Chapter 19: Lalotai Part 3: Tamatoa

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Maui dressed Moana up in treasure while he told Kimi to go on the next level. She nodded and once up there, she put her long hair in a bun. Moana was ready and she walked around the pile of treasure and banged a drum.

She sighed and said unenthusiastically, "Wow, the shiny glittering cave. And just like me, it's covered in sparkling treasure. Sparkle. Sparkle. Sparkle."

"You're not selling it," Maui whispered.

"This is stupid. Can't she just go up there and get it?" Kimi asked.

"Yes. Please," Moana responded.

"No. If she goes up there, he will kill her. Just stick to the plan," Maui answered Kimi, Moana banged the drum in response, then he added, "Oh! When he shows up, keep him distracted. Make him talk about himself. He loves bragging about how great he is."

"You two must get along swell," Moana replied sarcastically.

"No, not since I ripped his leg off," Maui said.

Moana stopped and Kimi started to ask, "You ripped off his--"

But Maui was gone.

"Maui!?" Moana called quietly.

Then the ground started to shake and Moana almost fell until she was lifted by a giant claw. Then she came up close and personal with a huge crab: Tamatoa himself.

"What have we here?" he chuckled, making Moana gasp fearfully, then he continued, "It's a sparkly, shiny-- wait a minute."

He flipped her, making all the treasure come off her, and caught her in his claw.

"It's a human! What are you doing down here in the realms of the monst--" he demanded, but Moana didn't know which eye to focus on, so he said, "Just pick an eye, babe. I can't-- I can't concentrate on what I saying if you keep-- Yep, pick one! Pick one!"

She finally looked at his right eye.

"You're a funny looking little thing, aren't you?" he asked, tugging a little on her necklace.

"Don't! That's my grandma's," Moana exclaimed, snatching it back.

"'That's my grandma's'," he mocked then replied, "I ate my grandma!!! And it took a week because she was absolutely humongous. Why are you here?"

Maui about jumped for the hook, but because Tamatoa moved, he grabbed the edge and was hanging off. Kimi ran to him and helped him up. Tamatoa heard it, but Moana stopped him from looking.

"Because you're amazing! And we mortals have heard...the tales about the crab...who became a legend. And I got to know. How did you get so crab...ulous?" Moana explained unconvincingly as Kimi and Maui tried to find a way to get his hook.

"Are you just trying to get me to talk about myself? Because if you are," he started threateningly then added happily, "I will gladly do so!! In song form!"

He flicked a piece of treasure into the water, making the sun reflect off of it on him and the walls.

Well, Tamatoa hasn't always been this glam
I was a drab little crab once
Now I know, I can be happy as a clam
Because I'm beautiful, baby.
Did your granny say "listen to your heart"
Be who you are on the inside
I need three words to tear her argument apart
Your granny lied

Kimi and Maui nodded at each other and he threw her onto Tamatoa's shell. Luckily, he didn't notice. She held on to the hook as he spun around.

I'd rather be shiny like a treasure from a sunken pirate wreck
Scrub the deck and make it look shiny
I will sparkle like a wealthy woman's neck
Just a sec, don't you know?
Fish are dumb, dumb, dumb
They chase anything that glitters
Oh, and here they come, come, come
To the brightest thing that glitters
Mmm, fish dinners
I just love free food
You look like seafood

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