Cop! Ryuga X criminal! Reader part 4

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Hope you guys enjoy this! It's probably the last one of this Ryuga series until someone asks for a different one but anyways! On with the story! However a little birdie wanted a lemon, so that's going to be later on!
Last time!
"My bars been stolen from that's wha-!", she stops mid sentence as she stares at me.
"Have you been like that this entire time?", she asks as I cock my eyebrow in confusion.
"Guess police training gives you such abs, also look down hotshot and you'll see but for now I gotta check on my bar for a bit see ya Mr. Streaker!", she says, heading out the door as I look down.
"Crap! I was gonna kiss a woman in a least she complimented me...", I say, blushing before heading to my room as of now and put on my clothes, a black pair of red trimmed PJs with a holographic white dragon on the shirt before putting on my shoes with my socks and following her several minutes behind...

Present time! Ryuga's POV!
I found her at the bar which was covered in caution tape with a broken front window and the place swarming with my cohorts.
"Ryuga? What're you doing here? Last time I checked you aren't on tonight.", Ginka asks as soon as I get out of my car.
"He's living with me now, as a room mate of sorts.", (y/n) explains, shivering in her (f/c) PJ's so I grab one of my jackets from my car and place it over her shoulders.
"Thanks, it's rather cold tonight.", she says softly as Madoka glances and giggles at us.
"What's so funny Madoka?", Kyoya asks her, noticing her holding in a laugh.
"Erm! Nothing, nothing at all.", she replies, quickly suppressing her laugh to seem serious.
"So what's the damage?", (y/n) asks, putting on my white jacket better.
"Nothing too big Miss bartender, only a note on the ground and the busted window.", The chief answers, looking over the damage and the report as Yuu takes pictures.
"Say, where's Kenta? Haven't seen him since his first drink.", (y/n) asks, trying to make banter.
"He's on a mission to track down this nemesis guy who's been gun trafficking throughout the city.", Benkei answers instead of the chief. (Y/n) goes pale at that and stops shivering, staring at Benkei in disbelief.
"You need to get him out of there right now! Nemesis is dangerous! He will kill any who try to catch him and he doesn't discriminate!", she cries, shaking in fear.
"How do you know him?", the chief asks, becoming suspicious of her by now.
"I was a paid assassin...I have a weapon from him actually, wait! I've got an idea!", she shouts, finally exposing herself to them.
"Did you know this?", Kyoya asks, whispering to me.
"She told me all this via phone call from her employer just an hour ago.", I answer, just as quietly as him.
"What's this idea Miss assassin?", the chief asks, wasn't he just full of questions lately.
"He always comes for his weapons in person, no matter whom he lent it to, always in person he grabs it, collects pay, then leaves via unmarked car. I have his number one business partners number, he used to be my employer actually, but he will lie however with a gun pointed to his head he will speak the truth.", she says.
"So you plan on making a trap for him?", the chief asks. She nods enthusiastically as Yuu comes up with a paper in his hands. She reads it and pales even more, if that's possible, then faints! In front of everyone, the assassin had fainted! Before she hit the ground, I caught her by the shoulders and hauled her up onto my shoulders and dragged her to my car to lean her against it.
"Pass me the note.", chief orders as Yuu picks up the note that had fallen when she fainted. He reads it silently for a few seconds before nodding.
"Sir, what's gonna happen now?", I ask, finding her keys easily in her small purse on her shoulder and unlocking her car.
"We will set a trap for this nemesis, but first we will take a trip to her house, Benkei take her car and follow Ryuga to her house as will we.", chief orders, walking to his car as the others got to it and I handed Benkei (y/n)'s keys.
"I guess I'll lead them there huh?", I ask myself as I open my passenger door and put her in before getting into it myself as the others' start up their cars. I drive back to her house as the others follow me closely, parking around her house when we got there.
"I'll carry her inside while you lock your car and open the door.", Benkei says once I get out of my car.
"The doors unlocked ya know? Just open the door up for me then I'll carry her in and on her couch.", I tell him, already heading to the other side to grab her. He does so, keeping the door open for everyone until everyone was inside and (y/n) was safely on the couch.
"Is she gonna be okay?", Ginka asks, he had oddly been quiet this entire time.
"She'll be fine, it was only a reaction to something, I'm sure she's alright for now.", I answer, feeling her pulse on her neck and feeling her forehead to see if she was sick.
"So what was on the paper?", Kyoya asks, sitting next to me and (y/n).
"It was a threat, from someone she knows most likely. I can't be certain but now her life is in danger and we must protect her, she knows so much about things we don't and will be a great help to us to capture both nemesis and her employer.", chief says, stunning all of us.
"She won't be arrested right?", Yuu asks, sitting on the floor near Tsubasa.
"Most likely yes, she did kill people. How ever-", chief starts until I cut him off.
"She will not be arrested and that's final!", I shout, catching everyone off guard.
"Whys that now?", chief asks me.
"She is letting me live here and without her here I'll be lost in her house, not to mention she has two honest jobs which help pay for this beautiful house while I'm stuck with a shitty pay and hardly any time to myself! I can't believe that she managed to balance three jobs and manage to do what she needs like shopping, if I were her I would be overwhelmed and stressed out!", I argue, standing up in her defense while she was down.
"But she has killed many people, including a friend.", chief says calmly.
"We can't even be sure she was even friends with him and as a side note, THEY WERE ALL FOR MONEY!! So she could survive!! I don't know about you but if I were good at something, I wouldn't ever do it for free, especially if it's killing people.", I state grumpily, hoping chief would change his mind on her arrest.
"I see, I understand. First we must make sure that she was telling the truth about her employer. Check her phone records Yuu also, is there any food? I'm starving.", he orders, leaning back into the chair with a huff.
"There's cold pizza and a microwave but that's about it without her awake.", I answer, pointing towards the kitchen.
"Thank you, I'll take pizza over starving any day of the week.", he says playfully, diminishing the previous aura with his goofiness as I hand Yuu her phone.
"Sweet! An IPhone 6! Man her jobs must pay good.", Yuu says, looking at his old IPhone 4s.
"They do, surprisingly, one kill equals well over a thousand dollars.", (y/n) says, waking up from her small nap and scaring practically everyone but me and Kyoya.
"What'd I miss?", she asks, stretching a bit.
"Nothing too big, only that nearly the entire police force is in your house.", I quip, crossing my arms out of reflex.
"Isn't there a saying about police men? Let one in and the entire force comes running in as well?", she says, feeling all the gazes on her.
"So...are you really the murderer of Dr. Ziggurat?", Madoka asks.
"Yeah, I did with my sniper rifle in the closet. I made sure it was clean and easy.", she answers, pointing to the closet I hadn't noticed was there.
"Oh! I wanna see it!", Ginka shouts, bolting to the closet and trying to open it, only for the knob to slip from his hand. He lands unceremoniously on his butt as (y/n) laughs at the action, she sounded something akin to bells with her laugh I just had to laugh with her.
"It's locked silly! Why would I not lock my weaponry knowing I had a cop sleeping under my roof.", she explains, pulling out a key on a necklace and walking up to the closet.
"Weaponry? I thought you only had one gun?", Ginka asks.
"Actually, you'll see when I open it up.", she says, unlocking the closet door and opening it.
"Woah! Guys! You need to see this!", Ginka shouts as Yuu, Tsubasa, Kyoya, Madoka, and Benkei get up and head to the duo. Cries of astonishment followed by comments about the sheer volume of weapons made me turn my head and walk over to the group. She had everything! From guns to knives, to easy bombs made from household materials, she could have been at home in the apocalypse or even at the end of times! She even had a bunch of MRE's ready for use and a bunch of survival food in stock!
"Why do you have all this?", I ask, genuinely confused for the survival food stuff.
"It's for when I invite guests whom I have to eliminate to my house, however most aren't mine so nemesis will grab them, only the sniper rifle, a pocket knife, the small pistol, and that black and red sword is mines.", she answers, pulling out what was hers from the giant organized pile of weapons. She held the beautiful red sniper rifle with such precision, I knew she had it since she was small.
"This is Shihoshi, Death Star, my little killer here is my best weapon.", she explains, turning it this way and that and showing off his red blotches and stars of white alongside his scope and barrel.
"This one is called shirohana, white flower, my flashy yet capable pistol that I have yet to miss a shot with.", she says, flipping the white pistol in the light so we could see her flower designs better.
"This one is called Aoioni, blue demon, my knife that's kept bullies from me since I was in highschool.", she says, waving him around and showing off his wave like designs and holographic eyes as the chief walks up to the group with a plate of steaming pizza in his hands.
"Lastly, this is Kuroketsu, black blood, has been with me for as long as I have been alive and has been by my side since I was a baby.", she says, unsheathing the black and red blade. It was beautiful with blotches of red blood marks and a wavy temper line, and she held it so perfectly that it shone in the light.
"All of these I've had once I've done something to earn their trust like for Aoioni I had to swim for the first time by myself.", she explains, putting them somewhere on her and smiling softly.
"Are you certified and trained?", the chief asks suddenly, surprising her out of her daze.
"Yes, all of them actually. They are all in my room as my achievements so far", she answers, pointing towards her room, or what I think is her room I still don't know where that is.
"I would like to see them to make sure you are in fact certified.", chief says, taking large bites of his pizza.
"Sure, Ryuga looks curious as to how my room is. Haven't shown him that just yet.", she answers, walking off to the door down the hallway.
"Here's my room, I really don't like it being clean and I lose stuff all the time in clean rooms but messy I find everything and anything I need.", she says, opening her gold door. She had a large room with a king size bed in purple and black sheets and pillows, 2 small cabinets on each side of the bed, a large screen tv, and a large closet filled with many different clothes with a window next to it with same colored block out curtains.
"Nice room ya got (y/n).", I compliment, looking around more as she walks up to one of the walls near her bed.
"Thanks but no coming in when I'm in the shower or something. It's weird.", she says, grabbing something off the wall and walking back to the chief and the group.
"Here's my credentials, got them when I turned 18.", she explains, handing the plaque to chief. He looks it over and nods, handing it back to her before she puts it back where it was hanging.
"Looks like you're caught up and you're certified to fire a gun and use a knife and sword. You're not getting arrested since you have honest jobs minus the paid assassin one and Ryuga lives here now, he needs life support since he has a bunch of problems.", chief says, catching me off guard.
"How do you know?", I ask him as he finishes the pizza.
"Who do you think watches out for everyone when they accidentally fall asleep?", he asks back, smiling kindly. I had to admit, I had no idea why I slept so well at my office and even woke up with some blanket over me.
"So it was you who put blankets on me while I slept? I honestly thought it would be Hikaru or Madoka.", I say, making Madoka perk up at the mention of her name.
"Well sometimes it was me and sometimes it was chief.", she says, smiling at whatever it was she was thinking about.
"Now you won't have to worry about missing sleep, I'm officially taking you off the night watch, unless, you wanna take it a step further and quit. I know you need a better paying job and this job just isn't that good of a pay, I'd take her offer on the bartending gig. If not, I think you'd make a great male model or stripper. I mean it, after all I had girls all over me until I met Ginka's mom during my first couple years, hahaha!", chief says, making me blush at the other jobs he had mentioned.
"I think you should go with the stripper one, I'd get a discount on the drinks right?", (y/n) says, giggling at the end as she puts her weapons into the closet by her bed.
"Uh, I think I'll take the first job offer and be the second bartender with you.", I say, blushing some more at her choice of work.
"Oh my! The cold dragon is blushing! You really do like her huh!", Madoka suddenly exclaims, laughing when she finishes and almost kneels over laughing so much. (Y/n) looked stunned and stayed in place, only moving her eyes from the laughing Madoka to me before blushing harshly and quickly putting away the last weapon and standing back straight. Everyone else looked confusedly at me as my blush worsened by each moment I stood there.
"*cough* erm, that's news I guess...", chief says, awkwardly trying to break the odd air.
"Wait, me?", she asks hesitantly, shuffling up to me slowly.
"Ye-yeah! So!", I shout, turning away from her in embarrassment and crossing my arms as my blush gets worse.
"It would be appropriate if I say-", she starts before a ring tone cuts her off.
"Hello? Kenta! Where are you? What's happening!?", chief shouts, catching everyone off guard.
"I see, I have the crew here now don't worry we'll get you out of there!", he says before hanging up the phone and rushing out.
"Dad! What's going on?! What's happening?!", Ginka shouts, calling chief dad by accident.
"Kenta's been found out, they've taken him hostage and will demand something tomorrow! We need some way to get the kid out of there!", chief shouts, throwing away his paper plate quickly.
"Wait! Let them demand it, you guys take care of the minions, I'll take down the boss. I bet they'll call me tomorrow morning for help then I can take care of nemesis finally, besides he has more than enough reason to do so.", (y/n) says, rushing out with her main weapons.
"No! It's too dangerous! What if by the time we get there he's dead!", chief shouts, obviously angry with the suggestion.
"Then they won't have a deal! Have you realized that in life there are no what ifs?! It's only nows or nevers! I'll tell ya this! Kenta is a hella lot luckier than I ever have been! I didn't want to be a killer! I know about this trade just to survive! I didn't have a mom or dad or even friends!! This is all I have so just TRUST ME ON THIS!!", she shouts back, finally shutting up chiefs doubts and him as she pants from the exertion.
"Huff huff huff...just respond as calmly as you can then I'll take care of the rest...", she says before marching back to her room and slamming the door. Silence ensues as we all become speechless.
"But now she's in danger, isn't she...?", Madoka says, breaking the silence like a knife.
"She is, but I'm sure she'll live...", I say, walking to my room and hitting the bed, sleep easily taking over as the others quiet down...
Next time might be just as long but I promise two chapters and this one is done! Now vote, comment, and follow if you like what you read! Ciao for now! TK!

Metal fight Beyblade reader one shotsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें