Chapter 27

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Same day.

Jen and I had spend the whole afternoon with Sofia, just lounging around the pool while drinking champagne and joking around. Although I was having a good time, I could not stop thinking about the information I had got about the Hearings family. I was shocked since I had not even know Amber had a child. That to me was the most surprising news because I thought how she kept her daughter private due to being embarrassed or feeling guilty for having her after experiencing trauma by getting rape by someone she knew.

I thought about Amber relationship with James even more and continued to understand her dislike for her brother. I just felt really bad for her. Who could really go through something like that and really be okay with it. I was really at a lost of words.

After getting home from Sofia, I went to my room to lay down as I felt a headache coming on from drinking the two glass of champagne. Jen was definitely drunk as she kept throwing them back trying to hang with Sofia who was drinker that saw no limit.

It was around 5:30pm when I decided to cook the dinner I had promise my father. I got the steak ready to go in the oven before putting the potatoes in the boiling water I had on the stove. I sautéed the string beans then the corn after.

By the time I was done with dinner it was after 7pm. I started to set the table when my father walked through the door.

"Hey Chloe" My dad said with a tired look on his face

"Hey Daddy, how was work?" I asked as I set the table for 4 people

"It was long but I'll be okay kid." He said as he raffled my hair

"Dad stop that!" I giggled at his silliness

"You girls and your hair" he joked as he walked out the kitchen and up the stairs

Chris came down the stairs minutes later like he just woke up

"You made steak Chlo?"

"Yes and vegetables  as per daddy request because you don't eat any" I said smiling at him because I knew how much he hated vegetables

"Because it's disgusting" he said as he sat down and replied to text messages on his phone

"Well you better eat it cause that's what I made"

"Yeah" he said but still was not paying attention to me

Suddenly the door bell rung. Moving to answer the door, I was surprised to see James standing on the other end. He had dark blue slacks on with a light blue button up shirt which he rolled up the sleeves and missing his tie with some buttons at the top open. His hair was still perfectly together and his 5 o'clock shadow was coming in.

"Is there a reason why your phone goes straight to voicemail?" He asked with a angry face

"I blocked you since you did not understand we are broken up" I said calmly but I could see the anger written all over his face

"Chloe I would like to make it up to you"

"Can you just give me space ?"

"No I can not give you space "

"Then we have nothing to talk about here then" I said getting upset because he was not listening to me

As I started to close the door, James put his feet in not allowing me to fully close it. James placed his hand on the door and pushed back.

"Are you really gonna close the door on me Chloe ? Stop acting like a child" he said looking down on me.

"Your the child that is not listening to one word I said. Leave me alone James" I said yelling a bit

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