Cop!Ryuga X criminal!reader real life AU part 1!

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Requested by Death_1666  hope you enjoy this little idea I came up with! Pictures not mine but it is how he looks in work! Also did I mention that this is my first AU so plz be nice! Ages!
Reader chan: master mind thief and assassin 25 years old
Ryuga: sergeant in command 27 years old
Ginka: K-9 unit director 23 years old
Kyoya: sergeant 24 years old
Madoka: researcher 24 years old
Kenta: undercover cop 21 years old
Benkei: Kyoya's partner(why not?) 22 yrs old
Tsubasa: second in command 30 years old
Ryu: main chief 47 years old
Hikaru: secretary 36 years old
Yuu: detective 21 years old
Reiji: drug trafficker 30 years old( has crush on reader chan)
Doji: employer 45 years old ( yes I know...)
Dan and Reiki: minions and stake outs 22 years old
Daimian: guard dog breeder 21 years old
Nemesis: weapons dealer and black market dealer 25 years old

(Y/n)'s POV!
I was working my bar like usual, cleaning some glasses while the patrons just mumbled to themselves on a rather slow night when I hear more people step in." What can I get you guys?", I ask the clearly bored group." Anything you think we'll like.", the oldest red head says as his group takes up the whole of the main bar area." Hmm...scotch?", I ask him, seeing as he had a tired look on his face." I'll take it.", he says before the blue haired woman next to him speaks up." I'll take something on the lighter side please.", she requests, probably his secretary of sorts." You got it.", I say, pulling out a shot glass and a large bottle of scotch with a screwdriver flavored Smirnoff. Handing that to them, I see that nearly all of the police department was here as the silver headed man calls me over." I'll take something lighter as well.", he says, his name tag read sergeant Tsubasa." Got cha there.", I say, pulling out an original flavored Smirnoff and popping the cap before handing it to him." Thanks.", he says." No prob, so what are the cops doing here? I didn't exactly call you guys.", I ask with a giggle." An off day, no crime nothing!! I'm so bored...", a younger red head shouts, calming down as the other patrons look at him funny." Yeesh! Calm down Ginka, at least we don't have to arrest anyone.", a brunette says, putting her head in her hand." I'll take what Hikaru got please.", she says, looking around my place more." You got it lil' lady.", I say, pulling out another Smirnoff for her." Hmm... a bottle of sake please.", the red head known as Ginka says." Sure sugar, ID please.", I tell him, pulling out the bottle anyways." Here, I'm 23 years old ma'am", he says, showing me his card." Thank you, enjoy.", I say, handing him a cup and the bottle." A Heineken.", a green haired man says, he looked completely bored out of his mind." Sure thing honey bun, ID.", I tell him, causing him to growl in annoyance as I grab the bottle from the fridge." 24.", was all he said before tucking it away and popping the cap of the bottle and nursing it." Mike's hard lemonade miss.", a beanie wearing man requests." Sure honey, what flavor?", I ask him." Uh...lemon lime one miss.", he says, blushing a bit over my nicknames." Heehee, don't mind the nickname, I call everyone that until I know their names.", I tell him before handing the drink to him." It's Benkei miss.", he answers, looking down at the counter." Look up when you speak, it looks stupid. (Y/n)'s the name, nice to finally meet the police force keeping our city clean of crime.", I say with a small wink as he blushes harder." What do you suggest for a first drink?", a younger looking blonde asks." Your first kiddo? Hah! I'd say something sweet maybe something like this?", I ask him, handing him a Mike's hard lemonade." It's what I started with.", I tell him as he looks at it confusedly." Pop the cap, you'll like it.", I tell him before he shows me his ID without me asking." Thanks (y/n).", he says, taking a small sip before lighting up and glugging the thing down." Hehe knew he'd like it.", I whisper, looking over the the next kid who had his ID out too." So your first too, Kenta?", I ask him as he blushes." Y-yeah, what do you recommend?", he asks, looking to the kid next to him." I'd say the watermelon Smirnoff.", I answer." I'll try it.", he says." Humph! Light weight. Fireball whisky and a shot glass.", an older male requests." You got it sugar.", I tell him, pulling out what he asked and handing Kenta his first drink. One sip was all it took for him to start downing it, just like his friend next to him." May I ask all your names?", I ask, popping a Smirnoff for myself." The names Yuu miss.", the blonde kid says." Ginka's the name.", the younger red head says." I'm his father Ryu.", the older one adds." Kyoya.", the green haired man says." Tsubasa ma'am.", the silver haired man says even though I already knew his name." Hikaru.", the blue haired Miss says, confirming my thoughts." My names Madoka miss.", the brunette says with a small smile." Well that leaves Mr. Handsome here.", I say, walking up to the red and white haired man who got the whisky." Ryuga, although I don't mind that nick name miss bartender.", he says with a small purr to his voice." Hehe, is that all for now?", I ask them. I got various positive answers from all of them except Ryuga, who says he wanted to stay a few minutes more as I write the others their checks." Alright, here's the bill, cask or credit no matter it works here.", I tell the oldest, handing him the bill." Chip in guys.", he says as everyone but Ryuga steps up and hands him twenty or so bucks." I assume you'll be paying for your bill, hmm Mr. Ryuga?", I ask the golden eyes man." Yeah, don't wanna get on the chief's bad side.", he says with a smirk." And that would be?", I ask, handing another patron a Busch." The red head called Ryu, he's the main man who writes my checks.", he answers as a blonde girl walks in." Smirnoff chop chop!", she says, being real rude." ID ma'am.", I say, not moving from Mr. Ryuga." Who says I have one, now hurry up! I need something fast.", she says impatiently, crossing her arms over her very revealing tube top." And I need your ID, if not get ready to run out or get arrested since this man here is a copper man.", I tell the girl." Pft! As if he is! You're bluffing aren't you? I want a Smirnoff! If you can't get me one then I'll just grab one myself!", she shouts before trying to climb over the bar table as Ryuga stands up." Here keep the change Miss, I'll take care of her.", he says, winking to me before handing me a twenty and walking up to the clearly spoiled girl." Ma'am, you're under arrest for suspicion of underage drinking. Please come quietly and I'll be sure to be as nice as I can to someone who is as rude as you.", he says, grasping her left arm." I WANT A SMIRNOFF!!!!", she shouts before hitting him away and climbing into my side of the bar." Ma'am, I need you to stay away from the alcohol and the lady in front of you.", he says, staying as calm as he could as the girl stalks up to me." JUST HAND ME ONE NOW!!!", she shouts as my other patrons spot the scuffle." You are clearly less than the legal drinking age and already rather drunk miss so I'm not going to serve you anymore alcohol.", I tell her calmly, as she was clearly agitated." NOW!!", she shouts, diving towards me. I catch her by the stomach and attempt to throw her to the other side of the bar, only to get my hair pulled." Okay that's it! No more miss nice boots!!", I shout as I tackle her down and slam her head into the ground." YOU BITCH! I'LL KILL YOU!!", she shouts, the alcohol clear on her breath as she grasps my hair once again and pulls hard on my (h/c) locks." Sorry little miss, that won't hurt a grown woman like me!", I taunt, punching her straight in the jaw as Ryuga jumps the bar easily and pulls the girl out from under me." Man! What a punch! She's out cold, how do you know she's too young?", he asks me, hand cuffing the sleeping girl." Her demeanor, it's too rushed, those usually are the younger ones if not then the nervous ones and ones who come alone.", I answer, fixing my hair." Finally something fun tonight, hopefully she didn't cause too much damage or any influencing of sorts.", Ryuga says, lifting the girl into a bridal pose. For some reason, I wished that girl was me as I surveyed my side of the bar for any damage until I noticed a piece of paper saying call me with a phone number on it signed R. It wasn't until I picked up the paper did I notice that he had gone, taking the girl with him in his car. 'Things are going to get a lot more interesting for them for sure.' I thought with a small smile, thinking over my plan as I got a call." Hello, it's (n/n)(nickname) what's up?", I answer, whispering slightly so as not to alert my other patrons." Tomorrow is the day you take him out alright?", he asks, sounding nervous." You got it sir, I'll be right on target.", I tell him, knowing what it was about." Good, I expect the police to be baffled and in a haze.", he says, much more confident now." No problem, hey they just came earlier but no worries, they're gone now.", I quip, smiling a bit at that Ryuga guy." What?!? Did they seem questioning?", he asks, going back to that nervousness from the beginning of the call." Nope, just bored but we'll give them something to think about.", I tell him, grabbing a twenty from the last patron who wandered out as I collect the rest of the twenties on the tables before closing up shop and getting into my car." Good, keep up the great work.", he says before hanging up on me." Sheesh! You'd think he'd at least let me say goodbye!", referencing both my employer and that Ryuga guy, as I start my car and drive home...

Here's part one for ya! This'll probably take at least three or four chapters to finish so I hope you enjoy! Ciao for now! TK! Also that car be your choice.

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