Chapter 2: A New Beginning

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Elsa's PoV
"Mum, can I wake Elsa up?" My younger sister Anna pleaded, I didn't hear what my mother responded but it must have not been what Anna wanted as she tried again, "please mum!" After a long silence, I heard Anna speak again, "Yayyy! Love you mummy."

Hearing the loud footsteps of Anna, I ran to the wardrobe and hid from Anna. "ELSAAA!!!! Wake-- Elsa?!?" I saw through the keyhole that she had a puzzled look on her face, "Elsa where are you? I'm not playing hide and seek at this time of the day."

I jumped out of the wardrobe scaring the life out my little sister, "hey little sis, what are you doing in my room?" I asked her.

"I'm only a year younger! And I was planning to wake you up."

"I know. I heard you asking mum if you can." I laughed at her frown. "Come on, get out of my room so I can get ready." She glumly walked out of my room and into her own one. Now what to wear...

I'm not one of those girls that care massively about their looks but I don't want to look like a tramp either, nor do I want to look like a sparkly fairy and that's why I don't let Anna or my mom choose my outfit. Swinging open my wardrobe again, I looked through my clothes. It's not cold outside so how about a skirt and my favourite leather jacket. Changing quickly, I put my hair in a plait over my shoulder and slipped on my shoes.

"Are you ready Anna?!?" I yelled as I walked down the stairs, I didn't bother for a reply as I knew she wasn't ready but would be in 5 minutes. I saw my mum in the kitchen preparing herself for today. I kissed her on the cheek before saying "tell Anna I'm waiting in the car, thank you. Have a nice day at work, I love you."

As I waited in the car, I messaged Merida to say I was leaving soon and to meet me at my lockers. Whilst waiting for Anna, i applied my pink lipstick and my mascara. I saw Anna hurrying out of the door carrying her shoes and bag in her hands. "Ready?" I asked once she was in the car.

"Yeah." I started the car and drove us both to school. Luckily it isn't a long drive, only five minutes. Just under ten if you were to walk it. "See You at lunch sis."

"Yeah, Love You." I said to Anna as we parted ways in the car park. I walked faster as I saw Merida waiting by my locker. "Heya"

"Hi, You ready for the new year." The redhead asked. I opened my locker using my personalised locker combination. I love my locker, it was one of my prides. Inside it was decorated white with blue swirls, we weren't allowed to decorate the outside unfortunately. The locker was neatly organised with my school books on one shelf and anything else on the other. Taking out my notebook and pens, I placed them in my bag whilst responding to Mer.

"Yep, can't wait!" I said sarcastically, I changed my shoes to white high heels and placed the other ones in my locker.

"I still don't understand why you change your shoes at school... and why you even wear high heels. They're unnecessary." She complained. That's the thing with Mer, she isn't the girly type. Luckily for me, I have punzie and Anna for that so I'm glad Mer is tom-boyish. And as for me I'm in the middle of them both.

"They're just heels Mer, they aren't high at all. I'm now the same height as you." I laughed. "You ready?"

"Yeah I guess, come on." I shut my locker door and walked with Mer to our first class; English, it was one of my favourite lessons, i loved reading and writing. Plus my English teacher was so kind. We took our seats in the back row and started talking about our summer. I was so jealous of her, she went to Spain for the whole six months! 😫

Anna and Punzie sashayed in a few minutes later. I never knew she was in this class? "Oh hey sis."

"Hey Anna, when did you move classes?" I asked.

"I did tell you and mum last week at dinner. Clearly you weren't listening. Probably texting your boyfriend." She laughed trying to annoy me.

"Oh Anna, You know I simply just don't listen to you. It doesn't take a boyfriend to make me tune you out." I laughed in response. "Come on sit down with Mer And I"
We continued talking for a few minutes before Ms Belle came in.

"Hello class, I hope you all had a lovely summer break but I hope you are fresh and ready to start the year. Joining us this year are two new students. I expect you all to greet them kindly and show them the welcome they deserve here at Winter High." Ms Belle called to the class. "I'm not sure when they'll be coming in so be prepared. Anyways we will start the year by writing a diary of your favourite day in your holiday."

There were numerous groans in the classroom but this was a fun project, I had many ideas in my head already of what I wanted to do. It was during half of the lesson when a knock on the door was heard. Everyone whipped their heads towards the door and waited eagerly to see the new students. I continued writing, I didn't bother much with new students, I'd meet them eventually. "Hello Ms Belle, These are the new students. Well see you boys and enjoy your time here."

"Alright boys, I expect Miss Chart informed you of the rules and expectations of Winter High. How about you introduce yourself to the class?" Ms Belle greeted kindly. I heard whispers rising from the classroom, seriously what was so special about new people transferring to the school?!? Who knows but who cares.

"Hello everyone, I'm Jack Frost, I moved with my friends family recently from America because I wanted a break from America and its drama." One of the students introduced, I saw out of the corners of my eyes girls started to apply more makeup on.

"Hi, um, the names Hiccup Haddock and I moved from New York a few weeks ago after finishing my other school course." I looked up from my work when the new student introduced himself and emotions came flooding back to me. I saw Anna look at me and smile. I shrugged and continued working. I don't know what they did after introducing themselves, I just continued writing and let my mind drift.

"Alright class, lessons over. Pass me your work as you leave. I can't wait to read all about your summer." Ms Belle announced as the school bell went. I packed up my bag and rushed out of the classroom with Merida quickly following behind.

"Elsa... stop running" Mer called, "Elsa" she called again. I stopped walking and waited for her to catch up.

"Elsa, hold on a sec" I turned around thinking Flynn called me but when I turned there was no Flynn. Nope, instead, i saw Hiccup standing just a few feet in front of me. "Hey Elsa, I didn't know you went here."

"Yeah, I guess you wouldn't know, would you?" I responded quite coldly.

"I'm sorry for leaving for New York when we were younger by the way. I see we've both changed since I last saw you." He started, "anyways I hope we can put our pass behind us and start again. Give us a new beginning. What do you say?"

"Go to hell." I responded before walking off and joining Merida again.

"Care to explain Elsa."

"Later." I said.

A Year with You (Jelsa)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz