Chapter 18

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Tomorrow will be the day Roy Mustang will forever be completely out of my reach.

Roy and Scarlett's wedding lit up Central with excitement. Everyone was buzzing with anticipation, everyone but me of course.

Rebecca was in Central as well as General Grumann, since they both had invitations to the wedding.

"Lieutenant Hawkeye! Our Roy is growing up!" Cheered Lieutenant Colonel Hughes gushed as he ran up to my side.


"I've waited for this for a really long time!"

"If you're this excited for the Colonel's wedding, I can't wait to see you when Elysia finally ties the knot."

"Oh, she's never getting married." I watched Hughes' look turn serious. "No man in the world is worthy enough for my little girl."

I cracked a small smile.

"Sorry, Riza! Gotta go!" Hughes said as he started to jog down the corridor.

What was that? I asked as I made my way to Roy's office.

"Good morning, Lieutenant." Roy said as I walked into his office.

"Good morning to you, sir." I replied, looking around the room, noticing it was empty. "Where are the others?"

"Out on missions." He said. "I guess it's just you and me today." He winked.

I sighed and sat down at my desk. "So are you excited?"

"Not as excited as Hughes." He laughed. "Are you excited for my wedding, Lieutenant?"

"Thrilled"  I mumbled.

"You  better be" He smiled. "It's going to be great! All of my favorite people in one place."

"So, I'm one of your favorite people?" I joked.

"You should know by now that you are more than just a subordinate to me."

I decided to question the Colonel, since it would be the last time we would be completely alone together. It was Friday and I would be dead by the following Monday. "Why do you do that?"

"Do what?"

"You talk to me in a flirty manner and then you'll bring up Scarlett or say that we're friends to remind me that that's all we'll ever be."

"I do?"

"Yes! You do and it's not fair to me or to Scarlett!"

"Whoa Riza! There's no reason to yell!" He responded, throwing his hands up in the air.

"Don't call me Riza! Show some respect for once and call me Lieutenant Hawkeye!"

He slammed his hands on his desk as he stood up. "I hope you realize you're raising your voice to a superior officer! I could have you demoted for behavior like that!"

"I love you Roy Mustang!" I screamed, ignoring his threat. "I've loved you ever since we were children, but you were so focused on learning flame alchemy and flirting with all the attractive girls in town to even notice!"

His face fell. "Riza I-"

"Don't say another word to me!" I yelled, taking my military jacket off and handing it to Roy. "I am now officially retired from the military." I added, handing him my work gun. "Have fun at the top. That is if you make it."

I ran out of the office, tears brimming my eyes.

"Riza!" Rebecca cheered

"I'm going home. I'll see you there."

I love you, MustangNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ