Chapter 27: Te Fiti Returns

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Te Kā prepared another attack towards the girls until she heard someone yell her name.

"TE KĀ!!" Maui yelled.

He started doing a war dance that made Te Kā mad. She almost threw a fireball at him.

"NO!" Kimi yelled as Moana held the heart and it glowed bright.

Maui and Te Kā looked at the sisters as they approached the shore line.

"Let her come to us," Moana requested.

The sea parted and Te Kā looked at them confused. As they walked towards the lava monster and Te Kā charged at them, things started to go in slow motion as the sisters held hands and sang.

🎵We have crossed the horizon to find you.🎵

🎵We know your name.🎵

🎵They have stolen in the heart from inside you.🎵

🎵But this does not define you.🎵

🎵This is not who you are.🎵

🎵You know who you are.🎵

Te Kā looked down and Moana and Kimi rested their foreheads against hers as they whispered together, "Who you truly are."

The lava monster closed her eyes at this. They both placed the heart in her chest and the molten rock shattered to reveal the mother island herself smiling at them both.

"Te Fiti," they whispered smiling.

Te Fiti made a flower crown appear on her head as she approached the place she used to be. She let her hand dig into the island that sprouted new vegetation everywhere. The ocean carried the sisters and gently placed them on the island. Maui was splashed on next then Heihei.

"The chicken lives," he chuckled.

"I'm sorry about your hook," Moana replied.

"Well, hook. No hook. I'm Maui," he said, then looked at Kimi.

"Yes, you are," Kimi smiled and gently kissed Maui.

He returned it as he held her close. Moana smiled at how happy her sister and brother figure were together. They parted but let their foreheads rest on the other as she placed her hands on his chest and his on her waist.

"I love you, Kimi of Montunui," he told her.

"I love you, Maui, demigod of the wind and sea, hero to all," she returned, making him chuckle.

Then all three of them were lifted by a large green hand and looked to see Te Fiti. The sisters bowed in respect and they instructed Maui to do the same thing. He did and Te Fiti looked at him intently, which he noticed.

"Te Fiti. How you been?" he chuckled nervously.

Te Fiti just gave him a look that said, "I'm not happy with what you did."

Maui cleared his throat then replied sincerely, "Look, what I did was...wrong. I have no excuse. I'm sorry."

Te Fiti smiled and opened her free hand to reveal a new fish hook. Maui gasped excitedly but tried to hold it back, making Kimi giggle.

"You know, it would be rude to refuse a gift from a goddess," Moana lightly chuckled.

Maui took the fish hook and did his famous yell. Moana and Kimi lightly elbowed him.

"Thank you. Your kind gesture is deeply appreciated," he said then whispered his yell.

He turned into a bug and flew away.

Kimi giggled and responded, "I love that guy."

Te Fiti brought them to her and they rested their foreheads against hers. She put them on the beach as Maui turned back into himself and put his arm around Kimi while she rested one hand on his chest and her head on his shoulder. Te Fiti made a new canoe for them and grew even bigger. She started to lay down until she formed into the island. Maui loaded up the cargo hold on the new canoe for the girls and Heihei fell in.

"Gonna miss you, drumstick," Maui said.

"You can come with us, you know. Our people are going to need a master way finder," Moana proposed.

"They are already have two," Maui smiled.

He moved his necklace to show a new tattoo forming. It was of Moana and Kimi on the canoe. Moana hugged Maui and when they parted, he looked at a tearful yet happy Kimi. She walked up to him and he caressed her cheeks, wiping the tears away.

"I'm gonna miss you, Maui," she said.

"You'll see me again, Kimi. I want to be with you and nothing is going to keep me from you. I'm always yours and you'll always be mine," he responded, determined.

She smiled as she told him, "I love you."

"I love you too," Maui returned.

He kissed her briefly and when they parted, they stepped back and the sisters waved at Mini Maui.

"See you out there, Maui," Kimi said.

"What she said," Moana added.

"See you out there, you two," Maui returned.

He turned into a hawk and shouted his yell as he flew around. The sisters giggled at that. Moana waved at him and Kimi blew him a kiss, which he winked at her in return. Then he was off and Moana and Kimi were off to Montunui.


A/N They saved the world! Awesome!

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