Chapter 17: Lalotai Part 1: Entrance

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Kimi and Maui couldn't quit smiling through the night and as the sun was rising. Moana then jolted awake from a nightmare and Kimi immediately noticed.

"You okay?" she asked.

"Yeah. I'm fine," Moana answered.

"Enjoy your beauty rest? You know a real way finder never sleeps. So they actually get where they need to go. Muscle up buttercups. We're here," Maui said.

They looked to see a tall rock. They made it to the shoreline and tied the boat to one of the rocks.

"You sure this guy's gonna have your hook?" Moana asked.

"Tamatoa? Oh yeah, he'll have it. He's a scavenger. Collects stuff, things that looks cool," Maui explained as he told Heihei to eat the food he gave him and continued, "And for Tomatoa, trust me, my hook is the coolest collectible."

"And he lives up there?" Kimi asked.

"Oh, no, no, no, no. That's just the entrance. To Lalotai," Maui answered.

"Lalotai? Realm of Monsters?" Moana shuddered.

"I've never been, but heard a lot about it," Kimi responded.

"We're going to the Realm of Monsters?" Moana wondered.

"We? As in 'us three'? No. Me and Kimi. You are gonna stay here with the other chicken," Maui answered then clucked like a chicken then added to his tattoo self who wasn't impressed, "That's what I'm talking about, give me some" ... "Come on, that was a good one, how you'd not get it. I called her chicken, that chicken on the boat." ... "I know she's human, but that's not. You know...forget it. Forget it, I'm not explaining it to you. What? Cause then it's not funny."

"Why am I going though if I have no experience either?" Kimi asked.

"You may not have been there, but you can handle yourself. You did for fours years before you met me," Maui answered.

She nodded but signaled Moana to follow them. When Maui noticed her doing so, he groaned but decided to make conversation.

"So, second daughter of the chief. I thought you stayed in the village. You know, kissing babies and things," Maui said.

Moana just glared at him as Kimi kept climbing.

"Hey, I'm just trying to understand why your people decided to send...How do I phrase this? You. I can understand Kimi, but I'm curious why they would do the same for you," Maui explained.

"Our people didn't send us. The ocean did," Moana answered.

"The ocean...makes sense, you're what? Eight. Can't sail. Obvious choice," Maui stated.

"She's seventeen," Kimi corrected him.

"And it chose us for a reason," Moana added.

"No offense, but if the ocean's so smart, why didn't it just take the heart back to Te Fiti itself? Or bring me my hook? The ocean straight up cooky dooks," Maui pointed out.

Kimi rolled her eyes playfully at him for that.

"But I'm sure it's not wrong about you both. You're the chosen ones," Maui continued.

They made it to the top and Kimi and Moana looked over the ocean in deep thought.

"The ocean chose us for a reason," Moana whispered.

"If you two start singing, I'm gonna throw up," Maui groaned.

"I thought you liked my singing," Kimi smirked, making Maui blush.

"So, not seeing an entrance," Moana replied.

"Yes, because it only appears after a human sacrifice," Maui said.

This made Moana and Kimi a little fearful.

"Kidding, Ha ha ha! So serious," Maui laughed.

He blew off all the sand on top, making the sisters cough. They looked to see a face engraved underneath them. Maui started shouting and doing some type of war dance, making the girls raise their eyebrows. Then he pounded the ground and it opened to reveal what looked like a purple portal.

"Don't worry, it's a lot farther down than it looks," Maui tried to assure.

He did his yell as he cannonballed into the mouth and Moana and Kimi looked down.

"I am still falling!" Maui shouted before they heard a splash.

"We can do this," Kimi assured as she and Moana held hands.

"Go," Moana said as they jumped and the mouth closed.


A/N They are entering the Realm of Monsters with brave faces. But what are they up against?

Moana Fan Fiction (Maui X Kimi)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora