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You: you're lucky that you were born a man
Alex: really?
Alex: and, yes, I was born a man
Alex: bushy beard and inflated ego straight from the womb
You: man. Boy. Male. WHATEVER
Alex: Anyways, I'm intrigued. Go on
You: boys have the good life. I mean, there's so many things that suck about being a girl
Alex: such as?
You: periods. Having to carry the baby. Society's standards and such. Stereotypes. Being viewed as inferior and targeted for harassment, etc.
Alex: those are all very good points
Alex: but, I mean, boys have some unfair expectations as well
Alex: we're all expected to be athletic and unfeeling and stuff
You: yeah, true
You: society definitely sucks in all aspects
You: "be yourself! be unique!" they say, while sucking your soul out and putting you into a cookie cutter mold so that everyone is the same because if ur different for any reason you get outcasted
Alex: fuck the police
Alex: let's make our own society
You: good plan
You: what should we call it
Alex: idk I was hoping you would volunteer a name
You: it was your idea
Alex: yeah, so, team effort. You choose the name
You: or maybe we just wait for one of us to come up with it
You: whenever inspiration strikes
Alex: who says it even needs a name? Fuck organization
Alex: the nameless society we shall be
You: the society of the no-names
Alex: perfect
You: now that that's handled...you still don't have to deal with periods
Alex: and thank God for that :)

A Loser With A Cellphone (Alex Standall)Where stories live. Discover now