Repeating History

Start from the beginning

I stared at her silently for a few seconds. She had become a close friend, something that I wouldn't allow myself to have for a while. It was next to impossible to keep her safe without actually having a relationship with her.

"It's okay, Elena." I smiled, running my free hand through my hair. "you've taken it surprisingly well."

She let out a small squeal of excitement before wrapping me in an unexpected hug. I was stiff at first, but eventually hugged back for a few seconds before she pulled away, keeping her hand on my elbow. "You know what, you're coming over for a sleepover tonight. Caroline and Bonnie are going to be there!"

"Oh," I laughed "This is about that necklace thing, right?"

"Not completely." Elena started walking down the hall, the two of us heading towards the student parking lot. Our footfalls echoed against empty walls. "Sort of. It has Bonnie all up and arms. She keeps having dreams about being a witch, and her ancestors."

I stopped just short of the two double doors, knitting my eyebrows together. I had known that Bonnie was exploring her abilities, but the whole Vicki thing had kept me from actually talking to her about it. The more I thought about it, the more I recognized the Jewelry she kept around her neck.

"Did she mention an Emily," I mumbled, my hand resting on the handle to the double doors.

"Yeah," Elena shrugged her shoulders "You know her?"

"I did, yeah." I nodded, suddenly okay with going to a sleepover tonight. "She used to work for Katherine. But I'm sure it's nothing."

We all sat in a circle around a few candles, a certain uneasiness filling my stomach as the other three girls glanced warily at one another. There was an odd feeling in the air, one that was heavy and uncomfortable. I would bet it had something do to with that necklace Bonnie had been so inclined to keep from Damon.

Caroline had been trying to get it back all night, at least she had been until Elena finally calmed the two of them down enough to actually stay in the same room. Caroline was the one who suggested we try a séance.

I was never one for ghosts, or witches. But it quieted the blonde down enough to actually smile for once- so the four of us lit some candles and stared directly at a necklace that was hanging right around Bonnie's neck, golden light bouncing off the amber gem.

"This is a horrible idea," I mumbled under my breath. Elena nodded, her arms wrapped around her knees as she rested her chin on her knees. She was curled up, the room warm enough for us to be comfortable.

"Why are we even doing this?" Bonnie spoke timidly.

"Shh," Caroline placed her palm in mine, and the little Bennet witches on the other side of her. Elena warily interlaced her fingers with mine, sealing off the circle all of us had created. "Just close your eyes and concentrate."

We are stared at each other for a few more seconds before we closed our eyes. Caroline mostly spoke, her breath heavy "Okay, Bonnie. Call to her."

"Emily, ya there?"

"Really?" Caroline spoke, one of my eyes opening as a smile spread across my lips. "Emily, ya there? That's all you've got?"

"Fine, geese." Bonnie let out a breath, a long one as Caroline gave me a warning look, telling me I needed to close my eyes again. I did just that, not knowing if that moment of relief was from Bonnie's reluctance to actually do this, or the fact that it was prolonging this awful feeling in my stomach.

"Emily, I call on you." Her voice was stronger, more assertive "I know you have a message. I'm here to listen."

Nothing happened for a few moments, the wind had quieted outside of the windows, the whole house silent. My eyes shot open as a surge of heat pressed against my cheek, air dragging into my lungs I pulled my fingers away from Elena and Caroline.

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