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Alex: i put her name on the list.
Alex: best ass. to get back at Jessica
Alex: I didn't have to, you know? It took, like, 5 seconds to write their names down
Alex: and I fucked up so many lives with that
You: But you didn't mean to
You: Didn't you say there were 13 reasons? Why are you carrying all of the guilt?
Alex: I was reason #3. I basically caused everything that happened afterwards
Alex: and if I hadn't done what I did Hannah would still be alive
Alex: or if I had reached out to her afterwards. she was my friend and I ruined her life
You: I wish there was something that I could do to help you with how you're feeling rn...
You: Maybe talk to Mr. Porter about it?
Alex: Ahahahahahahahahahahah no
Alex: He couldn't give less of a shit, trust me on that
Alex: And it kinda helps to just talk to you about it
Alex: Thanks
You: It's no problem. Honestly.
Alex: Anyways
Alex: Moving on for now
Alex: How are u?
You: you know what's weird
You: I don't think we've ever exchanged such pleasantries before
Alex: Pleasantries?
You: Yanno, like, "hi" "hey" "how are you" "I'm good you" "I'm good what are u up to" "not much" "same"
Alex: I knew what you meant, I was just making fun of you for using that word
Alex: Do you want to?
You: Nah
You: Too boring
Alex: I think ur right on that
Alex: I like that I don't have to be fake with you
You: I'm glad ☺️
Alex: Even though you use emojis
You: Everything comes with a price
Alex: Hah. You have no idea

A Loser With A Cellphone (Alex Standall)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن