Chapter 26: Facing Te Kā

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Moana and Kimi put their hair in buns as they approached where Te Kā rested.

"Te Kā can't follow us under water. We make it pass the barrier islands, we make it to Te Fiti," Moana explained.

"None of which you understand, because you are a chicken," Kimi continued to the chicken.

Moana giggled and they made it to Te Kā. Kimi shape shifted into an eagle and flew towards the lava monster. Te Kā appeared and they fought as Moana started to head towards the entrance. Kimi dodged each attack with ease and successfully hit Te Kā every time. Moana made it inside, but Te Kā managed to throw a fireball at the top of the gap. Kimi went to check on her and the force of the debris jolted her forward and made the heart pop out of her necklace.

"No!" she shouted, but Heihei caught it and she exclaimed, "Heihei!"

Every time it slipped Moana and Kimi would panic. But Heihei managed to hold onto it and give it to Moana.

"Nice work," Kimi complemented.

They kept going until they made it to the other side and saw the island they've been searching for.

"Te Fiti," they sighed.

Then Te Kā knocked the boat over into the water along with everything and everybody on it. Kimi turned into a dolphin and swam to Moana. She helped her to the surface and together, they tried to pull the boat back upright. Then just before Te Kā could attack them again, they heard a familiar hawk cry. It turned into the famous demigod himself and he cut off Te Kā's left arm.

"Maui!" the sisters shouted happily.

Te Kā roared in pain as Maui landed on the boat with them.

"You came back," Moana said.

He chuckled and showed the folded up note he had. Kimi cupped her mouth with both hands and started to tear up.

"I knew you had a thing for me," he smirked at her.

"Don't ruin it," Kimi rolled her eyes playfully.

"But in all seriousness, I love you too," Maui replied.

Kimi smiled so big and kissed him passionately, which he returned. Once they finished, they hugged and Moana just smiled. Then she remembered something when they parted.

"But your hook. One more hit, and..." she trailed off.

Maui smirked and responded, "Te Kā's gotta catch me first."

Te Kā roared as her arm grew back.

"I've got your back, chosen ones. Go save the world," Maui told them as he turned the boat back over.

"Maui. Thank you," Kimi said.

"You're welcome," Maui responded, making her giggle.

He turned back into a hawk and flew towards Te Kā. Then he turned into a whale and splashed Te Kā. The sisters sailed toward Te Fiti while making sure Maui was okay. When Te Kā recovered, Maui, as a shark, bit her finger. She yanked him off, but he turned into a lizard and ran across her back and arm. Once free, he turned back into into a hawk and flew out of sight until he appeared on her arm.

"Hey! Te Kā! Shark head," he joked as he was the way he was when they left Lalotai.

He cut her arm off again and transformed into a hawk. But Te Kā smacked Maui to a rock. But then he noticed Te Kā was now focusing on the girls and threw a fireball at them.

"Moana! Kimi!" Maui warned.

The ocean blocked it to slow it down and it hit behind their canoe. They fell in the water, but the ocean brought Moana to the surface and on the shore line while Kimi swam as a dolphin then back as a human once on land.

"Get the heart to the spiral," Maui instructed.

They did and Moana got the heart ready. Meanwhile, Maui looked at his hook that now had a bigger crack in his hook. But he was determined to do this.

"For Kimi," he whispered to himself.

They attacked, but the impact caused him to land hard on another rock and his hook was destroyed.

The girls gasped at this and they knew they had to hurry, but when they reached the top, they only saw what looked like the shadow of the mother island.

"Te Fiti," Moana said.

"It's gone," Kimi replied in disbelief.

But when they looked back at Te Kā, she had a spiral on her chest that matched the heart. They looked at each other, knowing what they had to do.


A/N Maui and Kimi had their first kiss and they're all working together to get Te Fiti back. But Te Fiti is not who they expected.

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