Chapter 6

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I walked into Colonel Mustang's office earlier than usual, since Rebecca had to be here early.

When I walked in, Colonel Mustang was slouched in his office chair with his head on his desk. I could hear him snoring softly.

"Colonel Mustang?" I asked taking off my military coat and draping it over my office chair.

I walked over to the sleeping Roy and smiled. He looked so cute and innocent while he was sleeping. I took a deep breath and nudged his shoulder. "Colonel?"

He groaned and sat up. "Oh, sorry!" He said, yawning. "I didn't sleep well last night."

"May I ask why, sir?" I asked, going back to my desk.

"I had another night terror." He paused. "About Ishval."

I froze.

The Ishvalen war took place over three years ago and to this day everyone who was involved with it, even me, have recurring nightmares over what we have done. All the pain we caused.

"Do you want to talk about it, sir?"

He shook his head. "I'm alright now, Lieutenant. Scarlett tried her hardest to calm me down."

"She didn't help much, did she?"

He sighed. "No, not really. She tried her best though. It wasn't like talking to you or Hughes. Both of you fully understand." He yawned.

I looked at the clock. "Well you can nap for another half hour. I'll tell anyone looking for you that you haven't arrived yet."

He smiled. "Thanks, Lieutenant. I owe you one."

I saluted and left the Colonel's office.

I walked down the long corridor when Rebecca showed up.

"So did you confess your love to Colonel Mustang?" She squealed.

I lightly hit her arm. "No and Never."

Rebecca sighed. "Riza, he'll never now if you don't tell him."

"He's in a relationship."

"But he's not fully committed yet. You still have time."

"I'd like to keep my job, Rebecca."

"How would you lose your job?"

"What if I tell him and he can't look at me anymore? I'll be recruited and I don't want that to happen."

Rebecca placed her hands on my shoulders. "One risk, Riza, that's all you need for the chance to stare in Colonel Mustang's eyes for eternity."

I stood silent.

"Well I have to go. See you later Riza."

I watched her walk away.

What if I did tell the Colonel my feeling for him? I've never been afraid to do anything before in my life, but the thought of Colonel Mustang knowing how I felt made me shake in my boots.

Rebecca was right though. One risk could change my life forever.

But I can't help but to think about the other side of things. What about Scarlett? She's never done anything to hurt me. In fact, every time I've talked to her, she's been so nice. I couldn't interfere with their relationship. I've seen the way the Colonel looks at her. His eyes are always filled with happiness when she's around, like a blind man seeing the world for the first time.

He could never look at me with the same love in his eyes, all I am is a subordinate.

What could a little love confession hurt though? Maybe I would feel better if Roy knew how I felt about him.

I looked at the clock. Maybe I should check to see if he was awake.

I walked to Colonel Mustang's office, fighting with myself over telling him or not telling him.

I finally reached the door to the Colonel's office and sighed. No, I won't tell him. Not yet anyway.

I walked in and froze.

"Oh, Lieutenant Hawkeye." Roy said, helping Scarlett off his lap.

"Sorry, I was just dropping Roy's lunch off." Scarlett said, wiping the corner of her mouth.

"You don't need to apologize, he's your fiancé after all." The words stung as they left my mouth.

She smiled and looked at Roy. "Yes he is." She leaned over and kissed Roy's forehead. "Lieutenant Hawkeye?"

"You can call me Riza." I replied.

"I'm planning to go dress shopping Saturday, is that good for you?"

"Yeah." I smiled, it hurt more that I thought it would. "I'm free that day."

She walked over to me and took my left hand in both of hers. "Great, be ready about ten? I'll call you ahead of time."


"Bye Roy, I love you." She smiled.

I watched his lips curl into a genuine smile. "I love you, too."

I felt like I could throw up.

Scarlett left and I went straight to my desk, trying to forget what I just witnessed.

"I'm sorry you saw that." Roy said, spinning in circles in his office chair.

"It's okay." I sighed. "I should have been more careful."

Well, heres chapter 6 of my story ^-^ I'm sorry for the wait, school started recently so it's harder to upload. stay tuned for chapter 7 :3

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