167. he finds out you've been raped.

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Louis: You giggled as you leaned into Louis, bumping his shoulder with yours. He finally had a day off after months of non-stop touring, and he was happy to blow some of his money to fly you to where he was. The two of you had just stopped by Starbucks - of course - and now you were on your way to the downtown area of the city, ready to explore a place you'd never been. It was looking up to be a great day. You closed your eyes, taking in the warm sunlight in the cool autumn air, when you were knocked out of your thoughts as you collided with someone. "Oh, my God, I am so sor-" you cut yourself off as you looked into the grinning face of the man you bumped into. The blood withdrew from your face and you were left standing there, pale and shaking, barely holding on to Louis' hand. "Hey beautiful," the man winked. You felt Louis' hand grip yours tighter, his protective instincts kicking in quickly. "Just who the hell do you think you are?" Louis spat at the man. The much taller male raised one eyebrow at Louis, smirking back towards you. "Who's the punk?" he asked, throwing one shoulder in the direction of your boyfriend. You didn't say a word, but continued to shake and move slightly backwards, letting Louis push himself in front of you. "I'm her boyfriend, dickwad." The frighteningly familiar man let out a laugh. "Her boyfriend? Well, good on you, I don't know anyone else who could put up with that slut. You know she's worthless, don't you?" The man started to laugh again, but it turned into a shout of shock and pain as he was knocked over courtesy of Louis' fist. "You do not say things like that about women, and especially not about my girlfriend. Get out of here, asshole." He spat at the feet of the groaning man, turning and pulling you several feet away before setting you down on a bench and crouching down in front of you. The crowd that had formed around Louis and the man had dispersed slightly, some politely trying not to listen to the conversation you were about to have, others completely walking away, and others still standing around, listening with interested eyes. Louis turned and shot that group a glare, and they quickly scattered, eager not to meet the same fate as the man. "Are you okay?" he asked, wiping lightly at the running make-up under your eyes. "Who was that man?" You contemplated not answering, but in light of Louis' battle, you decided that you had to. "He raped me," you blurted out. Louis' eyes darkened, his mouth opening in shock. He whipped his head back towards the spot where the man had been. All that was left was a small spot of blood that had dripped from his busted lip. "That son of a-" you cut him off with a look, knowing that he knew you hated it when he cursed. "Babe, which way did he go? His ass is going to jail if it's the last thing I ever do. When did this happen? Why didn't you tell me?" You avoided his gaze, apology seeping through your every movement. "About eight months ago. You were on tour, remember? It was when everything was going really bad. The media was going crazy over the "Larry" thing and Liam's girlfriend was getting a lot of hate and he and Niall were mobbed and it just wasn't important, you know?" Louis didn't say anything. He stared at you, an incredulous look carved upon his face. "That is absolute crap and you know it." He took hold of your chin, bringing your face to a stop directly in front of his. "Tell me why, love. Why didn't you tell me?" he whimpered, now feeling helpless and guilty. You tried to look away but his eyes simply stared into yours, not letting go. "I was ruined," you said. "I am ruined." His eyes softened, his hand falling from your chin. You stayed where you were. "No. No, no, no, sweetheart, not at all. You're strong. You're perfect, and I love you, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with you. Please know that," he whispered, his lips ghosting over yours. "Please know that I love you the same as I did an hour ago, the same as I did eight months ago, the same as I always will. You can't change that, [Y/N]. I am never leaving you again. You're not getting hurt again."

Niall: Niall played with the ring on your finger as the two of you sat closely together on the loveseat in your flat. He had proposed only a few days ago, and the two of you were still high from the joy of it all. "So," he grinned at you. You mirrored his grin, the excitement clear in your face. "Now that we know we have a future - I love you, by the way - I was thinking, um," he stuttered, now growing a little nervous. "Do you, I mean, I was thinking, do you want to have a family? Like, with kids?" You felt your heart drop into your stomach, not expecting that question. Your grin faded slowly. "Niall," you whispered. "I should have told you. I should have told you and I'm so sorry." Niall cupped your face. "Angel, what should you have told me? Tell me now, please, I promise, I wont be mad." You shook your head, willing the tears to stay under your eyelids. "I can't have children, Niall." You felt him draw his hand away from your face. "What?" he whispered. You couldn't tell exactly how he felt, but you could hear from his inflection that he was not happy. "What do you mean you can't have children? [Y/N], that is not something to joke about. If you don't want kids, I'll survive, but don't lie to me about something so awful," he scoffed incredulously. You let out a small sob, now opening your eyes and letting all of your pent-up tears run down your face. His crinkled brow relaxed in realization. "You're not lying to me, are you?" he asked. You choked out something that you hoped sounded like a no, and he let out a long breath. "I am so sorry, princess. I'm sorry for accusing you and for making an ass out of myself. I love you, and this doesn't change anything. I still want you. I still want you to be my wife," he murmured, reaching out to wipe some of the slowing tears away. "I will always love you." You snorted, closing your eyes and laughing to yourself. "Niall, I'm not worth it. Honestly, I'm more messed up than that." Niall adopted a sad look. "Princess, tell me everything. Tell me how messed up you are so that I can tell you how wrong you are." You brought your head up to lock eyes with him. "I can't have children because I was raped when I was eleven and it totally destroyed my reproductive system. It was damaged beyond repair, basically," you said in a rush. Niall didn't say anything for a while; he just sat there next to you, a serene but determined look on his face. "Okay," he finally said. "Okay. I still love you. I will always love you." You gave him a crazed look, standing up from the loveseat. "I am ruined, Niall. I am dirty and useless and a failure as a woman because I can't procreate. Don't you understand? I can't be loved because I am not-" "You're not what, [Y/N]? You're not perfect? You're not a woman? Hell yes, you are. You are both. You are an angel sent down from somewhere. Do you not understand how much you have saved me?" he whimpered, now standing opposite you. You shook you head, not knowing what to say or where to go, but your instincts took over and you crushed yourself against Niall's chest, reveling in the warmth and comfort he provided as he instantly wrapped his arms around you. "Nothing you can say or do, nothing that has ever happened to you, will keep me from loving you. Do you understand that? You are perfect for me," he whispered, tilting your head up to lay a gentle kiss against your lips.

Harry: "Okay, um, my third confession is that I lost my virginity when I was fifteen." Harry said, smiling shyly. You were sitting side-by-side on Harry's bed, your backs against the headboard. You kept your hands intertwined, squeezing for comfort when the other needed support. It was raining outside, and having just seen a very raw and emotional play, the two of you were in the mood for serious conversation. You had decided to sit, not facing the other and tell confessions - things you may have lied about before, things you've never told anyone, things you've always been afraid to tell anyone. Your one rule was that there would be no speaking except for the confession - that way the other could say exactly what they needed to. Harry's confession sparked something in you, and before you lost your confidence, you spoke. "I was raped when I was fifteen." Harry's hand tightened immeasurably around yours, but, honoring your rules, he didn't say a word. You decided to go on. "It was my brother's friend. He was seventeen at the time and pretty desperate, I suppose. I mean, I wasn't a particularly attractive fifteen-year-old. I was lanky and acne ridden and I hadn't discovered the wonders of mascara yet, and really I just wasn't all that appealing. It was summer time, and the three of us - my brother, his friend, and I - were in the pool, just splashing around and having a laugh. My brother went inside because the phone was ringing, and everything went downhill from there," you whispered, wrapping your free arm around your knees. "To this day I don't know how he didn't hear me," you said, referring to your brother. "I kept yelling for him, but he never came back outside. His friend left and I just laid there on the patio, crying until the sun was long gone below the horizon. The next day, my brother didn't say anything to me," you shrugged, sighing. "Sometimes," you croaked out around the new lump that was forming in your throat. "Sometimes I wonder if he knew. If he planned it out with his friend. But then I think about it, and I hate myself, because he's my brother and he loves me, right?" you said, trying to reassure yourself. When you couldn't find the truth within, you broke your own rules and turned to Harry. "Right? I'm not unlovable, am I? I know I'm no where near perfect but I'm still capable of loving and being loved in return, aren't I?" When he didn't answer, you shook your head at yourself, ignoring the tears that persisted to roll down your face. "I know I probably deserved it-" "No!" Harry said loudly, his voice cracking and eyes opening wide. "You take that back right now. There is nothing you could have done, there is nothing you could ever do that would lead you to deserve something like that," he said, taking both of your hands and looking straight into your eyes. "You are absolutely wonderful. You have such a big heart, and you are so able to be loved. Never doubt that," he whispered, bringing his face close to yours. "I love you to the moon and back."

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