"Master Ashoka spent a lot of time at the Old Jedi Temple. Your father was her master you know." She told him.

Luke looked at her. "No I didn't. Raina? What did your master say my father was like? Did she ever talk about him?" Luke asked.

"Yes. A little bit, but most of what I heard about him was when she was talking to. . .the man who killed her."

Raina decided not to tell him that it was Vader who killed her master.

"What was my father like? Who was he when she knew him?" He asked in a sort of excitement.

Raina smiled at him, but her amused smile quickly turned into a sad one. Raina began to think back to that terrible day.


Suddenly Raina heard strong footsteps. There was a sound of heavy breathing. Raina began to feel a dark presence. She knew she would have to close herself off. She focused on nothing. She was nothing.

She heard a low masculine voice. "Good work, General. Leave us."

The door closed. 'Nothing.' Raina thought.

"So. We meet again, my young apprentice."

"I am no longer your padawan." Ashoka spat.

"No. You are a grown Jedi. A master to your own padawan. I must have taught you well." The man boasted.

"You taught me nothing. My master was Anakin Skywalker." Ashoka said strongly.

"You call yourself a Jedi, yet you, yourself failed to finish your training. You left. You gave up." Vader spat.

"I did not. My master, Anakin Skywalker, he was beginning to go down a path I couldn't follow. So I left."

"Fool." Vader said.

"Am I? Anakin died, because he went down the path of fear and hatred. His last moments were of suffering. He was the fool."

"He was weak and petty. I am strong and powerful." Vader concluded.

"And alone." Ashoka added.

"Padme loved you, but because you let your own desires light your way...you lost her and everyone else in your life. Even Master Kenobi."

"He was never my friend. He is dead to me. He means nothing. I loved Padme. Everything I did was for her. She did not love me or she would have joined me." He said in anger.

"Are you so far gone that you actually believe that?! You were her life! She died because she lost you!"

"Enough! I will not hear anymore of this! That life is behind me. Anakin Skywalker is dead."

Raina listened to the two. Had Vader once been her master? It was all so confusing. 'No focus Raina! You are nothing. There is nothing.' She told herself.

"And so he is." Ashoka agreed, sadly.

"Ashoka you have become a powerful Jedi. I always was fond of you. Join me. Together we can defeat the emperor. We can rule the galaxy! We can have what we lost. Mend our bond." Vader said.

My Master Skywalker - Book(2) Where stories live. Discover now