chapter 14

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April 23, 1918

It's been awhile since I've written in a journal,  but with all these thoughts running through my head, I need to get them down on paper.

It's April, which means Colonel Roy Mustang will be marrying Scarlett in two short months.

I guess you could say it was my fault. I was the one who got them back together a week ago.

Today Havoc, Breda, Fuery, Falman , Mustang and I are heading to East Headquarters by train. The bad thing is that I'm sharing a room with the Colonel.

Nobody ever wants to share a room with the Colonel. He's a slob and you have to constantly clean up after him.

Everytime we go on missions where we have to stay for more than a day, we have this huge debate on who gets to bunk with Roy, a debate I usually win, but it just so happens that the day this debate was held, I was late to work because I was playing matchmaker with Roy and Scarlett. So by default, i'm with Roy.


With much love,

Riza Hawkeye

I sighed and stared out the train window as the world passed by.

"Is there something bothering you, Lieutenant?" Roy asked from the train seat opposite of mine.

"No, I'm okay, sir."

"I heard we're sharing a room." He smiled.

I heard Havoc and Breda snicker from the seat behind me.

I stood up quickly and pulled my gun out of my gun holster and pointed it at Lieutenant Havoc. "Is something funny?"

Havoc put his hands up in a surrender. "No, sir, Nothing at all!"

I put my gun away. "That's what I thought." I replied, sitting down again.

I looked up at Roy who was smiling at me. I faught the urge to smile back.

"What?" I asked.

He chuckled. "I don't know."


His face turned red and he looked away, like he was embarrassed.

I rested my head on my hands and stared out the window.


The first person I was when I got off the train was Rebecca.

"Riza!" She screamed

"Rebecca." I smiled, hugging her tight.

She looked past me. "Sorry."

"What is it?"

She let go of me. "Colonel Mustang was looking over at you."

I sighed. "He's been acting strange lately."

"Did you confess your undying love for him?" She teased.

"No, I haven't."

"Let's get some coffee." She said, pulling me out of the train station.

"Ah, East Headquarters." I smiled, seeing the huge military building in the distance. "I miss this place."

"Then come back."

"You know I can't leave the Colonel."

She sighed. "Yeah I know. It was worth a shot though." She shrugged.

We went to a little café and I told Rebecca the whole story about how I saved Roy's engagement.

"So, you love him, but you'll go out of your way to save his relationship with another woman?"

"I had to, Rebecca, I could never make him smile like she does."

"You sacrificed your happiness for his." She paused. "If we believed in equivalent exchange, you'd have something to look forward to."

"Yeah, to gain something, you must give something in return. Roy taught me that." I replied.

My day with Rebecca went by quickly and before I knew it, I was heading to my hotel room.

Havoc snickered at me and handed me my room key. "Room 8. Have fun." He smiled.

I shot a nasty glare at Havoc and made my way to room 8. I opened the door to see Roy on the phone with a bored expression on his face. Hughes, I assumed. He was sitting on one of the two beds in the room.

I took my military jacket off and hung it on the headboard of my bed. I unclipped my hair and slipped my combat boots off. I laid down in my bed and closed my eyes.

"Hughes, Lieutenant Hawkeye is trying to sleep." He paused. "Shouldn't you tuck your daughter into bed?"

"Okay. Bye Hughes." He hung up the phone. "East City. Brings back some memories, huh?"

"Yeah." I sighed.

Roy took off his military jacket and threw it on the floor. He got into his bed and turned off the lamp, letting all the light exit the room.

"Goodnight, Riza." He yawned.

I smiled and closed my eyes. "Goodnight, sir."

I love you, MustangWhere stories live. Discover now