31 | mikentina

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Valentina's eyes skimmed over the carefully printed words on the last script Stigwood had given her for the movie

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Valentina's eyes skimmed over the carefully printed words on the last script Stigwood had given her for the movie. It was the last day on set, and Valentina was quite ecstatic. The tireless days of memorizing and performing the scenes in front of the camera were finally over, and Valentina could return to working on her own schedule as she produced her new album.

As Valentina continued to memorize the last few lines on her paper, a sudden hand was placed on her shoulder— knocking her out of her own thoughts. Valentina looked up and recognized the person as Michael, whom she hadn't seen in months. Michael greeted her with a smile and rapidly handed a gift to her.

"What is this?" Valentina looked at the gift Michael had given her. It was a cup, which was quite warm to the touch.

"Coffee. I thought you'd need it." Michael shrugged, pushing his curls out of his face.

Valentina shot him a thankful smile as she took a sip from the cup. "I thought you were angry with me." Valentina mentioned as she redirected her attention back down at her script.

"I was... then I realized that I was just scared at that particular moment and I needed to lash out on someone." Michael spoke quietly, quite ashamed of what harsh words he had spoken to Valentina.

"And what does that mean?" Valentina continued, hoping to get an apology out of him first before she apologized to him.

Michael looked down at his feet, sadly. "I'm sorry for lashing out at you. I was wrong for what I said. And I'm sorry for taking so long to say sorry..." Michael trailed off.

"Well, I am sorry too. I shouldn't have let Jo do something so dangerous." Valentina apologized, finally meeting Michael's subtle gaze.

* * *

Michael waited for Valentina to finish shooting to take her out on a make-up date— hoping to restore their relationship to its previous state. It was a miracle those two had spent so much time apart, for they had fallen so deeply in love with one another. For the rest of the night, the two laughed and caught up with one another at the fancy restaurant Michael took Valentina too. Then after, the pair went to a studio to mess around with some beats and mesh lyrics together... which resulted in the two creating a demo together. The couple then proceeded to end the night on a climax... literally...

an: this was a sloppy and gross chapter but I just had to catch y'all up on Mikentina sbbssb

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