Fighting Like A Man (5)*

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"Do we really need to go?" I asked grumpily, my eyes turning more into slits as Melinda fucked with my hair.

"Yes! It's Halloween and Landon's farewell party. I swore to myself I'd have to fuck him at least once before he left. I can't do that without my beautiful wing women, now can I?" Melinda smile, twisting my hair more gently this time.

"Landon is pretty hot." I smirked, tapping my finger to my chin.

"Come on Winter, I even fished this hidden gem out my closet for you." Katie whined gently, her hands outstretched with a black little number in her arms.

"Okay, okay. The second you try to get me into heels, I will run for the hills."

"You won't run that fast, I only got five inchers in your size" Katie smiled evilly.

We continued to get ready together, the girl stuffing me in the dress and heels so I could no longer change my mind. Katie finished with a extra short blue dress, her legs looking miles long especially in her heels. Scales seemed to shimmer below her eyes and down her neck, her lips painted that same shimmery blue as her dress. She ditched the tail and went for these wired mermaid ears, looking elegantly magical.  

Melinda looked shamelessly sexy in her little red dress, a miniature hooded cape tied around her neck. Her lips looked large and pouty with the smoky purple color dancing on them. Her heels looked legitimately killer, the black stilettos probably six inches tall. Her garter was visible and I saw her favorite knife tucked into the tough leather material. Kickass Riding hood. I can dig it.

I felt stupid looking next to these two beautiful girls, my black dress hugging my torso but flaring out down to my knees. They painted my lips red and curled my hair wildly, Katie throwing in a leaf or two to look like I was running through a forest. I dug up my fangs from two years ago, easily popping both fangs onto my canines. I pulled the look together with the heels, my legs looking fucking fantastic.

"You guys ready to party?" Melinda smirked, grabbing her keys.


"You know what, we could be a bad joke guys. A mermaid, vampire, and Little Red Riding Hood walk into a bar" Katie laughed to herself, slapping her knee.    

Melinda and I rolled our eyes as we walked out of Katie's apartment, Nathan and Shane already waiting outside for us. Nathan sat sadly on the hood of his car, two large Ds painted onto his shirt, a black cape pooling at his waste. Shane went for a sixties look, black leather jacket and cigarette at hand.

"You girls look amazing." Nathan smiled finally when we all settled in his car, the warmth from the vents making me in a chipper mood.

"You can take a bite out me any day, baby doll." Shane smiled, looking back at me.

The girls made cooing noises all the way to Landon's house, my cheeks growing to an alarming shade of red. We all piled out at once, the girls clasping their arms together and skipping off to the front porch. Shane grabbed me by the waist when he saw my wobbly steps up the driveway, his jacket smelling of stale tobacco and a nice cologne.

We finally made the treacherous journey into the house, the faces of my fighting family greeting us immediately. I was swept off to the dance floor by some girls from Guilty Pleasures, strip joint by morning, fighting arena at night. Their all too good moves made my own look like those of a thirteen year old, awkward and cringe worthy. I should have ran for the hills when I saw the flirty looks in their eyes, all three girls disappearing at once when muscular arms snaked around my waist.

"Hey there." He smiled into my hair a nice shiver running down my spine.

"Hello there yourself-"

"Paul Nicholas. You must be Winter Smith." He spun me around so I could finally get a good look at him.

"How do you know me?"

"Jonathan Thach warned me you were beautiful but I didn't know it was to this extent" I just nodded and  smiled brightly. Damn he was cute.

He brown hair was neatly underneath a pilot's hat, his blue green eyes reminding me of the beach on good mornings. The suit he wore was overly attractive at this moment and the way he sway made him look more so. He tried so hard to make me smile and laugh as we danced, the corny lines and even more horrible dance moves making me turn red in the face.

"I'm going to get some drinks. Water, soda, beer?"

"Soda please" I smiled.

Melinda and Katie immediately huddled around me when Paul was out of sight, their drunken giggles cuter than puppies.

"He's so hot" Melinda slurred lightly.

"Mhmm" Katie agreed.

"How did you guys get drunk so fast? We've only been here for about thirty minutes if not less" they both shrugged their shoulders innocently before scampering off again.

"Friends?" Paul asked when he returned, the cold cup of coke placed in my hands.

"My girls from The Pit. They're idiots but I love them to pieces." I grinned up to him before taking a long chug of the soda.

He finished the beer in his hand before grabbing my waist again and dragging me back to the dance floor, a slow song coming on. He placed my hands around his neck and his own wrapped closely around my waist. We continued to sway when I felt a wave of dizziness hit me, my arms starting to feel tingly and numb.  

"Paul, I need to lay down right now.” my head was spinning when he escorted me up the stairs and into a room, the music a low hum now.

"You look beautiful" He whispered when he settled me onto the bed, his breath warm with the smell of beer lingering on his lips.

"I feel like death, what the hell was in that soda" I moaned, fear making its way into my mind.

"Just something to relax you sweetie."

I felt his lips on my own in a instant, the hot pressure making me panic. I tried pushing him away but my body wasn't comprehending the actions. He pushed my hands to my sides, holding them with a deadly grip. With the last shred of hope of someone hearing me I let out a scream. The sound was foreign even to my ears, the shrill but slightly gargled shout echoed off the walls. He silenced me with another kiss and let his lips travel down to my neck.

"No one will hear-"

The sound of wood splitting on the hinges cut off his sentence. My mind started going blank when the shouting started and his entirely warm body was ripped away from me,

"Winter, can you hear me. Shit, baby please open your eyes" the voice sounded like home. It sounded like Shane.                  

"Thank you" I finally said, opening my eyes when I felt him lift me,

"I will protect you with my life Winter. No one will ever hurt you. I promise." 

Fighting Like A Man (Editing)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora