Chapter 17- You forgot

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"Why now? After all this time? Why didn't you come to me before if you knew all this?"

"It's because now you're both old enough to understand." The man spoke up."You're more mature and Katrina, this is what you've wanted, a family, a place to belong. The Dragons, can offer you just that, be a part of something greater, fight for a purpose and actually be included in our association."

The offer was so tempting but stupid. Why would I leave S.H.I.E.L.D, I was safe after all. Well actually scratch that, I was kidnapped by The Dragons but S.H.I.E.L.D was where my parents wanted me to be. Then again my parents were the same people who let my sister go through experimentation as a child.

I made a face at the both of them and declined. "I'm sorry but that's a no for me. First of all you kidnapped me so I could talk to you so obviously you expect something from me in return, and second of all, you're my sister and I know you deserve better than this, mom and dad trusted us with S.H.I.E.L.D and now I have to bring you back." I started.

"No I'm sorry that's not how it works. Hayley is fine where she is. But now since you know so much-" the suit man began but was cut off by Hayley.

"It's fine. Thank you for your concern but he's right, I am here where I belong. But if it's alright with you, would I be able to come and visit you." Suit man first gave Hayley a glare but for some reason his mood changed and he just nodded in agreement.

"Well you could've came to S.H.I.E.L.D in the first place instead of kidnapping me." I still had doubts about this man because why did they go through a whole mission of kidnapping me if I'm going to be meeting my sister anyways.

"That was because our organization must remain off the grid, it's better that no one knows who Hayley is working for."

"But I live at S.H.I.E.L.D, if I bring her in, I'd be lying the whole time and possibly compromising the organization." I talked professionally only this once because I knew I had to keep S.H.I.E.L.D safe.

"It's just better if they don't know before they assume things, plus I can make up a whole different story on how I found you, a more gentle story if you wish." I did like that idea.

"Actually, your friends at S.H.I.E.L.D may be wondering why you've been gone so long. I'll send you back with Hayley and then you can explain your story." He gets up and part of me doesn't know why I'm going along with this so easily, but more than anything I've always wanted my family back, and having Hayley might just be enough for now.

-- S.H.I.E.L.D HQ----

"Just stay behind me for now. Try not to talk to anyone just yet." I told Hayley as we entered the HQ

"Okay but make sure we go over the story we rehearsed." Hayley says and I roll my eyes.

"Yes, after the car crashed and metal arm guy took me, I escaped from his holding and found you in an experiment room, I saved you not knowing who you were and then you remembered me from a picture. We both escaped together and bam we ended up here." I whispered in a low tone before holding up my security badge and getting clearance to go upstairs.

I walk straight forward to the elevators and click the up button to wait for a cart.

In the meantime I noticed Hayley looking in awe around her at the technology and modern architecture she was surrounded by. I chuckled, she reminded me of my younger self.

Ding. The elevator doors slide open and I'm greeted by Grant Ward, a fellow student at the Academy. He was a couple years older than me but he was working an internship here at S.H.I.E.L.D so I worked with him a couple times . He was pretty nice but keeps to himself most of the time. I'll admit my eyes did light up when I saw him. There was a time when I had a small, okay massive crush on him. But that wasn't meant to be. I froze for a moment before clearing my throat.
"You weren't at class today." Grant smirks at me. "Yea well something came up." I turn to my sister, it feels weird saying that, but I turn to my sister and she looks just as frozen as I was before. Her gaze is fixed on Grant I smirk to myself and walk in with her. Grant is just as speechless as he stares wide eyed at her. "Hayley?" He barely whispers.

I am Katrina Stark ( an Avengers fanfic )Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora