Chapter 10: Family

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That same night, Kimi was tossing and turning in a cave. She groaned as she sat up and decided to look at the ocean to clear her head. She sat on the rock and looked out to see the ocean, never staying still. It reminded her when she, Moana, and Tala danced along the shore line. A tear went down her cheek as she remembered that moment.

"Hey. You okay?" Maui asked.

Kimi sniffled, wiped the tear away, and answered with a forced smile as she stood up, "Yeah. I just couldn't sleep."

But he wasn't buying it.

"Kimi, you may have only been here for a day, but I can tell when someone is hiding something. So what's going on?" Maui said as he sat on a neighboring rock.

Kimi sighed, sat back down, and  answered honestly, "I miss my family. More my little sister and grandmother. They supported me going out on the ocean. My parents, not so much. I was supposed to be the next chief, but after leaving, my sister is next in line. Besides, they must think I'm dead now."

"So, you're a princess and a demigoddess?" Maui asked.

"I guess so," Kimi chuckled lightly.

Maui gave a small smile at her until he frowned a little.

"I don't really know how to help you there," he said.

"Can I ask why?" Kimi asked.

"It's not something I like or want to talk about," Maui answered.

"Oh, sorry," she apologized.

"It's fine," he shrugged then stated, "Well, I'm gonna get some shut eye."

"Good night, Maui," Kimi replied.

"Good night, Kimi," Maui responded.

Once he left, she started writing him a note. She wanted to tell him how much he meant to her, even though it's been a day. Once finished, she smiled, folded it up, and looked out on the ocean. She hoped that she would get the opportunity to give it to him.


A/N Kimi opened up to Maui, but he's not quite ready to do the same. What is next with them on this island?

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