My anxiety started kicking in. But, not today will my anxiety control my mind nor actions. Just like my ex counselor said "Sometimes, anxiety ruins our life because, it destroys things yous
hould ."

I open the door.

Claudia stares at my body up and down. Oh no, I already reget opening the door and, showing myself like this. I should've listen to my anxiety but, nooooo I thought I was all macho and, could defeat something so mentally strong.

What she said shocked me and, almost made me shit my pants. "Oh my gosh! You look hot!" she says with a big grin on her face. "Twirl around."

I give a goofy smile honoured by the compliment. I do as she command, twirling around, as she stares at me in awe. "You look like Naomi Campbell!"

"Stop it." I say cheekily. The compliment was too much.

"But, it's true."

I hear a voice being cleared.I look in my right and, Claudia did the same. It's Katherine and, she's crossing her legs while sitting in the edge of her bed. She stares at me blankly as, if she has no expression. She looks at me up and down just like Claudia had done.

If she says something that she shouldn't, Kid you not-

"You look good." she says.

I'M SHOOK. Did she-Did she just say something nice? As in saying nada negative remarks? Oh my.

Claudia looks just as shocked as I am. I've only known Katherine for a fews days and, based on what i've seen and heard myself,the girl can't give anyone a compliment. Except for her boyfriend; she can't keep her hands to herself when she's around him. I almost feel bad for him..I said "almost."

"What?" she asks not understanding the look on Claudia and I's faces.

"You gave me a compliment." I say slowly making sure that it registered her brain.

She rolls her eyes. "So? I do give people compliments but, just not with some people like you."

"Suure." I say dragging the words so she can understand that I zero percent, believe her.

"Ok. Don't believe me. Don't think i'm going to give you a compliemt without a concern on your look...your ass look small with that bikini."

I roll my eyes. "Ok, and? Just because you might have a bigger ass than me doesn't mean you have to be one." Damn.

Just when I thought she was being nice for once. I should've known that it was too good to be true.

If this was a cartoon movie then, this would be the part where steam would heat out of her ears. She scowls at me.

"I'm just gonna go change." Claudia laughs before closing the door to change.

Katherine and I just continued to gare at one another, as if we were having the 'Who could give who the most ugliest glare?' contest. A minute later Claudia comes out in a royal blue criss cross high waist bikini set. She pulls her strawberry blonde curly hair into a high pony tail. The swimsuit looked so gorgeous on her because, it complimented her skin tone and freckles. It also look stunning with her hair color.

"Dang, you look good." I tell her impressed by her swimsuit.

"I said it once and, i'm going to say it once more. Girl, you look fucking good." she says smiling holding onto her clothes from before.

"Aren't you gonna compliment me?" Katherine asks out of nowhere ruining our conversation. I laughed. Did this chick just ask me that dumb question? The same chick that had the audacity to be rude, snobby, and selfish asked us to compliment her? Bitch please, when clothes become free in the mall, I don't think so.

Claudia and I look at eachother then, back at Katherine. "Bitch, please." We said simultaneously.


When the three of us went down the elevator and, to the lobby, we see all the gang sitting in the sofas. All of them are wearing their swimming outfits.

"Finally! We had to wait for you guys for almost fifteen minutes." James says. He gets up and starts stretching his back. "I should've known. Girls taking forever." he says yawning on the last sentence.

"Well, it's not Claudia and my fault, really. We had to wait nearly ten minutes for someone to get off the bathroom." I said. we all look at Katherine but, she was too addicted to her phone to know that we did so.

Asshole frowns. "Welcome to my world. I had to survive like that for awhile." he says.

James smirks and, then he sits back down. " I don't think you would have to survive that way, I don't know, uh break up with her ug--"

James' POV:

That's when I felt a hard punch on my shoulder. "OW!" I shout in pain. I hiss as the burning sensation increased.

This guy needs to learn to chill. I was just trying to help him out by reminding him that he needs to break up with his girlfriend. I have a weird feel about her. I feel like she's hiding something when her eyes are glued as fuck on the phone. What's so interesting about the phone that makes her go on it 24/7?

I was trying to help a brother out and, now I get a punch for it? Damn, how did I tolerate with this guy for so long?

"You need to shut the hell up." Liam mutters under his breath.

I rub the spot and, punch him lightly on his shoulder as payback. "Bitch."

"He needs to break up with what?" Katherine ask with a raised eyebrow. Her phone is still in her hand.

I grinned. "Oh, I told him that he needs to break up with y--" I feel a hand on my mouth, preventing me from speaking.

"Oh, uh he said that I needed to break up with...eating yogurt." Liam lies.

Katherine looks dumbfounded. "Yougurt? But, didn't you tell me that you hated it when we were in Yougurtina?" she ask confused.

Claudia laughs quietly. Who had the audacity to bring the girl here? She's making this awkward. I bet Jaimee and, Liam are feeling depressed and furious right now by the sight of her. I wonder how Tony is feeling..

Next to her, was Malia. Damn, she looked good with that swimsuit. If only I could just tap that--

"Yeah, uh..well, now I like yogurt. Especially, when James' mom makes it." Liam tells Katherine.

I look at him confused. "What? No she doesn-" he slaps me in the back and, send me the "Bitch, just fucking lie." look.

I got what he was saying. "Oh yeaahhhh, she does make em'."

"Really?" Katherine ask now crossing her arms.

"Ok, now let's go swimming." Tony says thankfukly ending our convo. We all got up and, headed for the exit door. When Liam and I were behind, Tony places his arms around both Liam and I. "Your welcome boys." he smiles.

He then runs up to Jaimee and, loops his arms around her shoulder.

I was going to go add more to the chapter but, realized that it would take a while to post. Hope this was long enough to be uploaded :)
Oh, and for those who wanted to add characters to the ballroom scene, don't worry. 😉 Have a good day/afternoon/night.

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