Cop! Ryuga X criminal! Reader part 2!

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Part two is here!! I don't own the pic, I just found it off the internet search so him without glasses is still hot af... anyways! Enjoy, vote, comment, follow, and request!

Night time in metal bey city... Ryuga's POV!
Another day rolls by after arresting that blonde chick in the bar, another normal night shift starts since I had met her. The girl who caught my eye still hasn't left my mind, nor any phone calls or texts since I met her last night." Ryuga!!", I hear someone shout." What?!", I shout back, annoyed that someone came into my office." There's been a death at a bar!! Someone was shot!! Hurry!", Madoka shouts before running out. I was shocked, nothing too big ever happens, especially a death in the city that wasn't medically inclined but murder...that's something completely new. I get up, put on my coat and scramble out to my car, spotting Ginka's animal haul and Kyoya's car speed out right before I turn on mine. My lights flash as traffic moves out of the way for me and the team as we rush over to the bar called late night date night...wait, that sounded was that girls bar!! The one she was running while we drank...I wonder if it'll be open after the investigation... no time to think as I reach the bar with my cohorts." What happened? Any eyewitnesses? Evidence?", I ask as soon as I get out of my car." Nothing so far except the cameras inside that place.", Kyoya says, looking at the body. It was a major business man who ran the major energy corporation in the mainland of America who was visiting on some family member, from what I believe he has no enemies or rivals." This is Dr. Ziggurat from America, died from gunshot to the side of his head, no other wounds or signs of struggle so all signs lead to murder. We recovered a phone, a wallet confirming that this is indeed Dr. Ziggurat, a pair of prescription sun glasses, and a notepad with some reminders and codes written in it suggesting that we may be able to unlock and look through his records.", Yuu says, looking over the bag of stuff and the scene. We hear some footsteps and a gasp." What the heck happened?!", a familiar girl exclaims. It was her, (y/n), the owner of the bar we were investigating the front of." Miss (y/n), do you know this man?", Kyoya asks her." Yes actually, he is a friend of mines from America, I asked him to meet me here while I opened up.", she answers, looking aghast at his body." Ok so you didn't know he would be early?", he asks, after writing down her answer on a note pad." I knew he would be a small bit early since that's how he is but I'm not sure if he was in some kinda rush, he seemed calm when I talked to him last night.", she answers, looking a bit pale." So if we looked on his phone, we would see a call with your name on it, correct?", he continues, scribbling her answer on the note pad." It would be my nickname he calls me, smart girl, or something like that but yes, it would be.", she says, explaining her answer." Alright, I'm sorry but the bar will be closed until we notice you about the murder.", Kyoya explains. She nods before noticing something," Wait! Murder? You think someone killed him?", she asks, holding on to her sun hat as a wind nearly blew it off her head." Yes ma'am, only possibility as he has no gun on him and no one else was around him at the time so we can only assume it as murder and no accident.", he answers, tipping his hat at her." O-okay...I'll head home then... I'll think of something to keep me going as the investigation keeps on...", she says, looking down in thought." If you need anything, we'll help you miss (y/n)! Just don't look down, makes you look stupid.", Benkei says, repeating what she said to him last night." Hehe, thanks Benkei, you guys, keep up the good work also Mr. Handsome, feel free to text me at nights now.", she says, winking at me before turning and walking back to where she parked her car." Ryuga, keep in touch with her, she's our only chance of cracking the case.", Ryu says, before getting back in his car and driving off back to the department as the body collectors rush in." No scents nothing, guess it must of been a long range shot.", Ginka says, scratching his head as his best dog, Hokuto, sniffs out the place." Sniper shot?", I ask." Seems like it, guess we gotta look up the licensed gun holders and find the one with a .65 caliber sniper rifle.", he says, pointing to his haul which Hokuto gets in as he is ordered." Well I hope Yuu took some pictures, I want the bar open again.", I tell him, walking back to my car." Me too, it's the best so far.", Ginka agrees as he steps in his haul." See ya.", we say before starting up our cars and heading back to the department...

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