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MusicGuy: So, how did your presentation go?
You: Amazing. Standing ovation
MusicGuy: Wow. You must be some sort of incredible to pump up a group of unimpressionable teenagers
You: Oh yeah, totally
You: I was just being sarcastic btw
You: the entire time it played I died inside and the class only clapped bc they had to
You: so yeah, on my way to being famous :)
MusicGuy: I bet it was amazing tho
MusicGuy: people suck anyways
You: thx
You: You don't suck tho
MusicGuy: *your voice* How can you know I don't suck if you don't know who I am??
You: *your voice* Don't turn my own compliment back on me
MusicGuy: lmao
MusicGuy: And I didn't use lol this time, so leave me alone
You: 😢 <-- my face when you won't let me pick on you
You: anyways I have geometry now so bye
MusicGuy: enjoy yourself :)

A Loser With A Cellphone (Alex Standall)Where stories live. Discover now