Employed at Albertstein Research Facility.


Richards was indeed a physician but why was someone employed at a high paying research facility, stoop to play the role of a child physician?

Hoping to find answers I researched the relationship between the Ryder family and Nicalus Albertstein. What I saw was kind of what I was expecting.

The Ryder family had been financing Professor Albertstein's research into the cure for cancer.

Moving on I searched for any medical records but found none under the name Dyan Ryder. That was weird, no public health records at all and the only ones Ally had found were the reports by that physician.

I was soon lost in the files that I barely heard my phone ringing. Ass by Big Sean and Nicki Minaj came on and I groaned. I did not put that as her ringtone.

"Yes, Felly?"

'Hey bro, you sound distracted,' she replied.

"Yes I am but nevertheless why are you calling?"

'I was just hoping my big brother wouldn't mind meeting his sister and showing her around when she comes for her new job... as a maid.'

I froze as her words reached me.



I stand outside the Mansion in a black shirt, white pants and white converse.

I sighed as a black car pulls up towards me and a head of brown curls peaked out as a lady stepped out.

As her sapphire eyes came into view a smirk appeared on her lips. She was in a black tank top, a short jeans shirt and knee-high boots.

I take that back she didn't look like a lady.

"You dyed your hair," I said as she stepped towards me.

"And hello to you too brother," she said lowly.

I walked past her to take her luggage out of her car. She followed me looking over me as I took out bags.

"Why are you here?" I asked as I reach in the car for the final bag.

"Movement in the Silver Sword gang so I am assigned here to help you," she said closing down the trunk. "They fear for the safety of the professor and his fiancée."

I cringed at the word fiancée but quickly covered it up. "I'm quite able to protect them by myself you know."

She rolled her eyes. "You can't take on a group of 15 plus men with guns on your own. You aren't Deadpool. You may be as perverted as him but you lack the regeneration skill."

"I don't need your help," I said through gritted teeth.

"I really don't care I'm here on a mission and I will complete it," she said as he folded her arms.

"Fine but don't blow my cover."

"Wouldn't dream of it. Being a man-whore butler is so hard to keep up," she said rolling her eyes.

I grunted and brushed away her reply.

I grabbed two bags and she followed with the other as we walked onto the mansion.

I led her up the stairs towards the guest quarters and showed her to a room on the servant quarters of the mansion.

She stepped in as I place her bags beside the bed. Her nose scrunched as she looked at the dust around the room.

"The room's a bit dusty, supply closet is down the hall on the left so get cleaning. Sheets are in the cupboard. Make yourself at home and familiarize yourself with your environment."

She looked at me confused. "You aren't gonna help me?"

"I have better things to do F–"

"Troy?" I heard Dyan call as she stepped into the room. "Oh. I knew I saw you walking here."

She was in a blue sundress with black flats and her hair was showering over her shoulders.

"Hey Dyan," I said softly as she walked in.

Her eyes moved to Felly and I looked at her only to see her raise a brow.

"Who's this?" Dyan asked breaking the stare down Felly and I were having.

"This is–"

"Carmen Hugh, the new maid," Felly interrupted.

"Oh nice to meet you Dyan Ryder," Dyan said as she held her hand out to Felly with a smile.

"The mistress of the household," Felly said and Dyan's eyes drift to me before smiling and nodding.

Felly looked at me and her eyes said it all. You're screwing her.

Technically I wasn't but I was involved or getting involved.

"Okay, let's leave Carmen to her cleaning," I piped up as I walked towards the door.

"Okay, I'll see you later on, Carmen," Dyan said as she exited the room.

"Of course ma'am," she smiled before glaring at me. "If you're not occupied."

Don't fuck this up. She mouthed at me as I left the room.

In other words, she was telling me to end things with Dyan but I couldn't.

I was too far in, I was developing feelings.

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