Ryuga X Reader!

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This was requested by Black_Rose_204 ! Enjoy!!(after metal fury)

I was walking through the woods to gather some grub when I spotted some weird marks on the trees. I knew the forest like my own back yard so I understood the marks meant something much bigger than a wolf was nearby, as I move away from the tree I hear some shouts coming from direction the mark shown. Hesitating, I carefully walk towards them, only to find a young man being attacked by some small dragons that were alive and indigenous to the mountains. The man only shouts as the dragons toss him around like a ball in the air before catching him in their wings and it's high time I help him." Hey! Leave the man alone or else!", I shout, instantly gaining the two dragons attention." And what is a mangy human like you gonna do about our meal?", the one on the right, a lime green forest dragon, asks as his friend, a light blue sky dragon snickers while holding the man in his wing." I'll be verdamnt if I let a person get eaten by lizards like you!", I shout before transforming into my dragon. I had a long (h/c) mane and sharp teeth that jutted out like needles, large (f/c) wings and large paws with sharp claws and with a loud roar, I pounce at them. Even though I was a smaller dragon, I could rip and tear harsher than any other species I knew about and the fastest flyer out of the ones who could. I transform back to my human form and take a look at the man the two had left on the ground after they ran, he had this beat up look to everything he wore and had messy white and red streaked hair but his golden dragon crown told me what I needed the most, he was a dragon clan elite like me and I needed to help him. I pick him up and run back home, careful to not harm him further than what I can smell on him. Once home, I place him on my couch and head for the bathroom where I had medical stuff that is sure to fix up his wounds. After fixing up a few wounds, I notice that his hand was holding onto something for dear life and, after a few tugs, I get him to release the thing which turns out to be a face bolt of a bey he must have owned. I put it in my pocket and continue fixing up his wounds, it's only until an hour later that I finish up but with light out, I could still go hunt so I left him there and went out hunting for more food this time.

4 hours time skip!!

As soon as I get back into the house, I see that the man has woken up and is moving around too much." Where is it?! I knew I have it somewhere but now it's missing!!! Where is L-Drago's face bolt?!?!", he shouts, probably in my room or something." Uh if you're looking for that thing you were holding onto I've got it here.", I tell him, hoping he comes out from wherever he was." Who are you and why do you have L-Drago's face bolt?", he asks, looking angry at me for something." Um I'm the person who saved you from getting eaten by dragons so if you want me to call them back then go ahead and scream at me for keeping that face bolt safe in my pocket while I was hunting for food for the both of us.", I casually say, sitting down easily on my couch." Oh and did I mention I'm using precious medical stuff on a stranger as well as giving him a place to rest?", I add in, playing the owner card." Fine! But can I at least hold onto his face bolt? He was my bey after all...", he says, looking saddened at his lost bey." Sure Mr. No name.", I say, handing his face bolt back to his shaking hand." I'm Ryuga if you didn't know Miss living under a rock.", he says, parroting my line only using a different nickname." I'm (y/n), nice ta meet ya Mr. Ryuga!", I say, holding out a hand to him. He takes it and I pull him in for the full dragon hello, a cuddle on the cheek and a small sniff which he looks confusedly at me afterwards." What was that?", he asks." That's just a dragon hello, it's how we dragons greet each other." I answer. He looks confused for a bit before asking me a question," you're a dragon elite like me aren't you?"." Yup! I can transform and I use my bey in all my fights and hunts.", I answer, pulling him down to sit and rest." You need to rest, no matter how stupid it sounds, these wounds aren't just surface wounds, you've also got some mystical ones from using all your beys power, see?", I tell him, touching a luminescent purple vein of the curse on his chest. He looks down and gasps at it before yelling in pain and throwing himself back into the couch, nearly flipping over the whole thing in his agony." It's okay!! Uh Ryuga! Open your eyes! Look at me!!", I shout, cupping his cheek and forcing him to forget about the pain." It's fine, you're okay, for now. We need to find the antidote for that before it kills you but first, let's restore your bey, a mountain nearby can do that only after you're healed fully, it's got traps and terrible beasts hidden, poised to fight along the way and I don't want anyone dying including you.", I tell him once he's calm again." Wait? So are there others?", he asks, looking a bit red on his cheeks." Yeah there's my small dragons, Sapphire and Ruby then there's my snakes, Emerald and Diamond, and my birds, Swiftwing and Talon, alongside my ground animals, Leon my lion, Kuma my bear, and Silver and Gold my wolf twins.", I tell him, listing off my pets/hunting partners. A stomach growl and two howls indicate that it's about time for dinner as my two wolves romp in through the door I always leave open for them with a large stag in tow." Time for dinner I guess, Silv! Gold! This is a dragon elite like me, his name is Ryuga and be nice around him, he's hurt and cursed.", I tell the two growling wolves, Silver, the gray eyed calmer one, nods and walks to the large table I made just for my weird animal family. Gold on the other hand, growls for a bit more before he follows his brother to the table as I hear some distinct calls from my window." Swift! Tal! You guys are back! I have someone for you guys to meet and please be gentle, he's both cursed and hurt so please be nice around him.", I tell the eagle and hawk. Swift nods before flying to the table where Ryuga sat next to Silver as Gold has a one person staring contest with Ryuga." Gold! Knock it off! You're just jealous that another male has come!", I scold, pushing his snout down and away from Ryuga who was getting checked out by my two flying companions." So these two are Silver and Gold and these two must be Swiftwing and Talon.", he says, gesturing to each." Yup! Only waiting on Sapphy, Ruby, Emmy, Dia, Kuma, and Leon. Speaking of Sapphy and Ruby, you two! This is Ryuga! Another dragon elite who is cursed and injured so please be nice to him.", I tell the two who come flying in through the door since the window was too small." I'm guessing you named them after their color right?", Ryuga asks, looking at their catch." Yup! Blue is Sapphy and red is Ruby.", I tell him, grabbing the twos shared deer catch and skinning it easily." Who's Talon and who's Swiftwing?", he asks, gesturing to my birds." Talon has large talons while Swiftwing has large eyes and large wings.", I tell him as they both start cawing loudly, Swiftwing even stretching out his wings so I take it as that they already ate." Okay you two! If you ate you can sleep!", I tell them. Almost immediately I hear a flutter of wings and loud caws which usually mean good night." Night you two! Wake up in time for breakfast!", I shout, bidding them a good night. I hear a yelp from the table and some scrambling as Kuma walks into the door with a bunch of rabbits in his mouth." Ah Kuma! We have a guest named Ryuga, he's hurt and cursed so please be nice to him!", I tell the bear, who just cuddles into my side and walks to the table, further scaring my new guest." Okay you two!! That's enough scaring the guest! He's hurt and you're making him exert himself too much, knock it off!", I scold my two snakes, who slither out from under the table and up my legs onto my shoulders where they hug my neck for warmth." Forgiven but it's time to eat! Now where's Leon?", right as I ask that, a familiar roar is heard and in stomps my albino lion with his kill." Leon, this is a guest who is cursed, hurt, and a dragon elite like me so please be nice to him.", I tell him as he drops his deer near the table, he sniffs at Ryuga before giving a nod and heading to his seat." So you named your snakes after their design and color?", he asks, looking surprised that deadly snakes are on my shoulders." Yup! Dia is the diamond back while Emmy is the bright green python.", I answer as Dia rattles his rattle." Time to eat! But I've gotta make more today so for once you guys start without me!", I tell my pets, who immediately start to eat the first deer and some rabbits while I skinned and cooked the rest and half of one deer." So did you uh adopt your family or are they...?", Ryuga asks, trying to act like there aren't any animals staring at him even though he had plenty of eyes on him." I got them when I came up to the forest as a kid, see my parents wanted me strong so they gave me a bey and threw me in here alongside these guys hoping I would kill them for food, instead I became a sort of mom to them and caught food with them, growing strong by learning from them and fighting with them should any free time rise.", I answer, grilling up the leg meat of the deer." How do you get the more modern stuff?", he asks, looking less nervous and more at ease." Well I go out to the city nearby and grab a few things and make a bit of money before coming back with my snakes and stuff.", I answer, placing the meat on a plate for him." So did you ever see your parents again?", he asks, looking genuinely curious." Nope! And I'm glad cause they would have ruined my animal family by killing them.", I answer, grilling some meat for me to eat." Do you all pitch in for food and water? Or do you store some?", he asks as I place down his plate in front of him." Both actually, that second deer will be salted and cured then stored since winter is coming and the stock will only increase as the days go by.", I tell him, sitting down after cooking whatever food I needed. Silence ensues as we eat the deer and rabbits until a thought occurred to me, I'm thirsty and I'm pretty sure so is Ryuga, so I stand up and grab two filled cups. I place one next to him as I sit down and find that my plate had been ransacked by a hungry wolf, who cowered in his seat with his plate empty while his brother snickered next to him, his plate empty as well." So you wanted more food?", I ask Gold. He nods, still cowering in fear as I inch closer to him like a lion on the hunt." Why didn't you ask? You know I would've given you food.", I ask, sidling up next to him. He makes no further movements as his brother raises a paw, asking for more dinner very politely unlike his naughty brother." I'll get you some more food Silver I can't say the same for your brother, who's in big trouble.", I say, getting up and grabbing some cooked rabbit I set aside and placed some on my plate and some on Silvers plate then I moved onto Gold." So do you want to do this the hard way, the easy way, or the my way?", I ask him as he gets up and walks outside by himself." The easy way I guess...okay! If your full, time for bed if not as long as you don't touch the second deer you're good!", I tell the others as I was full and tired after today." Where will I sleep?", Ryuga asks, plate and water bottle empty." Hmm...you'll sleep in my room, I have an extra bed for my night time guests out all the time.", I tell him before picking up his plate and putting it and my empty plate into the dish washer." How do you get power? You know, in a forested area like this one it's hard to get electricity.", he asks, looking a bit unsure of what to do." Power is provided by a water mill in the back which is actually connected to my main shower source.", I tell him." Here I'll show you since you're going to stay here a bit. Follow me.", I say, walking out to the back door down the hallway." Man this place is bigger than I thought.", Ryuga comments." Well seemed even bigger as a wee lassie, pardon my accent change it's just something I always do.", I tell him, blushing that I let that out." It's fun sounding was that a Scottish accent?", he asks, limping at my side." Yup! I can do much more Luv!", I say in an English accent." Cool what have you got?", he asks." Hmm...I got australian, français , German, and a few others I know but just don't wanna list em.", I list off as we reach the back door where I open the door to the back yard." Woah! This is your back yard? It's amazing!", he exclaims." What's in that cave?", he asks." Uh a legend about something but I'm not sure what it is...", I answer." Why don't we go see it?", he asks, pulling me towards the waterfall covered cave." Actually, I can't read it. It's in some foreign language that no one knows.", I admit, water slowing our movements." So I guess we'll have to look at the pictures if there are any.", he says, the water from the waterfall causing his hair to droop slightly." I don't remember if there are any...", I trail off, the dampness of the cave hitting me like a breath of fresh air." What's the date?", he asks, reading over the pictures around us." It's two months after nemesis was defeated so around meh I think October or November, not too sure on that but do you see anything of use?", I ask him, hoping he could decipher the pictures I had been unable to." It seems it talks about our kind but it also talks about effects of uh...kissing? I can't make it out but that's what is seems to say.", he tells me, squinting at the faded pictures." I think this means it has healing effects or something of the like...", he details, walking up and touching the walls to get a better look at the legend." Seems pretty interesting.", I comment, walking up to where he stood and touching the nearby wall. Suddenly, the wall starts glowing brightly before a voice speaks to us in our heads." The legend says that pairs of dragons find a mate by smell and kissing, if the kiss heals their wounds, they are meant to be but the smell of each will give it away.", the voice says before fading alongside the light." What...the heck! What was that?! That's never happened before!", I exclaim, my shouts echo throughout the now dim cave." It was a legend about smell and love?! That's more than odd... I wonder why here though?", Ryuga asks, staring at me confusedly." I'm not sure either...", I say as Ryuga digs in his pocket for something." L-Drago's face bolt! It's fixed! There's no cracks or anything!", Ryuga exclaims, holding out the face bolt I had earlier." We should head in, it's getting late and I need to redress some wounds after you shower.", I tell him, walking out through the spray of the water fall.

morning time!!!

Warmth was all I felt when I woke up and I thought my wolves had crawled onto the bed until I remembered that silver was inside but gold was outside, so he would join him outside like a good brother would. Then I thought about my dragons and snakes, then my new guest but by then I was wide awake with the sun on my face. Looking down, my eyes found no red or blue bodies of scales nor any scales for that matter, only skin. So that meant that Ryuga had crawled on my bed and dozed off with me, but I don't remember that ever happening so it might have been when I was sleeping. Movement told me that Ryuga had woken up but wasn't about to let go of me anytime soon since as soon as I moved to sit up, he growled at me and pulled me closer, so close that I could feel his chiseled muscles underneath his ragged shirt and his breath on my ear. My usual alarms walk in and start roaring loudly like usual until they spot my position, Kuma nudges Ryuga's face in an attempt to get him to let go but Ryuga still doesn't let go opting instead to pull me closer, as if that was possible but all that did was bring my face closer to his." I'm wide awake and I'm not letting you go cause it's so cold.", he whispers, golden eyes staring at my face." You know I need to make breakfast for everyone, right?", I ask him, hoping he'll let me make breakfast first. Leon nudges him once like Kuma did but this time Ryuga moves, though it's not exactly what I'd call safe to do in front of two predatory animals' master. Warm lips on my own lips caused me to heat up at the light and unfamiliar touch but I didn't react to it besides for blushing, he smirks after pulling away at my possibly red face and chuckles." Was that your first?", he asks, placing a hand on my cheek. Speechless, I nod instead causing him to chuckle once more before saying something that makes my face all the more red." I'll take all your firsts but the legend appears to be true since I don't feel any wounds anymore except for this curse but I'm sure it'll be fixed soon.", he says, pulling me up alongside him." So does this mean we're...", I trail, unsure of the whole thing." Mates? Yeah I'm sure of this now.", he says, not looking away from my face as he spoke." Sure of what?", I ask." The fact that I love you dearly.", he says, catching me off guard and throwing another blush rampant on my face." I-I love you too...", I say, looking away from him shyly." Look at me when you're saying it, or else it'll come off as untruthful.", he says, pulling my face to look at him again. My face gets even hotter when I look into his warm eyes and notice his serene smile, then his soft touch on my chin pulls me closer to his face." Say it again now.", he says, his warm breath tickling my nose." I-I love you too Ryuga.", I say finally, blush reaching a whole new level of hot." That's my girl.", he says before pulling me in for another kiss...

TK: so? How was it? It's not in order of what was requested first but it's still really long... anyways! The next one I'll get out is probably going to be either the Ginka X reader one or the Kyoya X childhood friend reader so keep an eye out for those! Ciao for now! TK!

Metal fight Beyblade reader one shotsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن