Chapter 9: Goodbye Natsu

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Lucy's POV:

My stomach turned when we began to fall, this is it. I held Natsu tight and he held me. I felt something on my back, it was paws. Happy and Carla had come to our rescue just in time! They carried us just outside the doors.

"You-you saved us!" Natsu yelled happily, "Thanks little buddy!" He said grabbing Happy and running his head.

"We saw the building crumbling and Lily told us to see if you needed help and I'm glad he did." Carla said with a smile. Happy started to giggle.

"What's there to laugh about cat!" I yelled annoyed.

"You LOOOOOOVE each other!" He said rolling his tongue. Natsu and I looked at each other, both a deep colour of red. He smiled at me, I was glad to be alive. We decided to regroup with the rest of the team. Everyone was running out of magic power. They had been fighting for so long that they were wiped out.

"What happened while you guys were in there?" Levi asked curiously, I started to blush.

"Yeah! Spill it!" Gray said smirking at Natsu. Happy started to giggle again.

"They're in LOOOOOVE!" He yelled with a smirk.

"Shut up cat!" I yelled at him, blushing hard.

"Come on! Just tell us!" Erza said nudging my arm.

"There's nothing to tell!" I said sheepishly, I looked at Natsu and he smiled at me.

"Oh come on! Even I know there's something going on!" Wendy said with a giggle. Happy giggled with her.

"Oh no!" I said, my face going suddenly pale. I caught a glimpse of the giant mettle creature coming towards us. Everyone turned their heads towards the beast.

"I'm all fired up!" Natsu yelled as he started to run towards the creature, We all joined.

"Here we go!"

Natsu's POV:

We started to fight the monster, it was stronger than I had expected. I was giving it my all and it didn't seem to even dent!

"Fire dragon roar!"

"Sky dragon roar!"

"Iron dragon roar!"

Even our triple attack want scratching the surface. Lucy had summoned Loke I mean Leo. He was being a little too friendly but I just ignored it. I knew now that she loved me, I still can't believe it. I got hit, it burned. I grunted as I got back up, Lucy raced over to me helping me up.

"This thing is too powerful! We can't possibly beat it!" She screamed, terror in her eyes.

"We have to try!" I said reassuringly. She returned to where she was before.

We were fighting hard, seeming to not even dent the thing. I was running out of magic power and so was Lucy. Then the creature got ready to do a strong attack right at me. I knew this was the end, I stood there getting ready to take the blow.

It shot it at me, but before it could hit me Lucy ran in front of me. "LUCY NO!" I screamed in terror. She fell to the ground, bleeding everywhere. I leaned her up against a rock that was near by. "Lucy..." It was all I could say, tears streaming down my face.

"N-Natsu" Lucy managed to spit out, "You have to beat it! Do it for me!" She said smiling at me. She grunted as she held her wound. "I will be gone soon and--"

I cut her off. "No! Who said you could die!" I said desperate to wake up from this horrible nightmare. "Lucy...Please! We'll get married and have 3 kids just like you wanted! Please Lucy just don't leave me!!" I couldn't speak, tears were choking me. She was so weak but she smiled at me. She kissed my forehead.

"Goodbye Natsu, I love you." She said as she went limp. I put my ear up to her chest, I couldn't hear anything.

"NOOOO!!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. Wendy was on her way over, but Lucy was already dead. I loved and still love her more than anyone else in the world. I don't think I can ever love again. Then I remembered what Lucy said, 'Natsu you have to beat it! Do it for me!' I glared at the creature, pure hatred in my eyes. I took one step towards it. "YOU KILLED THE ONLY GIRL I EVER LOVED!" I took one more step, "YOU'RE GOING TO PAY!!!" I said anger flowing through my veins. "FIRE DRAGON ROAR!!" I yelled as I did my signature move. It was more powerful than anything I had ever done before! It completely burned the whole creature to a pile of ashes. Everyone stopped everything they were doing and stared at me. None of them could believe what I had just done. I dropped to my knees. "LUCY!!" I screamed into the sky, my hands in fists of anger. I was crying, hard. Despite beating the creature, Lucy was gone.

"Natsu!" Wendy yelled from where Lucy's body was, "Come here!" She added. I ran over, I didn't know what to expect. "Look!" She explained pointing to Lucy's body. Her chest was moving up and down...could it be!?...could Lucy really be alive!? "I used my sky magic to start her heart again." Windy said and without hesitation I grabbed her and squeezed her tight. I couldn't say anything, I was still in shock. "She's very fragile!" Wendy said worried. I lightly picked her up, she was just as beautiful as ever! I loved her, I really did!

After meeting with the others we decided to head back to the guild. Gray had offered to carry Lucy for a bit but I didn't want to ever let her go. We got on the train headed for Magnolia. Lucy was still very badly injured, but she was alive! And I couldn't be happier!

"I love you Lucy, and I promise I won't let anything happen to you again!" I whispered in her ear when no one was looking. I doubt she heard me but I meant what I said.

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