Chapter 8

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"How does this dress look, Riza?" Scarlett asked, twirling her perfect figure around in the mirror of the dress shop.

"You look beautiful." I replied, honestly.

"I think this is the dress!" She exclaimed, looking at herself in the mirror again. I watched as her beautiful blue eyes filled with tears. "I can see myself walking down the aisle in this dress."

"So, is this your choice?" The store clerk asked.

Scarlett turned to look at me. "Well, what do you think, Riza?"

"You look flawless, Scarlett."

She smiled. "Yes, this is the dress!"

"Okay, come with me so I can help you take it off," The store clerk said, leading Scarlett into the nearest dressing room.

I sighed and stood up. It's been a long day. A very long day.

All i've been doing all day has been looking at Scarlett and wishing I was her.

I mean, she had her hair pulled back into a messy bun and barely was wearing any makeup and she still looked absolutely perfect.

I look at my own reflection in the mirror. If it wasn't for my long, blonde hair it would be easy to mistake me for a boy. I looked at my shoulders. They were far to broad for a woman, they were built like a mans would, guess that's what you get for joining the military.

No wonder the Colonel loves her, she's perfect. She's tall and skinny with chocolate brown hair and crystal clear blue eyes. She fits right in next to Mustang's perfect silhouette.

And then you have me. There's nothing special with my appearance. I'm a soldier, that's all Mustang sees me as anyway.

A tear ran down my face, but I brushed it away quickly. No, I won't cry over Roy Mustang anymore.

Scarlett walked out of the dressing room, dressed in her normal clothes. "Do you want to get some coffee? My dress won't be ready for a couple hours."

"Okay." I replied, following her out the door .

We walked to the nearest coffee shop and sat at one of the small tables in the corner.

We both ordered coffees and started to drink them.

"So, Riza, why did you join the military?" Scarlett asked, taking a drink of her coffee.

The question caught me off guard. I couldn't tell her that I joined for the sole reason that her fiance did. "I don't really know, it was just seemed like a good career choice to me."

"Oh." she paused. "So nothing made you want to join the military?"

"No, not really."

"Oh, okay."

"So how did you and Roy meet?" I asked, changing the subject off of me.

Her face lit up. "He was ivestigating something in the floral shop I work at." She laughed. "He tripped and knocked almost all the flowers off the shelves."

"Typical Roy." I mummbled.

"I'd say." She smiled. "I thought he might've hurt himself, so I rushed over to him. That's when we first looked at each other and we've been in love ever since."

"That's so cute." I commented.

"Yeah." She rested her perfect face in her hands. "So, Riza, what about you? Are you married?"

"No, i'm single and happy about it."

"That's too bad." Scarlett smiled. "You're a beautiful woman" She paused. "In fact, you're so beautiful, I'm scared to death that Roy will want to marry you instead of me."

I sighed. "There's nothing to be scared about, Scarlett. Roy and I are just good friends, nothing more." I hated every word that left my mouth.

"Good." She said. "So how did you meet Roy?"

"I've known him for most of my life. After his parents passed away, he became my father's apprentice in hopes of learning flame alchemy from him."

"That's so cute." She replied. "So you two have a lot of history?"

"We do." I decided to switch the topic. "Are you excited to get married?"

"Of course I am." She sqealed. "I'm marrying the most amazing man in the world. I've never been more happy in my entire life."

"I'm so happy for the both of you." I lied, in fact, I felt the complete opposite. "I'm glad Roy found a woman to make him truely happy."

She smiled. "Thanks, Riza."

"I just want you to make a promise to me."

"Yes, what is it?"

"Promise you won't hurt him." I said. "Roy hasn't had the best life handed to him. He's seen a lot of pain and suffering and I don't ever want to see him sad again. Can you promise me that, Scarlett?"

She smiled. "Of course, Riza."

"Thank you."

She looked at her watch. "It's about time to pick up my dress. You don't have to come with me to pick it up if you don't want to."

"Yeah, I think I'll just head home."

She hugged me. "We need to do this again sometime. I'd love to get to know you better."

"That sounds great." I replied.

We walked out of the coffee shop and I made my way home.

I love you, MustangNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ