Ryuga X reader

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This is a random one from yours truly! Takes place after metal fusion!

(y/n) pov!
I heard there was supposed to be a major battle today but I wanted to train in the forest so I headed there instead to my normal spot near a cave and a clear river by the mountain side. Suddenly, the place is swamped in some blue glow emanating from the nearby arena I often visit to train and practice at for the hell of it. I return to my training once it fades by smashing rocks and other stuff easily with my bey,(b/n) until I hear some rustling from the nearby bushes and halt my training for a bit to see who was there. A white haired boy with a red streak on his left side shows up from the bushes and I see he is somewhat injured through his black and gold muscle tank since he looked roughed up and tired." I know you're here whoever you are, I could hear you training earlier!", he shouts, looking around from where he was standing. He hasn't realized that my bey is near him has he? Well time for some fun in messing with this guy!" Oh, and you might want to call your bey back as well!", he shouts again, throwing me in a state of panic." Fine! I'll come out, if you tell me your name and why you're here!", I shout, ears already listening out." A girl huh? Why do I have to explain myself in a forest?", he asks, softer now as if it hurts to shout so much." Because you interrupted my training session!", I shout before he falls on one knee breathing heavily and sweating. I rush out, catch my bey, and pull him towards the cave where I had set up something like a small apartment with a small bed, a stove and oven combo inside a small makeshift kitchen, a small sofa, and some things for collecting water with and set him on the bed. He tries to sit up but I push him back down before grabbing some water from the river and tossing it into the heat purification system I set up long ago when I first found this spot, and make a glass of water alongside a small bowl and a small rag." I don't need your help.", he says, voice barely above a whisper as he attempts to push me away." You need more help than you think.", I tell him, pressing the rag to his forehead and pushing him back down." What is your name?", I ask as his breathing slows and calms once he closes his eyes." Ryuga, yours?", he asks, opening them to study me." (y/n), nice to meet you.", I answer." So what happened for you to be hurt like this?", I ask him, leaving the rag on his head before grabbing some medical supplies I stocked on." A beybattle, harsh loss.", he answers, putting his arms behind his head as a pillow." I need to check your wounds, if you have any or is that from using your body's limit?", I ask him, pulling his arms from behind his head. He flinches and allows me to check his arms, a blush dusted his cheeks as he looks away from my work." What's your beys' name?", I ask, hoping to break the silence as I work on his next arm." Its a forbidden bey, called L-Drago.", he says, stopping me in my tracks." L-Drago...! Who knew I was helping a celebrity?", I say, shocking him probably since he whips his head to look at me." You aren't scared?!", he shouts before giving in to a fit of coughs." No, Who do you think I am?", I ask him, handing him the glass of water." Some random girl out in the woods?", I continue as he finishes off the glass." Yeah actually.", he answers, handing me the empty glass." Well I'm actually studying legends and facts about certain beys, and yours is one of them.", I explain, putting the glass in the makeshift sink." So what other beys are you studying?", he asks, sinking back down into the mattress." Your last opponent was the other one and finally my bey,(b/n), which is a legendary class bey.", I explain, fixing up some minor scrapes he had." I had no idea I was facing a legend class bey user! Ouch!", he shouts, stopping my poking of various places." Ah! Bruised bones! Did L-Drago take over for a bit?", I ask, poking his arm again." Y-Yeah, so?", he asks, blushing harder now." The transformation causes slight tissue damage and bruised bones, since he does uh you know reshape your body.", I explain, pressing a few other places he flinches at." I think I noticed as I was walking away.", he says dejectedly." It's fine believe me, he just needs to be tamed then will you finally get his power fully in control.", I tell him. He perks up slightly and stares at me, completely in disbelief apparently as he registers this." C-can you help me?", he asks out of the blue." What? He needs to be tamed by you and you alone.", I tell him. He sags slightly in response but perks up a bit after some time, then he asks me something that catches me off guard." Can you tell me the legends about my bey?", was what he asked, something no one has asked me before. I space out for a bit, trying to gather my wits about his bey until a glow interrupts my thinking." What the-?", Ryuga asks, holding up his glowing bey and looking to me." Don't ask me! I'm not sure either!", I shout, holding my hands up in defense.
" Hello master, This is your bey speaking.", a deep voice says as L-Drago glows brighter, surprising us.
" I suspect you and your companion are surprised I can speak but remember how old I am, Now onto more pressing matters concerning taming me...", L-Drago says, making us hold our breath in anticipation on whether or not he'd allow Ryuga to tame him." I know full well your power master although it may be enough for me, I also need spiritual power which is where your companion comes in.", he explains, making us huff out a sigh of relief which was short lived as soon as the second part is said." What do you mean? He...needs...me?", I ask the still glowing bey." Yes miss, he needs your spiritual energy in order for him to be able to handle my power.", he explains, leaving both me and Ryuga in shock as we stare at each other questioningly." Does that mean we have to...", I trail off, not willing to finish that question as Ryuga stands up." Yes, In fact master has been due for awhile miss dragon queen.", he answers, catching me off guard by the nickname I have forgotten about." Dragon queen? (y/n) the dragon queen who left the sanctuary suddenly unaware of what was happening, that's you isn't it?", Ryuga asks, walking up to me as his bey dims its glow for a bit." Yes, that's me alright...", I answer, hanging my head in shame that I had forgotten where I was from." You were the one I could never touch for some reason, why'd you leave?", he asks, pushing my face up with his hand to meet his gaze. I could feel the embarassment burn on my cheeks at meeting the emperor's gaze and for why I left surfacing in my mind, hesitating, I say softly," My parents died because I was too weak to do anything...", breaking the stillness with that one small sentance." That's why you train so hard huh?", he asks, putting L-Drago in his pocket. I nod, already feeling the tears well up in my eyes from the memory." Hey now, you're stronger now right? You can beat them, I'm sure of it.", he says assuringly, wiping away some tears that fell on my cheeks." I...don't know, last time I saw them...my parents got their beys destroyed... before I ran like they...told me to.", I sob out, my tears becoming a waterfall now as I forcibly pull my face from his grasp and sink to the ground in tears at the memory." How did you get your bey?", he asks, crouching down to my level and catching my teary gaze again." I f-found her in a cave near mount Hagane.", I answer, fondly remembering where and what circumstances lead to me finding that cave." Do you talk to her often?", he asks, crawling next to me." Yeah, she was the first to hear about my parents...", I answer, tears slowing to a stop." That's great, see! Now you've stopped crying.", he says, pointing to my cheeks. I reach up and feel the now slightly wet skin of my cheek, until Ryuga places his hand over mine." Feel better?", he asks, his breath fanned my face slightly, placing the heat that had disappeared with my family back on my face again. I nod, not trusting my voice to not crack at the distance, he chuckles at my reddened cheeks and takes notice of my avoidance of his gaze then chuckles more." What're you laughing at?", I ask, getting confused." How cute you look when your cheeks are like this.", he says, throwing more heat on my already warm cheeks." I don't see how this is funny.", I tell him as he puts his other hand on my other cheek." I think you're adorable. How about you get an upgraded name? From dragon queen, to say...dragon empress?", he asks me, leaning closer to my face." What do you mean? I kinda like the ring to the dragon queen don't you?", I ask in a sudden burst of playfulness." It's not as regal sounding as dragon empress now is it?", he asks, grabbing my chin gently and rubbing his thumb in circles." You're right however...who would be my emperor?", I ask, fully aware of what he was doing." Who else but me my dear?", he asks before attacking me with a kiss that pushes me down to the ground before encasing me in a warm hug." You know I kinda like the sound of that.", I tell him before kissing back just as hard...

Tell me if you want a sequel to any of these!! Ciao for now! TK!

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