Fighting Like A Man (6)*

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I still shook with a mixture of skin crawling fear and adrenaline when Shane ripped me away from the cage. There was a lot of yelling being thrown around the complete area, fans still screaming my name while Arkain and Jason not so quietly discussed the rules.

"He fucking tapped out but she still went on. That's enough of a penalty for her to lose."

"Even if she didn't proceed on the beating the daylights out of him, he still tapped out. He forfeit the match. To be completely serious, you do know this is street fighting. There are no fucking rules."

I smiled and threw my fist up before completely disappearing into the gym, the growling coming from Shane adorable. Our physician Tom was already waiting for me with a comfy looking cot next to him. Shane sat me down before disappearing back outside, leaving Tom staring at me with his somewhat toothy grin.

"How's my favorite patient doing tonight?"

I tried opening my mouth to reply but was met with a paralyzing pain shooting through my jaw. Tom watched with knowing eyes as he wrapped both thumbs with gauze. He then shoved both appendages into my mouth and grabbed a hold of my jaw, pushing to the left slowly and only stopped when there was a pop. My jaw closed like a bear trap but with the gauze on Tom was okay.

"Now that's over, how is my favorite patient tonight?"

"Just tired, hungry, and injured but what's new?"

He wiped away the blood that collected on my face, the split on my forehead not as bad as it could be. My lip was already swelling from the sheer force of the punch but with some ice on it the pain relieved. I continued to sit and watch the rest of the fights with Tom, the anticipation in the club higher than ever.

The injuries were way more severe after my round too. Jonathan practically smeared Katie's nose across her face with his foot, the blood dripping down her body to the matt. Katie in retaliation visibly broke three ribs that belonged to Jonathan. He had to be removed from the mat by three people. The girl Melissa fought got her face grated on the cage itself after she tried pulling on Melissa's dark locks. I could barely recognize Noah after his fight but surprisingly his opponent looked even worse.

After the last bell rung everyone dispersed, nobody left but fighters and bouncers. You could cut the tension in the air when we rounded everyone into the gym, the looks of murder being thrown around like it was nothing.

"Jason I knew you fought dirty but now your fighters do. I thought you were a better father figure than that." Arkain grinned.

"You're the one to talk serpent." Jason smirked back.

I got up and shoved my way through the crowd starting to form. I stood next to Melinda and Nate, watching Shane and Mitchell stand protectively next to Jason.

"Oh Winter nice seeing you again. Did you think about my offer?"

"I did. I think you should just rip out one of those beady little rat eyes of yours and shove that offer right in the empty socket." I smiled brightly.

"Don't fucking talk to him like that." The grated face girl lightly mumbled, stepping foward.

"What the fuck are you going to do about it? Attack the cage with your face again?" Katie grinned, her nosed now pushed back into its normal position.

"You're the one to talk big nose." Philip growled, stepping forward.

"At least she has a chance at still reproducing" Nate piped up.

"Fuck you!"

"Something you won't be doing for a very long time."

Philip stepped forward and tried punching Nate's face in but instead got his brother's perfect jaw. That's when all hell broke loose. I was immediately thrown across the room by a hulking mass of bouncer to make me stay out the brawl but I was already hyped again. I flew back in with crazy fist, punching anyone that got in my way. I made a bee line back for Philip only for Ricky Cross making a grab for me to hold me in place.

"I'm sorry, Nate asked me to do this. He doesn't want you fighting anymore with that booboo on your head snow pea" He twanged out in his southern accent.

"Winter!" Melinda screamed furiously from across the room, the solid sound of a bone being broken following seconds later.

"If you don't want to die let go of me Ricky"

"Oh man. See you later snow pea!" he yelped before kissing my cheek and running away from the Cambodian girl stomping my way.

"You okay kid?"

"Of course. A fighters job is never done!" I grinned before clasping her forearm and using our arms as a clothes line.

She spun me around so I could kick the girl coming at us in the gut as she punched another guy in the face. It went like that till I reached my destination and we finally let go of each other.

"Why do you want her so badly?" Jason growled, his temper boiling over.

"She's one of the best fighters out here and not only is she young but she's also a female. I don't really see the spark in her but the sponsors would literally murder for her. It's not about her talent but the money that comes with her." Arkian grinned.

"Fuck you!" I screamed as I went for a killer strike, my fist making a nice impact on his face.

He didn't think twice before grabbing for my neck and slamming me down. He put a knee in my gut and pressed harder with every step Jason took closer. I set him a pleading look and wheezed loudly so he knew to back down. The chaos around us finally stopped. They were watching this confrontation.

"Oh the little girl thinks she can beat me. Honey I helped raise the fighting community to what it is. I am one of the only originals in this joint. You better watch what you fucking do kid. I have eyes on everyone you love. Your twin sister, your little brother, even your looker of a mom. Step out of place again and I'll make sure your mother isn't beautiful anymore." I let my last burst of energy out to fling him off of me.

"I'll fucking kill you!" I screamed as someone grabbed me so I couldn't kick his face in.

"I want to see you try." I tried thrashing out of Jason's arms but too soon they were gone.

Jason set me down on my cot before making sure everyone was alright. Shane had scratch marks running from the base of his neck down to the middle of his chest. Melinda somehow stayed flawless even after two fights while Nate talked to Ricky furiously in the far left corner.

"Okay everyone please go home and get some rest. I want all of you to take a few days off to unwind. I need you all on your A game next week when the Miami fighters come down. You're all dismissed." I began walking away but Jason grabbed my arm stopping me.

"I need to talk to you and the guys for a few minutes."

Nate, Shane, and I shuffled into his office like students that were in trouble. My hands still shook violently from the thought of Arkain being near my family and I knew both guys were feeling it too. I watched with my own anticipation as Jason clasped his hands together with a solemn look in his grey eyes.

"I'm sending you away."

Fighting Like A Man (Editing)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora