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ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ᴛʜʀᴇᴇ

"Passive-Mental Soul-Mating," the doctor began with an expectant look on his face as he turned to watch Mrs Min's expression change from one of worry to confusion.

"What?" She quizzes, shaking her head subconsciously as she pulls Yoongi in by the head to cuddle her son, "What does this mean of Yoongi?"

"Now, now," the doctor said, smiling at his patient, who supposedly had a bored expression on his face. Yoongi had already heard about this from Jin, but he paid attention for the sake of learning what his 'Retarded issue' was.

"Please," his mother begged, "just tell me if something is wrong-"

"Nothing is wrong." He concluded, taking a note in his binder book. He adjusts his glasses and lifts his head with a purely genuine smile, "Yoongi will just take a bit more time to find his soulmate even though he's already met him through his dreams-"

"Visions." Yoongi corrected firmly, earning a slap on the back of the head from his mother.

The doctor laughs, "Alright, Visions. You practically already know your soulmate, you just need to find them."

Yoongi listens as his mother lets out a deep sigh and immediately stands to shake the doctor's hand, "Oh, thank you so much! I was worried sick about him, what if he was lonely forever?!"

Her panicked reply caused a strange expression to crawl up onto the doctor's face, as if he were trying to hold back words he wasn't supposed to say but ends up saying, "Don't you worry, it's nothing special. I've had a few patients with the same gift, but only a few."

The way he emphasised 'gift' had Yoongi thinking to himself the whole walk back home, and his mother continuously muttering words of anxiety and worry wasn't helping him out the least.

"Oh, what if you were lonely forever?" She gasped, placing a hand on her chest, "I just can't imagine-"

"Mother, please!" Yoongi exclaimed, stopping and turning around to face his mother. The street suddenly went silent as if it wasn't already quite enough as Yoongi's face heated up with frustration, "I get it!"

"Oh, what do you know of this?!" His mother retorted, not helping the situation at all, "You wouldn't know what it's like to worry about giving birth to a Retard-"

Yoongi didn't want to talk any longer. Retard was still fresh in his mind since the first time it came up when he turned 21, and just wanted to escape to the place he saw his soulmate.

He turned and ran, his mother screaming after him, "You know nothing, Yoongi! Nothing!"

No matter how many times she called and cursed, Yoongi darted with only his worn-out sneakers, heading as far away as possible from his already abandoned neighbourhood, not looking back the least.

He felt hot tears streaming down his face as the wind blew against his reddening cheeks and watery eyes.

He doesn't know where he went or how he got there, but Yoongi finds himself in a faraway field of green, a playground in the far distance. He continues to run towards the scenery where he believed would be isolation.

Miles away was probably where the playground was left, far enough for it to become blurry.

The open field was green, and patches of lavender grew on the far sides scattered around him. Yoongi breathed in the scent of flowers as the warm Summer's wind blew on his face.

The far scenery showed it to be an endless path of green, and for a moment, Yoongi forgot his troubles.

Then, he was falling again.

bts yoonmin soulmate au ➳ ethereal [DISCON.]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن