chapter 12

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"My lovely Elysia is turning 4 tomorrow!" Hughes swooned, hovering a photo between Roy and I.

The Colonel sighed. "Hughes do you really have to constantly talk about your daughter?"

"You're right!" Hughes smiled. "I'll talk about my wife."

Mustang covered his face in his hands, defeated.

"You should eat, Colonel. You need to keep your strength up." I said, looking down at Roy's untouched tray of food.

"Yeah, yeah." He mumbled.

"Is something eating at you, sir?" Lieutenant Ross asked, concerned.

"I'm getting married in 3 months." He sighed. "and I'm nervous as hell."

"That's normal, Roy." Hughes replied.

"You think so?"

"Of course. I was shaking all the way up to the day of my wedding. But the moment I saw Gracia walk down the aisle, everything changed."

"Do you think that I'll be the same way?"

"You have nothing to worry about, Roy. You'll have me and Lieutenant Hawkeye right beside you the whole time."

I nodded my head. "Well, nervousness isn't a good enough reason not to eat."

"Fine, I'll eat." He sighed



"God, I hate paperwork." Havoc scoffed. "Why don't I ever get to go on interesting missions?"

"Here, Lieutenant." Mustang said, putting a stack of papers in Havoc's hands. "Take these to the Fuhrer's office. Interesting enough?"

"Very funny, sir." Havoc said, leaving the room.

Black Hayate left his spot next to me and ran to Colonel Mustang

"Well, hey boy." Roy said, kneeling down and petting the dog.

He barked and sniffed at Roy's pocket.

"You want these, don't you?" He asked, reaching into his pocket and pulling out a handful of dog treats.

"Uh, why do you have dog treats in your pocket, sir?" Breda asked.

"Black Hayate's a part of this unit too." He smiled. "I came prepared for him."

"Don't you have work to do, sir?" I asked.


"Do your work, Colonel."

He sighed. "There's so much."

"Here, I'll help you." I volunteered. "They're due tomorrow, do you think you can finish half by then?"

"Yeah, thank you so much, Lieutenant."


"Why do you always procrastinate, Colonel?" I sighed. I had to stay after hours to help Roy finish his immense stack of paperwork.

"I don't know." He replied, absentmindedly signing his name on all the papers "Thanks for staying after to help me, Lieutenant. I appreciate it more than you can understand."

"You're welcome." I said, finishing my half of Roy's paperwork. "Are you almost done?"

"Yeah, I can handle the rest, Lieutenant. You're free to go home."

"Okay." I replied, standing up. "Have a good evening, sir."

"Thanks, and you too."

I started home, Black Hayate on my heels.

I walked through the front door and fell to the floor. I pulled my knees to my chest and cried.

3 months. That is all the time I have left until I will never be happy again.

After him and Scarlett exchange their vows, he won't need me to watch his back anymore. That will be her job forever after that.

I won't have anyone left in my life after they get married.

I cried harder and made my decision.

Since I made a promise to be a part of Roy's wedding, the day after, I would kill myself.

I understand suicide should never be an option, but what am I left to do?

The only man I will ever love is going to live happily ever after with another woman.

Not finding the strength to stand up, I decided to fall asleep on the floor, with death on the mind.

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