Chapter 10: Reunited

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Natsu's POV:

It was a long trip back to the guild, we had to stop at a hotel on the way and everyone forced me to leave Lucy alone for the night. I don't know why? We always sleep in the same bed when we go on trips.

When we got back to the guild we put Lucy in the recovery bed. She was in a coma, or at least that's what Wendy said. It was weeks and still age didn't wake up. I missed her, but I was happy she was alive. I visited her everyday without fail. I would talk to her, Wendy said it could help her come out of her coma.

After visiting Lucy I decided to hang out in the guild hall, I hadn't gone on a job the whole time. I couldn't bring myself to do so without Lucy. We were a team despite what happened. Everyone was being so nice to was driving me CRAZY! I wanted Gray to say something aggravating so I could punch him like before, but he wouldn't.

Lucy's POV:

I stirred, I opened my eyes. It took me awhile to adjust to the light. Mira was standing in the room, at first I was confused but then I remembered everything. I was going to die, but now I was here.

"Natsu." I managed to spit out. Mira smiled, she explained everything that happened. Natsu hadn't told anyone what we said while we were on..hanging from the rope bridge.

I wanted to see him so bad! I couldn't wait, Mira went to get him but I stopped her, I wanted to go to him. I tried to sit up, but I was extremely weak. She helped me to my feet. She put her arm around my shoulder and supported me.

We got to the hall and I saw him, his back was turned so he didn't see me right away. Seeing him gave me strength! I ran to him, he turned around and I jumped into his arms my legs flying behind me. We fell me on top of him, we were both crying. We just held each other for a while then stood.

"I've missed you so much!" He said his hand on my cheek.

"Me too!" I replied, he kissed me in front of everyone. When we pulled away everyone just stood there shocked. Then started to cheer, Master Makarov came over to us and smiled.

"We shall celebrate!" He said, a Fairytail party! Those were always crazy, this one was no different. Well it was different, it was for us. At about midnight Natsu and I decided to take a breather. We walked by the water, holding hands. Natsu stopped and looked at me.

"I love you Lucy!"

"I love you too Natsu!"

That's the end! Hope you enjoyed my Fairytail Nalu sort story! This chapter was shorter than normal but I didn't have that much to say. See you all in the next book!


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