Fighting Like A Man (7)*

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"You can't do that to me. You can't make me leave if Arkain is threatening my family."  I growled at Jason, my fist hitting the table with enough for some of his knickknacks to bounce.

"I can and I will. You can't fight this." He muttered back, his grey eyes storming with authority.

"Why though?" Nate asked sadly.

"In this situation, Winter is essentially the major piece of this game in Arkain's head. He is using your family as leverage right now so you can be more than swayed to fight for his club. As we all saw tonight it had the opposite effect. If I were to send you away for a few months, Arkain will lose interest in you. In his mind you are just a pawn and without you there is nothing to gain."

"I have already contacted my resources to keep an eye on your family at all times. All you need to do is say your goodbyes."

"Am I going alone?" I questioned.

"Of course not. I am sending Nathaniel with you. I would send Shane but I need him here."

"What's our cover?" I asked before my throat closed up.

"Tomorrow both of you will receive papers for a scholarship to a prestigious boarding school. Said school will give you so many opportunities to new doorways in your life your parents cannot say no."   


"How are my favorite girls doing this morning?" Parker Lyons asked as he threw his beefy arms around our shoulders, the smell of freshly cut grass clinging to his clothes.

"Better without you touching us." I snarled as I shrugged off his arm, Summer following my lead.

"Come on, stop being such bitches."

"We'll stop being bitches when you stop being such a tool." Summer smiled lightly making sure to bump his shoulder as she walked past him.

"It's true." I grinned, making sure Summer disappeared into her classroom before shoving him into the lockers.

High school really wasn't my thing. I was surrounded with so much stupidity on a daily basis it hurt more than most the fights I get in. I walked quickly to my economics class and took a seat as the bell rung, giving a hard glare at my teacher as she started to speak. When I thought there was nothing else to live for, Shane finally graced us with his presence.

"Shane-" He shoved a pass in her hands and blew her away with a charming smile.

"I'm sorry I'm late. I had some things to tend to before coming to class. It won't happen again." He grinned once more before taking his seat next to me.

"As I was saying" she started up again.

"I'm sorry, I just wanted to grab a few things before you left."

It was true. Officially today I will be a new student at Remington Boarding School, my flight leaving to Maine after the fight tonight. When my letter came in the mail, my mother cried tears of joy. She was so proud of me but scolded me for not telling her I entered a writing contest to go there. Summer gave me the silent treatment for approximately thirty minutes before she broke down in tears and talked to me. She was sad that wouldn't have her partner in crime for the rest of our senior year. Like Summer, she got over it quickly and made me promise her I'd write to her every week.

"Like what?" I smirked.

"Like these." he smiled back, pulling a bouquet of carnations from his bag.

"Did I tell you how much I'm going to miss you?" he blushed when he handed them over.

"Nah, tell me some more." I grinned after smelling the blood red flowers.

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