XLI. Arwan

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The guys can't move from where they are while their eyes were shifting to Jungkook and Arwan. They were both scared for what is about to happen.

"Who should we stop first?" Hoseok said in amusement. No one was saying anything. Rather than being concern for the boys, they are now more concern of who those two are going to fight.

"Must be so unlucky to have made those two younger brothers of ours mad." Yoongi said as he was leaning on the wall while playing with his strings. Jaebum glanced at him in confusion then shook his head. He turned his attention back to V. . .Arwan.


There was nothing but 'death' that's running inside Arwan's head. He was not uttering any words. He was just scanning the whole area as if looking for more people to kill instead of just two. He looked at the almost lifeless you in the floor. His face did not change. He maintained that frightening expression everyone had been scared of seeing. He gripped on his sword's handle as he raised it up to his head then smirked slowly.

Jinyoung took a step back and knew that he's in big trouble. The grim reaper is here and he's not gonna leave until everyone will be on their knees begging for their lives. He pulled your hair tightly and dragged you near him. He placed a gun just above your head and heaved a sigh.

"Don't do anything stupid. He's not V anymore. He's Arwan. The most dangerous personality he has." Jinyoung whispered near you. You rolled your eyes and whispered back.

"I know. So you better let me go so you won't have to deal with his rampage."

"No. I can't do that. Sehun still has the contract and he still knows we're with him on this one." He answered back while looking as if you're being dragged down against your will. You had to act. That was what Jinyoung said to you when Sehun was out of the room treating his eye. At first, you thought that it was only another plan to get you to sign the papers but when he told you that he doesn't care about the contract and your life is just as important as his brothers, you just had to believe him. "You just need to act like you're gonna pee your pants and we're good."

"Are you crazy!?" You stage whispered as your hands held Jinyoung's arm that was wrapped around your neck. "What if Arwan kills you!?"

"He won't. I don't know. But isn't it better dying by the hands of someone you know rather than a stranger." He said in defeat while chuckling dryly. You felt your throat drying up as you can see Arwan walking closer to you. His eyes look so empty and dark. The look where a person is not scared of dying. A few of Sehun's men rushed towards him. A wicked smile came out from Arwan's face as he slowly titled his head looking amused. He swung his sword in front of him as blood splattered all over the place and the men's  body were cut in half effortlessly. You gasped in shock as your eyes in widen. You held your scream and tried to push Jinyoung away from you. "Shit!" He said as his arm that was around you tighten. 

"Let me go, Jinyoung. We need to stop Arwan." You said as you tried to push his arm away but he fought back. 

"No," He said sternly while leaning near your ear. "Did you just see what he did? Do you want to be cut in half like a fucking orange!?"

"He's not gonna do that to me." You argued. You looked at Arwan again and felt so worried.

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