Cop! Ryuga X criminal! Reader part 5!

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I promise this is the second to last part! The next part will be a lemon and for those who don't like em, skip it until I publish the Ginka X reader one or the Julian X reader one or whichever one you've been waiting for...onwards!

(Y/n)'s POV!!(finally! Sheesh!)
A ring tone wails at me to wake up and answer the damn thing as my phone vibrates at what seems like five in the morning where the sun wasn't up at all.
"Ugh! Hello?", I answer, knowing who exactly would wake me up so early.
"You have another assignment from nemesis, I'll close in the call.", he says before a slight click is heard and another voice, one much deeper and serious sounding speaks.
"I have someone you may recognize, I want you to complete your newest assignment from Doji in front of everyone and still get away with it, as you did for the last one recently. Kill the police chief before the deal is done, you will have your own location nearby as well as full use of any weapon you need, be as scuttle as possible while killing him, make sure his son sees his corpse. That is all until the information is sent to you, be in position in about an hour from now.", he says before abruptly hanging up on my ear. Sometimes, I hate this job of mines. In spite of my earlier talk about me knowing about this trade, I still feel nervous while I get on my clothes and changed into casual yet killer clothes, a black tank top, white pants, and army style boots with my hair (however you want and or glasses). When I look up at the clock, I spot someone at my door.
"Ya know, I thought I told you not to come in when I'm changing or anything like that.", I scold, crossing my arms in embarrassment.
"Sorry, but I'm starting to like your body, a lot.", he says, walking out of my darkened door frame to reveal a blushing yet suave looking Ryuga.
"I bet that even when you're pregnant, I'll still love you and call you beautiful.", he contemplates, looking me up and down as a blush surfaces on my cheeks.
"What are you implying? Hmm?", I ask him, grabbing my favorite weapons and standing up to walk out. I put Shihoshi on my back alongside Kuroketsu and on my hips go Aoioni and Shirohana, Aoinoni on my left and Shirohana on my right.
"I did say I like you but now I really believe I love you...", Ryuga says, grasping my hands in his and bringing them up to his lips. He stares in my eyes as my blush worsens, the warm feeling I couldn't place flooding back in me like the first time I met him in my bar, before all this had happened.
"I-i love y-you t-too.", I stuttered out, saying something rather foreign to me before blushing like mad.
"Heh, glad I got to hear that. Go, you have some people to kill don't you? Get them good for me Kay?", he says, smiling gently after as he ushers me out and letting my hands go, I missed his warmth as soon as he lets go.
"Get this over with so we can get together for real.", he says, grasping my chin with his hand. He stares in my eyes once more before kissing my straight on my lips, pulling me in then back for a quick yet passionate kiss before ushering me out of the door of my room and waking up Luna. After many doggie kisses, I finally left my house after nearly an hour of dilly dallying and headed off to a specified building near the center of town...

Ryuga's POV!
I can't believe I had kissed her! But I also can't believe she might die so obviously I just tuck it to the back of my head and get ready for work, showering and changing into my uniform for most likely the last time until this was over with and nemesis was put down. I give Luna some food and water before heading out in my cruiser that I will lose soon and study it a bit before starting it up and hearing it purr.
"Man will I miss you when I quit, you still ride like a dream even when I chase those nasty speeders or road hogs you still work like new.", I think aloud, wishing to keep the car but knowing how the system works, I just couldn't do so I had to savor my last few drives with it.
"One last time to my office then I'm through being a cop, onto my last day then.", I sigh, pulling out of her driveway and heading straight to the police station in less than five minutes, I had arrived. Everyone looked at me sorrowfully, they knew what I would say to the chief and knew my position, knowing Madoka, she and Hikaru have told everyone here my situation with the assassin.
"Hey, you came. Last day right?", Kyoya asks, padding up to me softly.
"Yeah, I wanna see her one last time if she does mess this up somehow and if she does make it, I wanna see her make it with my own eyes.", I answer, nodding my head in slight greeting to his partner Benkei.
"I really hope this goes as planned...", he says, playing with his fingers in nervousness.
"I highly doubt that she will, after all, isn't killing people and black marketing her pool of knowledge?", Madoka asks, sneaking up to us with Ginka and the chief by her side.
"She said it is so I will believe her, after all, who else would have that many weapons?", I ask back as Hikaru slightly backs away from me, she was still scared of me back when I shot a guy twice as we were chasing him, once in his cars tire and once in the back window easily stopping him in his tracks but she had almost died while on off duty by the very car I stopped.
"I believe this will be your last day am I correct Ryuga?", chief asks me, stepping forwards a bit towards me.
"Yeah, until we get Kenta back and (y/n) is safe.", I answer.
"Chief! We got a call about a hostage situation! It's down northton avenue!", one of the many emergency receptionists shouts, running up to the group. She huffed for a bit before saying it was that new kid named Kenta out as the hostage then walking back after her run.
"Alright, you guys know the drill. Grab everyone and pull them in for the situation.", chief says as I slip on my cap and rush back out to my car. Every one who had been in the bar rushes out and heads down to northton avenue, where many people were standing and shouting or just videoing the situation as a guy with black hair in a weird outfit held Kenta by the neck with a gun to his head. He looked awful, he had been beaten up pretty badly by these guys who consisted of a dude who had scorpion tail like black and purple hair(Busujima from metal fusion), a red haired dude with a yellow streak and bangs that covered his left eye(Reiji from metal fusion), a blue and green haired kid(Damian from metal masters), and a brown haired dude in a black half face mask(Jack from metal masters).
"Guys! You're here!", he shouts through his busted lips, he starts tearing up once we step out of our cars.
"Kenta, don't panic we have back up coming later on but for now stay calm!", chief shouts, pulling out his walkie talkie.
"Okay, Ryuga I need you to call (y/n) from your phone and check on her, everyone else I need you to keep your guns down and stay calm.", he says through it.
"Gotcha.", I reply before pulling out my phone and calling (y/n)...

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