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MusicGuy: I'm just gonna call you Lyrical from hereonout
MusicGuy: until I find out who you are
MusicGuy: because you like music and stuff
MusicGuy: but only, like, it's that's okay with you
You: it's okay. I like it
You: now do your facts 😛
MusicGuy: okay okay ((pushy))
You: 🙄
MusicGuy: 1. I play the electric guitar in jazz band
MusicGuy: 2. I really love music, too. It kinda controls most of my life
MusicGuy: 3. I have a lot of friends, but at the same point, it sort of feels like I have nobody. If that makes any sense?
MusicGuy: I don't know why I'm saying this to a random person. I'm sorry
You: It's okay. You can trust me. I don't know who you are, remember? And even if I did, I wouldn't tell anyone. I can be your somebody.
MusicGuy: :)
You: do you not know how to use emojis
MusicGuy: 4. I think emojis are too overused. Like, maybe they were cool originally, but now they're just cringy
MusicGuy: But there is one that I like
MusicGuy: 🖕🏻
MusicGuy: Apple did right with that one
MusicGuy: 5. My dad is a cop & my mom works at the hospital
MusicGuy: hopefully that counts as a fact about me. Idk
MusicGuy: I'm just spamming your phone with texts rn lmao
You: no, it's cool. It's not like I've got anyone else to talk to
You: both your parents save lives. That's sick
MusicGuy: I guess
MusicGuy: 6. When I was little I had a thing with climbing trees? I'm not really sure why. I was, like, always in one. My one real talent lol
MusicGuy: 7. I roll my eyes an average of 980 times a day
You: That's a lot. That's an average of 41 eye rolls per hour
MusicGuy: fine. But at least ten
MusicGuy: 8. If you are what you eat, then I'm a giant piece of pizza
You: yum
MusicGuy: 9. I burnt my hand on a candle once when I was 12
MusicGuy: 10. Oddly enough, I've enjoyed doing this

A Loser With A Cellphone (Alex Standall)Where stories live. Discover now