Girls!" I heard a loud, deep voice calling from behind us. Hannah and I both turned simultaneously.

"Dan!" I screamed, jumping on him with a tight embrace, wrapping my legs around him in the process. He chuckled softly at my childishness, flashing his white teeth. I could feel his warm breath tickle me in the neck. I jumped back down. "I missed you so much. It's been so long!"

"Awwww" he cooed. "Well I'm back. We can hang out lots, just like the good old times." He smiled.

And damn this man has a great smile.

I melted a little on the inside.

"Come on in," I said, holding the door open for them. "Your parents have already arrived."

"Wow it's nice and cozy in here," said Hannah. "Kind of small though... Compared to the mansion you used to live in."

"Once this Caroline thing is done, I'll be moving back." I glanced at Dan, who was busy looking around like a curious child in a new place.

We arrived at the dinner table.

"Welcome," my mom beamed. "It's so nice to have you all here for dinner."

"Have a seat," my father said. We all pulled out a chair and sat down.

We passed around the food, filled up our plates, and dug in.

Actress in DisguiseWhere stories live. Discover now