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18 | FOCUS

The next day, Valentina was walking with Star down the street— retelling the events of the night before

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The next day, Valentina was walking with Star down the street— retelling the events of the night before. "You sang? You can sing?!" Star exclaimed.

Valentina nodded. "I guess so! People, like, cried and shit." Valentina stated.

Star snorted. "Shit. Who would've thought our MC was going to be a vocalist?" Star playfully punched Valentina's arm.

Valentina looked over at Star and noticed a large purple bruise on the side of her face. "What happened?" Val pointed at the bruise.

"Got into a fight." Star brushed off her questioned.

"With who?"
"Don't matter."
"You sure?"
"Yeah, I'm fucking sure!"

Valentina snickered. "You lost didn't you?" Val pointed and laughed at Star.

Star shrugged. "Sure, whateva." She spoke quietly.

"How's you and Michael?" Star changed the subject.

Val shrugged. "I don't know. I haven't seen him in some days. But, I'm not going to be a hovering girlfriend so I ain't worried about it." Val informed Star.

"What if he out cheating on you?" Star scoffed.

Val shook her head. "Then I'd leave him. I shouldn't have to keep him nearby like a dog to keep him from cheating on me." Valentina noted.

Star nodded in agreement. "Sing me something? I haven't heard you sing and I'm itching to hear it now." Star asked Valentina.

Valentina nodded and quickly came up with a song to sing. She decided it was appropriate to sing one of Big Trouble's songs, and to sing Star's part. She sang and danced along the street as they walked. When she finished, claps erupted from each side of the street from strangers. The strangers cheered and complimented her singing from afar.

"Fuck. I didn't think you were going to be that good." Star chuckled.

Valentina sniggered. "You jealous?"

"A little." Star told. Then, suddenly, a firm hand was set on Valentina's shoulder— causing her to jump up in surprise.

"I didn't know you could sing like that, Val." The infamous Ezekiel mentioned.

Star gasped. "How in the hell did you just appear here?" Star clasped her chest, feeling her heart rate.

"I was nearby and heard her." Zeke rolled his eyes. He didn't like Star very much, mostly because of the things he heard about her from Mylene.

Zeke turned to face Valentina. "Why don't you sing as a background vocalist for Mylene's new record? Take it as a thank you for helping her with that producer." Zeke suggested.

Valentina nodded. "Sure. I got nothing better to do anyway." Val stated, then Zeke jogged away.

Star groaned. "You better ruin her fucking record. She don't deserve to be making one with that attitude she got." Star nudged Val.

Val groaned. "Leave that girl alone, Star. We need to focus on Big Trouble, not Mylene."

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