33 | ecstasy

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Bright flashing lights blinded Shaolin as he entered the fourth club of that night

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Bright flashing lights blinded Shaolin as he entered the fourth club of that night. For months he had been looking for Joelle deep in the streets of New Jersey, where she was still rumored to be. The colorful lights spun around the club, making anyone sober feel like they were high off of ecstasy.

Shaolin walked up to the stage and blocked the blaring lights with his forearm to get a better look at the DJ. This time, the DJ was a female figure, sparking Shao's attention. However, he couldn't see her very well because of the blinding lights.

Shaolin weaseled through the crowd to get around to the steps of the stage. He walked on stage and squinted his eyes to focus on the DJ, hoping that it was Joelle. When his eyes finally focused on the person he lit up with joy to see the familiar face. "Jo!" He called, grabbing the attention of the girl.

Joelle shot her head around from her post and scowled at Shaolin. "You look different." Shaolin stated, looking up and down at his crush.

Joelle scoffed and waved him away, refocusing her attention to the records. "Go away, Shaolin."

Shaolin grunted then, neared her. She reeked of weed and sweat. "The fuck have you been on?" Shao asked, pinching his nose.

"LCD. I haven't slept in a week, you should try it sometime." Joelle sniggered as she plucked a new record to transition into.

Shaolin grew a sudden anger toward Joelle. "The fuck? You can get killed off of that shit." Shaolin grabbed Joelle's arm, tugging her away.

Joelle unsuccessfully attempted to pull her arm away as Shaolin dragged her out of the raging club filled with about a hundred people. "What the hell, Shao?" Joelle exclaimed.

"You're killing yourself!" Shaolin yelled at her as he pulled her onto his motorcycle.

Joelle sneered. "Why do you even care?" Joelle questioned as Shaolin mounted the bike and revved the engine.

"I can't stand how much I love you." He groaned, speeding away back to New York.

* * *

The next morning, Joelle woke up with the worst headache in the world. Her head felt like someone had dropped her on her head 1,000 times. She looked around and noticed she was in a fancy ass house, she assumed it was Michael and Valentina's highly reported new house.

She rolled out of the fluffy white bed and exited the room while groaning. Eventually, she found the kitchen and began digging through the fridge and out of nowhere, a soft spoken voice called out. "Jo?" The recognizable voice of Valentina called out.

Joelle cringed and turned around slowly. "Sorry, I would've asked but—" Joelle began.

"No, no, it's fine, really." Valentina waved her apology off.

"How've you been?" Joelle shut the fridge door and neared Val.

Valentina shrugged. "Good, good. And you?" Valentina inquired.

Joelle sighed. "Great at night, not so much in the mornings." She chuckled.

"What happened to you? Why did you even run away?" Valentina asked.

Joelle rubbed her face. "I needed some space. This whole fight for fame was too much for me." She admitted.

Valentina and Joelle stood in silence for a few minutes before Valentina finally spoke up again. "Wanna see our personal studio?" Valentina asked.

Joelle smiled kindly and nodded. Valentina led Joelle over to the studio in her home and let Joelle explore all the cool technology set up in the room. "Wow." Joelle breathed out in astonishment.

"We should record a song." Valentina suggested while squeaking in excitement.

Joelle nodded happily. "Let's do it." She told.

For the rest of the day the two rapped and sang in the studio while fooling around with the soundboard, having a good time as if they were long lost sisters. For the whole day, Joelle almost forget about the intimidating claw for fame that broke Big Trouble up and felt at peace hanging out with her, practically, sister-in-law.

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