Cop! Ryuga X criminal! Reader part 6!

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LEMON WARNING!! Also slight feels if you can tell by the picture, ladies the biggest part of your life will be in here! Big shoutout to CrystalMizaro for all the love! Also this will be longer than usual! Anyways...onwards!

Ryuga's POV!
It had been a month since my last day as a cop, my biggest battle, and nearly my biggest loss. As soon as we had brung her to the hospital, she was put into the extensive care unit where they put forty stitches in her stomach, cared for her shot ankle, and fixed up both me and Kenta as well as minor cuts on Ginka. She had to stay in the hospital for longer than me, Kenta, and Ginka combined, so I held her job in the bar, which had been fixed due to funding from the many grateful people including Kenta's family and the chief himself. Once she came home, Luna couldn't leave her alone even for a shower or to use the bathroom, following her to bed which we have been trying to share but with a giant husky between us, I had to sleep in my old room. I say old because I had moved a lot of my stuff into hers to keep track of her stitches and ankle, she couldn't even go to the bar without me helping her out of the car and now some patrons are helping, mainly the regulars who know her well. The doctors said that tomorrow they'd get rid of her stitches on her stomach and replace the bandages on both her stomach and, if her ankle is still bad, her ankle...
Now that she doesn't have the stitches in her stomach, she's been able to eat more than soup and rice and boy was she happy to see pizza again. Plus, I've been asking the doctors about sex, mainly if she can have it anytime soon. They said that once her ankle is better, her stomach will be able to take the pain again but to keep good track of her after the sex and if anything happens that isn't bleeding from down there, then I need to bring her back for a bit more. Once her ankle got better, she's been working her two jobs while I've gotten one as a fitness trainer at a nearby gym. Our mornings usually start with her dropping me off at my job then she goes to hers nearby, then afterwards we both head to the bar, usually she's there first and opens everything and we work until ten at night and eat late dinner, shower then sleep or for me, shower, go to bed with her, get pushed off by Luna, then move to my bed and sleep till morning light where we repeat until our first Saturday off together.
"So, what do you wanna do? We're both off today and we have some excess money, what do you think?", she asks, sitting next to me on the couch as the news plays on the tv nearby.
"How about we go out today? Since you and I are finally healed up and well paid, let's go on a date huh? Our first, after all, I don't think destroying an entire clan of criminals counts as a first date.", I offer, knowing she'll take it since she still hasn't had a few of her favorite foods.
"It doesn't? I thought it was pretty kickass if you ask me!", she says, chuckling after it as I slide my arm around her shoulders.
"How about that new restaurant in town? I heard it was pretty good and even gives discounts to past cops.", I explain, knowing she will this time.
"Huh? Sure, as long as it has (f/f) and (f/d) there then I'm good.", she says, petting Luna who was sleeping on the couch next to her.
"Let's get ready then.", she says, standing up and pulling me up alongside her. We head to our rooms to change quickly in which I decided to wear something a little nicer than my old muscle tank and black pants, something more like a black overshirt with my new black pants and nice black shoes with white socks and a dark red under shirt. Once I was ready, I went out into the living room where I waited less than five minutes for her to come out.
"Wow, I didn't know you had something as nice as that.", she compliments, looking me up and down like I always do with her.
"Thanks, you don't look bad either.", I compliment back as what she was wearing was absolutely stunning. A long black skirt and a dark blue tank top that hugged her body coupled with high purple socks and black polished shoes was what she was wearing and her hair perfectly complimented everything, it was (however you what it but for sake of fic) down and in long curls that perfectly framed her face and made her (e/c) eyes pop out all the more even without any make up besides the red lipstick adorning her lips.
"Shall we go?", she says, snapping me out of my haze.
"Yeah, sorry. You just...look so beautiful. No matter what you do, I still love you.", I compliment, freezing her in her tracks.
"Ehehehe... th-thanks... I mean! This is the first time I've seen you in anything that remotely looks like a suit and seriously, you really look good, I'm going to have to kiss you in front of everyone else to tell them you're mine.", she says, laughing after wards.
"After you my dear.", I say, opening the door for her to get out to the car. She makes a move to get to the driver side but I lead her to the passenger side and get in the driver side myself.
"No way is my date going to drive us there, I will instead.", I tell her, putting in the keys and starting up the car.
"Huh, I was under the impression that I would be driving my own car.", she says jokingly.
"I will be your chauffeur today ma'am, please enjoy the ride.", I say just as jokingly, chuckling a bit after. She looks at me surprised so I just cock one of my eyebrows in a silent question.
"I've never heard you chuckle so loudly before, are you okay? Do we need to take you back to the hospital!?", she asks, suddenly getting close to my face. She then chuckles too and kisses me for the first time, so I kiss back until she loses her breath and sits back down now with a blush on her face. Once we found the restaurant, which was called grandline restaurant and bar, I knew my plan was still up once I saw Ginka's red hair in the many people sitting down.
"This way please.", the host, a blonde man with bangs over his right side, says, leading us to a table near a rather large group.
"Please look over the menu as your waiter will be here in a bit to check on you.", he says, his name plate read Sanji while he bows slightly.
"Oh you're not our waiter? But you're so handsome!", she asks, acting very friendly to him for some reason.
"Uh no ma'am I'm not, actually you have a favorite of the women, though I'm their third favorite.", he says, blushing a bit at the obvious compliment.
"Oh we do? I'd like to meet him. Thank you so much Sanji, this is my first date and I'd like to have as much fun as I can on it.", she says, making me realize why she's acting so odd.
"I hope you enjoy your first date ma'am you have a fine looking guy as your date and sir, cherish her, she's the hard to find nice kind so be good or else I'll find you and kick your treasures away, also you might want to wipe your face.", Sanji says, pulling a small smile on my face.
"You'll be surprised then, trust me Sanji, I'll keep her safe and happy.", I tell him, smiling fully now before wiping my face with the napkin.
"So what looks good to you?", she asks me after looking over the menu a few times over.
"I think the steak looks good. What about you?", I answer, throwing her the same question.
"I think I like the (f/f) and the (f/d) that sounds great now that I can eat it again.", she answers as a dark blue haired man in a suit walks up to us.
"Hello there, I'm your waiter, Law, do you guys know what you want to drink yet?", he asks, bowing slightly.
"Yes we do, Law was it? What a nice name, I'd like the (f/d) please", (y/n) orders, throwing another compliment at the waiters.
"Uh thank you, and you sir? What would you like?", he asks, smirking a bit from the compliment.
"A coke thanks.", I say, kinda of annoyed that she was giving them compliments instead of me.
"Heh, that's all for now right? Unless you'd like to order your food now...", he asks, jotting down our drinks on his note book.
"Actually we'd like to order now, I'll have the (f/f) please.", she orders, putting her hands in her lap.
"I'll have the steak, medium rare please.", I finish up as he jots down our orders.
"That'll be all for now right?", he asks, looking up from his note book.
"Yes, thank you.", she says, looking at me.
"Very well, I shall bring your food along with your drinks in a few minutes, please be patient we are very stuffed today I'm afraid it may take awhile for your food to arrive so if you'd like any appetizers please let me know.", he says, bowing slightly again before heading to where I can guess was the kitchen.
"So how are you liking it so far?", I ask her, bringing my hands up for me to rest my face on.
"Ah! So far the waiters seem nice, and the food looks delicious! I could just steal from plates that pass us by!", she says, obviously very happy.
"Heh, glad you're having fun today. I missed your funny side, and I'm glad your as relaxed as me.", I reply, staring at her grinning face.
"You did? Well I haven't been so nervous yet happy in awhile. I've heard that when I am like this I compliment everyone I meet even if I'm with friends.", she says, full scale smiling now. I pause, just staring at her smile, her shiny eyes, her face, and just her in general, I couldn't look away from it and I blushed hard but tried to hide it in my hands on my face.
"What's the matter? You look warm, are you okay?", she asks me, getting close to my face again.
"I-I'm okay! It's just... I don't wear overshirts that often so I get hot easily...", I say, using a stupid excuse.
"Oh it's fine, it is rather hot in here with this much people.", she says, starting to fan herself with her hand and phone. Our waiter walks up to us with our drinks in hand and places them in front of us.
"Seems you two must be rather hot since it is crowded in here I hope these will help you cool down, especially you sir. Seems like your dates' heat has gotten your face red.", he says, chuckling after wards.
"Uh yeah she is rather hot huh? I guess she's got me hooked on her.", I reply, smirking widely as the date in question starts blushing as harshly as I was earlier.
"Looks like she isn't used to compliments, I suggest you keep her or I'll steal her away if you let her go.", he says with a laugh in his tone before walking away.
"Heh, he doesn't even know...", I whisper.
"Know what? Whatcha hiding?", she asks, leaning over the table towards me.
"Nothing, nothing at all.", I say, shaking my head at her overly suspicious attitude.
"Huh...", is all she says before sinking back down into her seat. We wait for five minutes, sipping our drinks until the waiter comes back with our meals, a med rare steak and a (f/f) for us.
"Your dinner, please enjoy the rest of your date and let me know if you'd like dessert or more drinks.", he says before bowing and walking away.
"Alright! Itadakimasu!", we both say before tucking into the food. After ten minutes and half of our meal is finished, a familiar group walks up past us before Kyoya notices us and stops the group.
"Hey guys! Been awhile! How you guys doing?", Ginka asks, being loud as usual.
"We're both doing fine Ginka, as you can tell we're on our first date!", she says excitedly.
"That's great! We just wanted to try this place out and then get back to work, after all crime never rests and so do we!", Ginka says, keeping (y/n) distracted while Kyoya hands me a little black box out of her view.
"Thanks Kyoya, never thought I'd see the day when I'd be...ya know.", I say rather nervous as I place the box in my pocket.
"It's no biggie, anyways, I'm sure you two will do good together. Even after you show her your other side if you know what I mean.", he says, elbowing me in my shoulder.
"Yeah whatever just hurry up and sit down.", I say, blushing again.
"Heh, sure bud.", he says before Ginka and the rest sit down in our huge booth.
"Say Ginka, where's your dad? Is he doing fine?", (y/n) asks, standing up for Ginka and Kenta to sit next to her as I do the same for Kyoya and Benkei.
"He's doing fine, he's already been here so he didn't really wanna come. He's just glad you're safe and that you and him have gotten together.", Ginka says, leaning back in his seat.
"That's wonderful, I thought for sure he might have gotten hurt during the fight. After all it was just to leave him open for me to shoot him.", she says.
"My, what a large group you have now. Would you guys like anything?", our waiter, Law asks, taking out his notebook again.
"Nah! We just finished our meal, we're just hanging out with some friends of ours.", Ginka says as Law grabs our empty drinks to refill them. If he heard her earlier comment, he did not make any comment on it whatsoever and just let us continue eating. Twenty minutes saw us finishing up our meal and that meant that the best part was coming up.
"Would you like some dessert?", Law asks, pulling out his notepad again. (Y/n) starts to shake her head until I order a cake.
"Alright sir, a vanilla cake for you and the date.", he says, jotting it down quickly before leaving again.
"Why'd you order dessert? Don't tell me you're still hungry!", she says, smiling again at her own joke like usual. Five minutes of small talk and the cake comes out in a serving boat with the cover on, while she was distracted with the cake, I got up and kneeled down on one knee.
"Ma'am your cake.", Sanji says before unveiling the cake as I pull out the box and open it. She took five seconds to read the cake and look down at me.
"Will you (y/f/n) (y/m/n) (y/l/n) marry me, Ryuga Czar?", I ask, holding up the ring so I could see her. She started tearing up and whispered a small yes then shouts a huge yes as I jump up to my feet and pull her in for a hug.
"Ladies and gentlemen, why don't we give a huge round of applause to the new fiancées!", Sanji announces, raising his arms up to address everyone. A huge crowd cheer was all I could hear as I kissed my new soon to be wife very passionately. We separated before digging into the cake with the rest of the group as they moved over so me and her could sit next to each other and cuddle.
"Congratulations you two! I knew something was up with you sir.", Law says, clapping as well.
"Heh, well I wanted to surprise her.", was all I could say before I had some cake stuffed in my face.
"Goddamnit Ginka! I said you guys could have the cake! I don't like that stuff!", I shout at the ginger head as he laughs off his little prank, I hear a twinkling laugh from next to me so I turn around and spot that it was in fact, my date who was laughing so beautifully, even tearing up from her mirth.
"Nice one Ginka! Heeheehee! Hahaha!", she says, laughing loudly yet beautifully with closed eyes. She opens them to find that I was staring at her deeply and reaches up to her face as if to find anything on it. I grab her hand and pull her in for another kiss, only for the waiter to come back with the a message.
"It seems your meal has been paid for already I am right? Now if you'd like a doggy bag...", he starts, only to spot me and her kissing passionately.
"I'll uh just go now...", he says before speed walking away.
"Huff huff! It's been paid for? Did you know in advance what I was going to eat?", she asks once we separated.
"Of course, this place has one of your favorite things you haven't had yet so naturally I knew you'd order it and even planned this with Sanji there.", I explain, helping her stand up as the rest of the group just remain sitting.
"I knew you could do it, Ryuga! Now hurry back home for the other surprise.", Kyoya says, smirking widely at me.
"Heh, alright. Eat the cake guys, it cost me fifty bucks for it to be specially made.", I say before rushing out of the restaurant with (y/n) and heading out to the car.
"Once we get home, the rest of the surprise will be waiting for you.", I tell her once she buckles up.
"I don't know how else you can surprise me, but whatever is it I hope it's just as fun as our date.", she says, smiling with teary eyes at me.
"Trust me, it will I know it.", was all I could say until we got home.
"So where is it?", she asks, looking around the living room and not at me.
"Right here.", I tell her, taking off both my shirt and my overshirt and dropping them on the floor.
"Huh", was all she could say since I had started to unbuckle my belt and walk up to her.
"I've been waiting for you to heal and holding this back ever since I first met you, you've seen a small portion of it during the proposal but now, I wanna give it all to you.", I finish, tipping her chin up to look at me in the eyes. She gasps as I place my arm around her waist and hug her to me, allowing her to feel myself as she just stares in my eyes.
"So, what do you say? Wanna have some fun in the bedroom? Mines since yours already has a pup in it.", I ask, nervous now about her rejecting it for now.
"I've been waiting for this, I hope you know you'll be my first...", she says, reaching her hand up for my face.
"And you'll be mine, it's fitting seeing as we will be married soon.", I reply, knowing we'll both stay together.
"I didn't think that a handsome man like yourself hasn't had his first yet.", she says, making me laugh deeply.
"Neither did I think a beautiful woman such as yourself hasn't had her first either.", I say, leading her to my bedroom where I had placed clap on candle lights instead of my lights, which were off at the time. I laid her down on her back as she had her hands on my neck, now I knew she wanted this for awhile, since she had breathed a small sigh of sorts before kissing me full force. As I pushed her down in the bedsheets, I pressed my member against her womanhood to make her gasp, allowing me to have some tongue action with her. She moaned as I rubbed myself against her while I made my hands busy, unbuckling her skirt and tearing it off alongside her panties. She gasps as she felt the cold air hit her then my member took the cold and replaced it with heat as I broke the kiss to take off her tank top. She gasps again as I undo her bra straps and tear that off as well, looking over her now naked body.
"Don't hide yourself, you're too beautiful to be hiding. If you want, I'll take off the rest of my outfit for you.", I compliment, sliding my hands around her waist again. She shakes her head and undoes my pants, pulling them down alongside my underwear to display my hard member to her.
"It's so big...I know this'll hurt...", she says, staring at it until I push her down and attack her neck with kisses and nips. A few moans and gasps later, her neck has at least three hickeys while I moved down to her wonderful breasts, licking and kissing each one until they were nice and hard then giving each a small nip before moving down again to her stomach as I started to kneel on the ground to reach what I wanted. I gave her stomach a loving kiss, right over where her scar was from the gunshot and stitches before moving down to her womanhood, which was somewhat hairy but I didn't care, she was perfect in my eyes. Starting slow with a small lick to it caused her to gasp until I started sucking and nipping her which made her moan until I hit the top of her nub, making her shout in pleasure. I chuckle before continuing that as she shouted over and over again probably grasping the bedsheets as well from all the pleasure she felt. Even my member was throbbing just by hearing her shouts and feeling her body shaking and shiver at my advances until I feel the need for her warmth around me, so instead of standing up and pushing her to the pillows and doing it there, I tell her outright what I was going to do with her.
"Now, let's get started.", I start, standing up and leaning over her gasping body.
"I'm going to stick my member in you, it's going to hurt so just bare with it, I promise that it'll turn to pleasure quickly. I'll let you adjust then the rest will be history, don't worry about pregnancy, your first hardly can since you will be bleeding but in the off chance you do, I'll be prepared.", I finish, placing my hands over hers and kissing her as I thrusted into her. She gasps in pain and squeezes me rather hard but I just deal with it and let her relax around me. Once she relaxes, she nods to me and I start thrusting into her hard. At first she grunts in pain until I aim higher up, then she starts shouting and moaning loudly, almost shouting my name once I find her G-spot. She tears up at the amount of pleasure before saying that she was close, I knew I wasn't anywhere near coming so I kept thrusting into her until she squeezes me hard and nearly arches her back in pleasure, shouting and moaning out my name. I feel her legs wrapping around me as I continue thrusting in her, making her look at me in confusion.
"I haven't come yet you know? Once I come, we can rest.", I tell her, thrusting particularly hard after and making her grip my shoulders instead of the bedsheets. She nods before throwing back her head as more pleasure rushed through her and me, I could feel myself twitching as I kept thrusting into her while she scratched up my back in her pleasure. A rush of pleasure invaded me as I felt myself come, she must have come as well since I felt my member being squeezed, pulling me harder over the edge as I shouted her name while she shouted mine. Huffing and puffing I unsheathed myself from her, noticing that I was still hard and that she was still riding her climax, twitching and moaning. Once she had calmed down she looked down at her now slightly abused womanhood and found that she was bleeding, but that I was still hard as a rock.
"BJ time I guess...", she says before switching our positions and heading down to my manhood. I feel her kiss my abs, her weakness, and head down like I had earlier. One kiss sent me groaning until it turned to licking then sucking, making the groans turn to shouts and full out moans of her name until finally I reached my peak with a loud shout I came right into her open mouth. She popped up and laid down next to me, telling me she had swallowed my load before drifting off to sleep, not even showering like she did most nights.
"Guess it's time to sleep.", I whisper, holding her by the waist and pulling her up with me to the pillows we hadn't touched, placing my arms around my beautiful fiancée before falling asleep myself...

", I whisper, holding her by the waist and pulling her up with me to the pillows we hadn't touched, placing my arms around my beautiful fiancée before falling asleep myself

Ups! Ten obraz nie jest zgodny z naszymi wytycznymi. Aby kontynuować, spróbuj go usunąć lub użyć innego.

This is how Law looks...I wish I had one in a waiter outfit but sadly I don't despite having so many of him...

I wish I had one in a waiter outfit but sadly I don't despite having so many of him

Ups! Ten obraz nie jest zgodny z naszymi wytycznymi. Aby kontynuować, spróbuj go usunąć lub użyć innego.

Sanji is the blonde one with Bitch in blue on his foot...only one I had that was cool looking...
Wasn't that romantic? Also very sexy if I do say so myself! I hope you enjoyed this nosebleed fest like I did writing it, and please vote, comment, or follow if you'd like to see more! Next one up might be the Julian X reader one but just bare with me that it might take awhile since it's a whole new idea for me. Anyways! Ciao for now! TK!

Metal fight Beyblade reader one shotsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz