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The days recording in the studio were long and tireless

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The days recording in the studio were long and tireless. Roy had the girls making so much music in order to have enough to make four albums: Valentina's, Mylene's, the Stigwood movie soundtrack's and Big Trouble's album. It was all too hectic and the girls felt like they were already losing their minds from not being able to perform their daily, social tasks outside of the studio and filming for the Stigwood movie hadn't even commenced.

* * *

4 months later...
Valentina and Star were almost never at Bug Trouble's rehearsals because they were filming for the Stigwood movie "A Star is Born." At least... that was the name for the movie at the moment. Stigwood had changed the movie name at least a hundred times by then.

On that particular day, Star and Valentina had a day off from filming and were finally able to rehearse a bit with the other girls. Valentina stretched out her legs on the ground as she waited for Jahil to arrive. The studio was strangely silent as the girls warmed up for the dancing they were going to face until Simone spoke up.

"So you two are going to forget about us now that you are famous?" Simone coughed out her words, as if she didn't want to be the one to say it.

Star and Valentina both looked back at Simone with a scowl. "Of course not." Val spoke.

Star scoffed. "I didn't get a famous record producer to make our album for no reason." She reminded.

Alex shook her head disapprovingly. "Yeah, but when she going to deliver. With all the other things he's working on with you guys, he seemed to forget that he agreed to make an album with us too." Alex told.

"Why can't you get your dad to find us someone to produce the album?" Star scoffed, insulted that Alex would question her deals.

Alex's face darkened. "You already know how my dad feels about me being in this group." Alex mumbled to Star, angrily.

"Wait, who's her dad?" Joelle inquired, finally joining in on the conversation after silently observing from afar.

"Roland Crane." Star huffed.

Joelle's eyes shot open wide. "Roland Crane!" She shouted instantly.

"Your father is Roland Crane and you're complaining that our producer isn't delivering while you have the best connection to any producer by your side?!" Valentina exclaimed.

Alex sighed. "This is why I don't tell people who my father is." She seethed, shooting daggers at Star.

"Okay, princess." Star rolled her eyes at Alex.

"Don't start with that princess shit, Star! Don't forget you date that rich football player, Hunter Morgan." Alex spat.

Valentina narrowed her eyes at Alex. "Shut the hell up Alex. You and Simone were complaining about us gaining recognition when you are famous yourself. Hypocritical bitc—" Valentina growled.

"No, you shut the fuck up! Miss Perfect! All I hear all day is, oh Valentina you are perfect, you're beautiful, you're a model! Everything about you is perfect! You're smile is beautiful!" Alex shouted.

Valentina huffed. "That's not my fault, jealous bitch!" Valentina yelled back.

"Valentina, why don't you just leave. You live a perfect life without us, you date Michael Tealer the superstar sensation and you're going to become bigger than all of us anyway." Simone butted in, crossing her arms.

Valentina shrugged, fuming. "Fine." Valentina shot up from the ground.

"Oh and take your pet, Jojo with you too." Alex mentioned.

Joelle shot her head over at Alex. "The fuck you just call me?" Joelle snapped.

Valentina's face changed into a deep red and she began charging at Alex. Joelle rapidly grabbed Valentina and held her back before she could get close to Alex. "We're leaving, Val! And I'll take my DJ skill and the get with me too since this trash ass group disrespects it." Joelle spoke as she tugged Valentina out of the studio.

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