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As hoped for, Jahil loved the idea and he instantly put the group to work

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As hoped for, Jahil loved the idea and he instantly put the group to work. He had Joelle practicing her skills with the turntables and speakers he purchased for her and got the others to begin practicing their new choreography.

Valentina, because of her passion to dance, quickly caught onto the choreography. Every move she had reflected her emotion she wanted to portray during that part of the song. When the song was finally over, Jahil pulled her aside to give her some notes.

"Your dancing was amazing, but you have to remember that you're going to be rapping. When we record in the studio, just take note that you've got a set time to rap that verse in the studio and at live performances. So pace yourself." Jahil mentored.

Valentina nodded. It was only the first day she had met Jahil and, although he seemed a bit off, she saw how much he cared for the success of these girls... and how good Star was looking. "Then... rehearsals are over, you can go home, girls." Jahil dismissed them.

* * *

The soft, cool breeze of the Bronx brushed past Valentina's cheek as she walked home from the dance studio. She had her own car, however, she found the weather far too nice to be sitting in a car. Also, she wanted to be left to her own thoughts.

Mindlessly, she walked the miles of sidewalk. She felt at peace, and as if everyone else was peaceful that day as well. However, she was quite wrong. Tense feelings of hate was brewing amongst the drug queens of the Bronx, and everyone was at each other's necks.

With any opportunity they had, they would attack each other; and at that very moment, some of Fat Annie's distributors were lingering on the street Valentina, the daughter of Fat Annie's recent competitor: Lil' Kay, was walking home on. "Look." One of the men spoke.

The others looked up and spotted the graceful Valentina trailing down the street. "Fat Annie sure would like to get her hands on Lil' Kay's prized possession..." Another said after licking his dry lips.

The men understood what they needed to do in order to please Fat Annie, and with a simple nod, they were off on a mission: to take Valentina. They began to follow Valentina, then snuck up behind her, then snatched her up.

Valentina thrashed and kicked, and even called out for help. But, no one seemed to want to interfere. The grimy hands of the men were placed all over her as they tried to contain her. Valentina managed to wiggle out her arm and punch one of the males.

The one she punched shot out his hand around her throat. "W—what... do you w—want from me?!" Valentina spoke in between gasps for air. Her throat was closing as the man tightened his grip around her neck.

"Leverage." He growled.

Valentina felt herself getting lightheaded and noticed that her vision was quickly blackening. She became frantic and thrashed around more, hoping to do some damage to one of the men. She never thought that she could blackout so easily, nevertheless, there she was... almost fully blacked out.

Valentina prayed to god, just as her father had taught her when she was young, for some help. She pleaded and felt a couple tears slip past her eyes. Fortunately for her, whomever she was praying to answered her and sent a rescue to save her.

Michael Tealer had been lingering around that part of the Bronx with his buddies from Queens when he heard some commotion from around the corner. He and his friends when to go investigate when he recognized the girl crying out for help. "That's Val!" Michael gasped pointing to the familiar girl.

"That's the broad you fallin' for, Mike?" One of Michael's friend gawked at the sight.

"Shut the fuck up." Michael groaned, beginning to run over to the scene.

His friends stayed behind for a moment. "It's understandable. She looks like that." Another friend of his mentioned before running to catch up with Michael. Soon after, the rest of the group followed.

Michael stood dominantly before the greasy men that were handling Valentina. "Let her go." He barked.

The men scoffed and got into Michael's face. "Whatcha goin' to do? Call your mama on me?" One of the greasy men joked.

Michael stiffened and his face darkened. His friends' assumed the same state, ready to back up their friend at any moment. "Let her go, or I'm 'bout to fuck you up." Michael spat.

The greasy men rolled their eyes and began to leave with a lifeless Valentina on one of their shoulders. Consequently, Michael flicked out his switch blade and pointed it at one of their chests. "Let. My. Girl. Go." Michael spoke lowly.

The greasy men finally took Michael seriously and put Valentina down on the ground. They didn't want any trouble for some voluntary work they probably weren't going to get compensated for by Fat Annie. They scurried away, leaving Michael and his friends to observe Valentina's dormant state on the pavement.

Michael pocketed his knife and swiftly picked up Valentina, bridal style. He walked back over to his car and took her back to his place.

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