Picking me up out of the basket he unwraps the blanket from my body. Sitting me on his lap I look around in curiosity.


Xael: "Would you like to see the horses Win?"


With me on his hip he opens the door and steps out of the carriage.


I point to wolves laying all around.

Xael: "Yes Win wolfies."

Walking around to the horses he watches as I pet one of them before grabbing onto its hair in excitement.

Xael: "What is your obsession with hair Winnie. Don't pull horsies hair, they don't like that."

He releases my hand from the horse's hair as I begin to sniff before letting out a wailing cry.

Xael: "Let us depart again."

"Is the human child okay your majesty?"

Xael: "You will address her by name and she is fine. She just doesn't like the word no."

Back in the carriage Xael releases his hair from its ribbon, dangling a portion of it in front of my face. Immediately ending the tears I grab onto it putting a smile back on my face.

Xael: "Look at your tiny dimples, my little cherub. I image I will be bald by the time you are a grown woman Winnie with your need to pull and tug on my hair in amusement. Will you still love me if I had no hair?"

Wiping leftover tears he digs in the satchel where my food is packed. Feeding me strawberries I continue to hold onto his hair, babbling in between bites of food. It isn't long before the carriage stops again, but this time at our destination.

Xael: "Time to meet the witch Winnie."


Positioning me into the basket, he tucks me in, making sure I can't escape out of it by rewrapping me in my blanket. A yawn escapes out of my mouth as he smiles down at me before grabbing the handle and carrying me out of the carriage.

Xael: "Stay here gentlemen and patrol the perimeter."

"Sir do you want us to watch the girl?"

Xael: "I say this for the last time, address her by name or expect a lashing when we get back. She will stay with me."

Xael's eyes scan around, adjusting to the evening light peaking through the trees before focusing on the small cottage in front of us. Strolling down the pebbled pathway the door to the home opens on its own. Entering the place it is dimly lit with candles all around. Following the trail of candles we enter a room all lit up, generating an intense amount of heat, due to a woman stirring a large cauldron over open flames in the center of the room. With her back turned away from us it is Xael's cough that breaks her concentration.

"King Xael, it is an honor to finally meet you. Your parents always spoke of you when they use to visit me for guidance."

With a wave of her hand the cauldron and all of her supplies disappears as a wooden table and chairs replace it. With the heat gone Xael steps cautiously to the table to sit down.


Xael: "Hush Winnie I am here, everything is okay."

"What a precious little darling. Too bad she is just an infant."

Xael: "What is that suppose to mean?"

"King Xael surely your parents told you about all my gifts. I am a seer by birth and a witch by teachings."

Xael: "How is that possible? Seers are extinct."

"So say you. Now set your mate down on the table, so she may see. Her curiosity is never ending is it not?"

Xael nods, deciding to take me out of the basket instead of sitting me on the table like the witch suggested. He positions me to sit up straight on his lap, facing me to be able to look around, but still coddled.

"Put dow?"

Xael: "No Winnie, no put down."

"No harm will come to her if you were to let her roam this room your majesty."

Xael: "She is fine, on my lap. I just want you to check her necklace and then we will be on our way. You will be paid in gold for your help."

"But your majesty you aren't just here for me to remove that heart shaped locket from around her neck. You have questions and I have the answers."

Xael: "Even if you are able to give me the answers I seek why should I believe you. My parents never spoke of you being a seer. Everything out of your mouth could be a lie in regards to our future, just for extra gold in your pocket."

"Have a little faith your majesty. The information I give you won't lead you astray, but guide you to a better future for you and your mate."

Sighing in frustration he looks down at me smiling up at him before slowly nodding, as if confirming what he wants to do.

Xael: "Is Winnie human or is she something more?"

Grinning brightly at Xael's question the witch waves her hand allowing her crystal ball to appear. Stroking it softly its glows a soft golden color, capturing the attention of both Xael and I.

"Don't ask questions you already know the answer to. Why does she have a scent only you can smell? Why does every time she eats animals she becomes violently ill? Flowers appear when she is happy? Weird accidents happen when she is mad? Her emotions leave you in bewilderment. Open your eyes Xael, are these traits of a human orphan slave to you?"

Xael: "Tell me what she is!"

"I can not tell you. I can only warn you. Hiding the truth will only cause heart break. Telling the truth will ease her pain. She will uncover her own identity and with that discovery your love will be tested. Your beloved was placed in the forest for a reason, and if you want to keep her safe you will make sure she stays hidden, which will be a challenge because her beauty will be mesmerizing, but it is her weakened heart that will bring forth chaos."

Xael: "You are talking in riddles. What is wrong with her heart?"

"Her heart is the key to everything. It holds all the answers."

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