Fighting Like A Man (4)*

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"Hold back like that ever again and I'll kill you myself" Nathan whispered harshly when Shane made his way back to the gym, the grip on his shoulder looking deadly.

"Yeah yeah fool, save the talk for Katie" He smiled, moving his way to me.

"You did great out there" I smiled, hugging him.

"I know" he grumbled back, holding on for a little longer.

"Nate, you're up" One of our tech guys announced into the gym.

"This is how a real fight goes. Watch and learn kids" Nathan smirked cockily before prancing off. 

Everyone in the room gathered on one bench to watch the monitor. Enter Nathan and his opponent,  recognizing him as Ricky Cross. A hushed "oh" rushed through the almost silent room. Ricky and Nathan were at that stage of having a continuous crush on each other but never knowing how to get closure of their relationship. Seems pretty familiar. 

The loud bells chimed and we watched their fast moves in anticipation. Nathan now was holding back even more than his brother was, his eyes filled with a sort of sorrow. Nathan threw a weak punch but Ricky caught it, a silent exchange going on between them.

Nate jumped back then with that energized grin lighting up his face as he danced around the cage. They were both having a good time now, their moves much stronger and precise. Ricky got him good twice with a fist to the temple and a kick to the ribs. Even with blood dripping from Nathan's now split eyebrow, they still smiled at each other.

Nathan grabbed Ricky by the head and brought it down forcefully to his knee, the sickening crack heard loud and clear. Nathan let him go and jumped back, watching the dizzy and broken nosed Ricky fall back to the ground now. The movement was small but everyone watched his hand tap the ground three times. The bell rung. Nathan won.

He helped his bleeding comrade up and walked him to the Tidal Fight fighters, the feed now blacked out. Nathan came back seconds later, the blood on his face beginning to dry. We all just gave him that knowing look and simultaneously tackled him to the ground, his pleads being drowned out by our growing laughter.

"Winter, I need to talk to you." Jason said loud and clear, his head popping in.

I scurried up and ran to him, my nerves beginning to flood back into my body. We walked slowly to the ring, his hand catching mine quickly before stopping just before the gates to Hell.

"Look kid, I had no choice of who you fought today. I'm so sorry" He whispered harshly before jumping back into the cage, a expert fake smile on his face.

"Tonight my best fighter, Stars, will be fighting Mayhem" The nickname made an involuntary shiver run down my spine. 

I stepped into the cage and met Paul Nicholas half way, his confident eyes checking me out and an ugly smirk on his face. The confidence quickly turned twisted and I wanted to run for the hills. He was strong, charming and horrible at the same time. I wanted to puke on his face. 

"Shake on it."

When our hands came in contact the blunt force of his fingers curling around mine should have crippled me. I stood my ground though, delivering as much force back. Tonight I will destroy this piece of shit person.


I bounced back as if someone has shocked me. I will not let those grimy hands on me once again. He saw the slight fear in my eyes, smirking evilly as he tried to pounce closer and closer. Somehow he got me in the face, his fist making me see a few black spots. Wrapping his arms around me from the back, he held me there, my hands squished to my sides.

"I forgot how good you smell." another shiver made its way down my spine.

What I did next thing I did out of pure panic, my foot stomping his own. He let go in surprise but was caught in a nose destroying elbow to his face. The crowd screamed in joy when the blood began pouring out his nose, each drop falling to the ground like a bomb. His eyes widened in anger, my own fear beginning to wash away with his blood.

He punched me in the temple, my body turning to jelly and falling to the ground. The harsh screams from my fans begging me to regain my stance filled my head. He didn't even let me think about the idea before he placed his foot on my chest and held me down.

"This is for not fucking me when you could." He picked his foot back up just to let it come hurdling down.

My eyes widened but I miraculously caught his foot and ripped it towards the left. He shot off balance and tumbled down, his face turned of one in shock. I rolled back onto my knees and straddled him, my mouth widening into a smile.

"Still can't handle rejection I see. Maybe this will knock some sense into you."

I let my fist hit his temple twice before getting up and waiting for him to stand. His eyes were now unfocused when he stumbled up, the kick I set to his leg not helping his cause. I butterfly kicked him in the face for good measure sending him right down. His hand slapped the ground three times but I swear I saw Jason look off somewhere else. This is going to be good.

"This is so you can't breed anymore." I brought my foot up and forced it down in a nut blowing crotch kick, the crowd screaming in agony for him.

The bells rung, My boys were the first to run to the cage and get me out, the backlash from Arkain not going to be pretty later.

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