10 | feeling feelings

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Michael's friends left him and Valentina alone at Michael's place

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Michael's friends left him and Valentina alone at Michael's place. Valentina was still blacked out, and Michael continue to tend to her by placing a wet rag on her forehead and caressing her head as he awaited for her to awaken.

Out of all of the girls Michael had been with, Valentina seemed to be the only one he had actually developed feelings for. She intrigued him and when he saw her in need of help, his heart dropped and he completely forgot about himself to save her.

As he was staring down at her, Valentina began to stir. Her eyes slowly fluttered open as they adjusted to the brightness of day. She groaned and when she recalled the recent events, she tensely shot up from her position on the couch.

"It's okay, I've got you." Michael soothed her with his words.

Valentina sighed out in relief. She felt her throat that had been violated right before she blacked out. She could help but to begin to break down at the thought that she could've been kidnapped and never to be heard of again. Valentina wrapped herself up with her arms, forming a ball with her body.

Michael felt awkward and didn't know what to do. Therefore, he grabbed her hand. He kissed it tenderly then rubbed it soothingly, hoping that it would calm her. Valentina was far too shocked to even react to his kind gestures, nevertheless, she didn't note them.

Valentina looked up emotionlessly at Michael. "I— I—" She stuttered.

"You don't have to tell me. I just need to know how you're feeling." Michael comforted.

Valentina shuddered. "I feel... everything. Everything bad. Michael," she began to sob, "I feel every horrible feeling anyone could feel: regret, sadness, fear, shock, anxiety, shame, hopelessness, anger, and a lot more." Valentina threw her arms around Michael.

She thought of how much she'd rather be feeling anything but what her mind was sensing at that moment. She absorbed the warmness from Michael's body and felt some comfort, but the other feelings she was going through overpowered that feeling.

Valentina broke the hug to place her forehead on Michael's. "Thank you for saving me, for caring for me." Valentina inhaled sharply.

Michael gulped, nervous at how close she was to him. "Of course." He nodded.

Valentina leaned in to kiss him, to feel something else other than the horrible things she was feeling for a brief moment. Michael didn't know what to do, so he allowed her to kiss him. Although he had longed to do so, he felt as if it was wrong that the first kiss they shared was when she was at such a vulnerable state.

"Michael, you need to help me." Valentina shivered at the horrifying thoughts swarming her brain.

Michael nodded slowly. "Make me think of something other than what I'm think now, please." She whispered. More tears streamed down her face. Valentina pressed her lips onto his and moved on top of him on the couch.

Michael pushed her away from him. "No, Valentina. I would never do that to you, I don't want to hurt or use you ever." Michael moved away from Valentina. Valentina continue to cry. She rubbed her eyes furiously.

"Fine, I'll just go home." She sniffed.

Michael shook his head firmly. "You can stay here, until I know you're okay. Then I'll take you home." Michael grabbed her hands and pressed them firmly.

* * *

Valentina ended up staying the night at the Tealer home. She slept with Joelle in her room for that night. The sweet smell of breakfast woke Valentina up. Her stomach rumbled and she felt herself get up out of the bed into the kitchen.

Standing over the stove making some bacon was Michael and Mrs. Tealer. Valentina smiled small at Mrs. Tealer and waved. "Nice to meet you, Ms. Cruz." Mrs. Tealer smiled brightly at Valentina. Michael leaned against the kitchen counter and simply stared at Valentina worriedly.

"Pleasure is mine, Mrs. Tealer. Sorry I crashed at your place without your permission." Valentina cringed, hoping Mrs. Tealer didn't hate her for doing so.

"Don't worry about it, pumpkin. Anytime you need a place to stay, my home is always welcome." The sweet lady beamed. Her smile was brilliant and made Valentina feel fuzzy inside. Mrs. Tealer was a beautiful woman. She was extremely curvy and her chocolate skin complimented her prominent features. Her curly hair grew down her back, for it was too long to be in an Afro anymore. 

Valentina hoped Michael hadn't told Mrs. Tealer the reason why she was there. "Michael told me you were working on some music with Jo, you know it's great to know Jo is making friends. . ." Mrs. Tealer continue to speak but Valentina tuned her out as she shot Michael a grateful look.

"Mama, will you excuse us?" Michael coughed to interrupt his sweet mother's rambling.

Mrs. Tealer nodded kindly and diverted her attention back to the breakfast. Michael pulled Valentina over to another hall in his house. "Look—" Michael began, wanting to explain that he didn't mean to hurt Valentina by declining her offer from the night before or to suggest that he wasn't interested, because he surely was.

"You don't have to explain. You did the right thing. I was emotional and it would've been wrong to do what I asked for." Val held her breath as she waited for Michael to respond.

Michael's eyes searched Valentina's as he tried to understand her. "Val, you give me butterflies inside when I see you. You always making me feel some type of way that no other girl has made me feel. I know it might sound cheesy, but I think I'm fallin' for you." Michael admitted as he tugged at the chain on his leather outfit.

Valentina's eyes widened. She was shocked that her crush had just admitted his feelings for her. "I..." Valentina was at a loss for words. So many things were happening to her and she didn't know how to control her emotions during these events.

"I feel the same."

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