I love you, Mustang

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 *This story will most likely not make sense if you haven't watched fullmetal alchemist. so go watch it and swoon over mustang and Hawkeye's adorableness :3*

"what are you doing, Hawkeye?" the flame alchemist, Roy Mustang asked.

"Just burying an Ishvalen child" I replied to the major. "This war was cruel."

"Sometimes following orders is cruel." He paused. "Are you sure you want to join the military after what you've witnessed?"

"I'm positive" I replied, returning to my feet. I took a deep breath. "Can I trust you, Roy?"

"Of course what do you need?"

"I want you to burn the tattoo off of my back. I want to remove the secrets of flame alchemy from the world"

Roy gasped.

"I know it's alot to ask for"

"you know I can't do that"

"But I want you to, Roy, you don't know how much i've suffered because of this. I just want all of this pain this tattoo brings me to go away."

I snapped back into the present when Black Hayate licked my face.

"Are you hungry, boy?' I asked as I stroked my dog's soft fur.

I stood up and got a bowl of food and a big bowl of water for Black Hayate.

I watched him eat for a minute before I started putting my hair up and getting ready for work.

I threw on my military uniform and put my 3 loaded pistols in their holsters. i was super skilled with guns. Any gun. Give me any kind of firearm and it's guranteed i'll hit the bullseye.

"cmon Hayate" I called as I draped my messenger bag over my sholder.

He barked as he followed me out of our apartment.

We made it to Central Headquarters in no time, since my apartment bulding was right across the street.

It's only been a month since I've been recruited to Central command. i was one of the five men that Colonel Roy Mustang decided to take when he was recruited to central.

"Good Morning , Lieutenant" Some of the lower rank soldiers greeted me as I walked in, their right hands raised to their eyebrows as a salute.

"Good morning" i replied as I continued down the corridoor with Black Hayate at my side.

I made my way to Colonel Mustang's office as my heart skipped a beat.

Colonel Mustang is my direct surperior officer. I've known him for a big chunk of my life and I've had a huge crush on him since he learned flame alchemy from my father. But I'll always only have a professional relationship with him because with work, I'll never have time for a romantic relationship and most importantly, the Colonel already is in a long term relationship with his girlfriend, Scarlett, who is beautiful and girly, the complete opposite of myself.

Sure, many of the single soldiers in the military have open crushes on me, but I'm not what you would call 'Mustang material' and plus I've heard him outwardly say he's not into blondes, which I happen to be.

I opened the door to Colonel Mustang's office to find the four other soldiers who work under Mustang dilegently working.

I walked past all of them to my desk, closest to the Colonel.

I looked over to Colonel Mustang's cluttered desk to see him sitting there with his work phone up to his ear and a blank expression on his face.

"Is he talking to Lieutenant Colonel Hughes?" I asked Lieutenant Havoc as I layed my messenger bag on the floor next to my desk.

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