Chapter 30: Here comes Trouble

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Elsas Pov

"Ready Punz for Cheer." I asked Rapunzel as we came out of class. She nodded her head and picked up her speed.

"Did you hear what happened this morning?" Punzie asked as we neared the gym. I looked at her confused and motioned for my friend to continue. "Hiccup kissed Merida!" I stopped in my tracks and started at her.

"HE DID NOT! Ohmigosh are you serious? They kissed! How am i only finding this out now?" I squealed. I cant believe it. My best friend had her first kiss and she never told me.

"It didnt end so well though. She slapped him and then walked away. That's why he wanted to speak to her after English." We got changed for Cheer and then entered the gym still talking about Merida and Hiccup. "I think they both might secretly like each other. We need a ship name! Meri-"

"Cup. Mericup!" I finished. Punzie smiled and we both broke out into a fit of tears before calling the rest of the squad down. "Okay girls, we're gonna start on a new dance for the next game. We're gonna be dancing to 'Heartbeat Song' and Punzies going to start teaching you the moves."

I walked to the edge of the gym to sort out the music when i saw Cindy walk through the door, "Cindy, you're late. Hurry up!" She murmured a response but i couldnt be bothered to argue with her.

"Elsa, you ready with the music?" Punzie shouted, i replied back with a yes and pressed play on the music and watched them go through the part of the routine that they had learnt. Rapunzel continued to teach them the rest of the routine and when half of it had been taught, i put them in their places. Cindy wasnt happy at first that she was put in the back but it was her fault that she was late.

"I can't reward you by putting you at the front if you were late, sorry." I explained but she still wasnt happy and I dont think she will ever be. Practice finished a few minutes after and everyone started to clear out except Cindy. Punzie left to go to the changing rooms because she's a slow changer so i let her go ahead. "Why are you still hear Cindy?" I asked.

She made her way over to me, a develish smirk plastered on her face. "I want to show you something. Pictures i found online which i thought i just had to show you." I looked at her confused, clearly evident seeing as she continued speaking. "Jack had quite a good time on Friday, did you speak to him?"

"Not really. There's not much of a reason to speak to him about what he did."

"Oh so he told you where he was?"Cindy asked surprised.

"Yeah, he was with Lucas talking about football." I responded. She burst out laughing and was close to crying before coming back to her senses.

"Poor, poor Elsa. He lied to you. Such a shame, i really thought you two were best friend."

"Your the one lying. You just want to annoy me because of what i did to you at practice. That was your fault you know."

"I wouldnt stoop so low down just to be petty. Like i said, theres evidence. Take a look at my phone." She chucked her phone at me which luckily i caught. "Just look on my photos, it'll all under the folder 'Friday Night'."

I clicked on photos likes she said and went to the album, I clicked on the first photo and saw it was the same one that she had posted on her instagram. I continued swiping across but stopped when i came to a picture of a white haired boy who could be no one other than Jack. It was clear he was at a party having great fun. He was holding up a bottle of beer and a massive grin was plastered on his face. I continued swiping even though her point was already made. He did lie to me. He was at a party even when he told us he was with Lucas. My heart stopped when i came across a photo of the same white haired boy.

This time, the white haired boy was kissing a girl. It was the same photo on instagram just from a different angle so this time you could clearly see it was Jack and the pink hair made it obvious that he was kissing Meg. I can't believe it, i put my hand to my mouth and swiped across using my other thumb. It was Jack. Again. Just worse than the last photo. It was him kissing the girl in front of me. Jack was in only his boxers kissing Cindy with their bodies right up close to each other. I handed Cindy back the phone, not wanting to look at any more photos, I tried my hardest to push back the tears and speak with confidence.

"Those photos could have been photoshopped."

"They could but we both know that you dont believe they are." Cindy replied before walking out of the gym. I stayed still for a while, trying to process everything i just saw. Someone entered the room but i couldnt see who as my eyes were glassed up.

"Elsa are you okay?" The man's voice said, my eyes focused on the person and instead of answering i ran away. "ELSA!" Jack's voice continued to shout. I ran home and it was only when i got there, i realised i had skipped the last two lessons of school.

Flynn: Hope youre okay elsa. Jack came into class saying you were ill and went home. Check on you later.

I couldnt be bothered to text him back so i made my way upstairs and went to sleep on my bed. I woke up a few hours later when I heard the door open and close. "I'll just go check upstairs." Someones voice said followed by footsteps coming up the stairs. There was a soft knock on my door before Anna came in. "Hey sis, you okay? There's chocolate downstairs if you want any." I nodded my head and followed my sister down the stairs. I stopped dead in my tracks as soon as i saw him. I wanted to run and hide. I felt like an idiot.

"Hey Els, are you okay?" He took my hands in his but i shook them off again.

"Get. Off. Me!" I said. Everyone seemed confused, i wonder if they knew.

"Elsa, what's wrong? Why wont you speak to me?" Jack asked, hurt evident in his eyes. He should see my eyes, see the emotions in my eyes - sadness, hurt, anger, betrayal, love?

"I feel like an idiot Jack. You know that. On saturday when we spent the day together, i told you it was the best day ive had in a long time. I had so much fun that i fear started falling for you but turns out i was an idiot. I shouldnt have kissed you -even if it was just a kiss on the cheek- i shouldnt have done it because it turns out only the day before you had your own fun making out with girls who you knew i hated. You lied to us, you said you were with Lucas when in reality you were with Cindy and Meg and probably a million other girls the night before kissing them like there was no tomorrow. I trusted you Jack and im afraid that you've broken my trust but im an idiot. I should never have thought you would be any different to Hans. Get out of my house now Jack."

He stayed still for a few minutes, looking at me in my eyes. I broke down crying as soon as he finally left and Anna came straight over to me guiding me to the nearest seat and she stayed there until I fell asleep and forgot all about my troubles.

Authors Note: Heya so this was a short chapter but i didnt want it to go on and on so i decided to stop it there. Hope you enjoy it. Xx

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