My life as a mcgarrett

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  Ever since I found out that my brother was taken from my family. I wanted to cry, but decided not to cause that shows weakness in my family. So I sucked it up, and kept my emotions bottled up. "Hey Sam are ok?" Asked uncle Danny with a concert look on his face. "Yeah I'm fine," I said lying to his face. "Oh come on Sam, you really think that you can lie to me and get away with it," said uncle Danny with a smile on his face. "Maybe, ok how did you know that I was lying to you?" I asked. "Well because you are McGarrett daughter and I have been around your father for a long time," said uncle Danny smiling and laughing at the same time. "Oh ok then what am I supposed to do now?" I asked. "Well just leave this to the processional and I'll call you when we need anything ok," said uncle Danny as he left the room to talk to my dad. "Well I can tell that there was a struggle in here, and that the window was opened recently which is odd because he never opens the window for anything," said my dad to the team. "Well I just got off the phone with Eric, and that blood on the bed is a match to your son's," said uncle Chin entering the bedroom. "Hey Danny are you supposed to watch Sam in the other room?" Asked my dad. "Well I didn't know that because you didn't tell me to do that," said uncle Danny as the five o team ran to the living room to see that I wasn't there. Wonder how I am telling you this story. It's because I am actually in the hallway closet hiding from them. "Wait, who are you? What are you doing? Get off me!" I said screaming to the top of my lungs as the shadow man put one hand on top of my mouth. "Hey guys did you hear that scream?" Asked my dad. "Yeah that sound like Sam, so she must still be in the house," said uncle Danny with a serious look on his face. "Think hard Steve where does Sam like to hide at?" Asked aunt Kono. "She like hiding in the hallway closet, but when they got to the closet that I like hiding in. I was gone and no where to be found.

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